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Even if you are escaping, your speed can't escape those demon saints, those demon saints are Monster Saint late stage. "

Qin Shuang's heart sank to the bottom, and Black Tortoise has vetoed all the possibilities for her to be alive.

"You have only one way! "Black Tortoise's voice came again: "Enter Monster Suppressing Tower. Just because of this, the Monster Suppressing Tower will be exposed, and I am afraid that there is no possibility of escape. Those demon saints will never let go of the Immortal Artifact level of treasure like Monster Suppressing Tower. "

Qin Shuang's heart suddenly moved: "Black Tortoise, if I enter the Monster Suppressing Tower and make sword charms in the Monster Suppressing Tower, wouldn't I be able to kill them all?" "

"impossible! "Black Tortoise immediately denied: "The reason why you can successfully slay the demon saints of the Azure Ox clan is because they are totally unsuspecting. And now those tiger clan demon saints are on guard against you. Don't say whether they can withstand your sword charms, or they can't withstand them, they can also avoid them, and you are impossible to kill them all. After your sword charm is released, they will hunt you down again.

You not only exposed the Monster Suppressing Tower, but also the exposed sword charms. I am afraid that it is not the hunting and killing of the tiger clan, but the hunting and killing of the entire Monster Race. Not to mention whether your sword charm will reveal your identity, it is the Monster Suppressing Tower, which will drive all Monster Race cultivators crazy, and in the end it may cause Monster Race Old Ancestor Level to pursue other pursuits. You have no chance even more.

Don’t forget, this is not Martial Artist Continent, but Monster Realm. Monster Race is everywhere, only you fight alone, no chance at all. "

"That would not be able to wait here and be beaten to death by them. There is only one fight. "

As soon as Qin Shuang wanted to step into the Monster Suppressing Tower, he suddenly heard a demon saint on the opposite side, and said to Qin Shuang:

"This Fellow Daoist, please Up! "

Qin Shuang couldn't help but stop at the thought that had just emerged, and stared at the demon saint who opened his mouth on the opposite side. That demon saint is a demon saint Eighth Layer. At this time, his heart is also a little wandering. Based on his cultivation base, he can tell that the opposite Qin Shuang is just a Monster God Third Layer. How can it be possible to kill all the more than three hundred Azure Ox cultivators?

He knew that among the five demon saints who died in the Azure Ox clan, there was a demon saint Eighth Layer that was the same as his cultivation base. He doubted what ultimate weapon Qin Shuang had in his hands, and he was already certain that Qin Shuang was still one. Array Master.

Array Master is the most daunting!

Although he can be sure that he must not fall into the formation at this time. But who Know if the next moment will fall into the formation?

"This Tiger Fellow Daoist invited! "Qin Shuang cups the hands calmly.

The tiger clan demon saint is in his heart. He calls Qin Shuang Fellow Daoist, which is a kind of temptation. If Qin Shuang calls him senior, then It means that Qin Shuang is timid, and at least he is not qualified to sit on an equal footing with him. However, now Qin Shuang calls him Fellow Daoist, which shows that Qin Shuang has a hole card to sit on an equal footing with him.

" Tiger tribe, Banao! "

"Phoenix Clan, Fengming! "

"Phoenix Clan! "

Ban Ao's heart was moved. Phoenix Clan is not as simple as a big clan, but like their tiger clan, they are both a big clan with a long inheritance. Then he asked tentatively:

"I wonder why Feng Fellow Daoist Ming waited here to kill the Azure Ox clan? "

"It's nothing. "Qin Shuang said indifferently: "In Myriad Demons City, the demon sword Gao Litian injured my friends in Cracking Sky and Qingqiu Mountain, and challenged me, so I killed them on the Life and Death Stage. The Azure Ox clan even dared to threaten me to kill me. I told them that since they wanted to kill me, then I would destroy their clan. "

"His..." Banao couldn't help holding breath cold air: "One person challenges the other clan!" Great courage and fierce character. "

Ban Ao has somewhat restrained Qin Shuang's killing intent. People like Qin Shuang are really too scary. If she can't be killed all at once, there will be no end in the future. The trouble.

The corpses of more than three hundred Azure Ox cultivators are a living example, and before this, the Azure Ox cultivators didn’t know how many cultivators were killed by Fengming. So, the tone was light. Released a trace of kindness:

"Feng Fellow Daoist Ming, no matter how strong your hole cards are, unless you can tell the Phoenix Clan and Azure Ox clan to fight, otherwise with your strength alone, it is impossible Against the entire Azure Ox family. You are impulsive. "

Qin Shuang said with a dismissive look on his face: "You don't need help from the family." I am an Alchemy Dao Master myself, at worst I offer a medicine pill for killing an Azure Ox cultivator, and then I offer a medicine pill. "

"Huh? Banao said in surprise: "Are you Alchemy Dao Master?" "

"Good! "Qin Shuang proudly nodded and said: "At the Pill Dao conference in Myriad Demons City, I refined a Master Rank medicine pill. After communicating with Pyracantha Master and the others a few days ago, I came to Kill the Azure Ox clan here. After beheading this time, I am going to return to Myriad Demons City. The four Masters are still waiting to exchange information about Dan Dao Heart with me. how? You do not believe? "

"Oh..." Banao said awkwardly: "Believe it, how come you don't believe it?" "

Qin Shuang then curl one's lip said: "As long as you go to Myriad Demons City, these things are naturally easy to understand. "

Ban'ao turned his eyes and said, "Feng Fellow Daoist Ming, the relationship between our Tiger clan and Azure Ox clan was not good at first, and there are frequent fights, as long as it is Monster Realm's cultivator. I have also heard of it compared to Fellow Daoist. Therefore, we did not walk together. You killed the Azure Ox clan, our tiger clan is only happy. Why don't we go to Myriad Demons City together? "

Qin Shuang thought for a while, it's really the same thing. If the two Monster Races are not opposites, would they not go together? So Qin Shuang's heart is slightly relaxed, but Or curl one's lip said:

"Are you sure you want to walk with me? "

Ban Ao also woke up at this time, but Qin Shuang killed a large number of Azure Ox cultivators. If she enters Myriad Demons City with her, wouldn’t it be the Azure Ox’s suspicion that it was their tiger? Clan and Qin Shuang join forces?

Moreover, I’m afraid the Azure Ox clan will still think that the tiger clan is the most powerful one. After all, Qin Shuang is only one person. Right now he awkwardly hit two hahas, and for a while , On the contrary, I don’t know what to do.

Qin Shuang’s mood is much lighter at this time. After she reported her identity as Alchemy Dao Master, she clearly felt that Banao’s attitude was much better. After a while, the day of the Ten Thousand Demons Ceremony is almost approaching, and I also intercepted and killed many cultivators of the Azure Ox clan, which definitely caused the Azure Ox clan to be wounded and painful, so I should return to Myriad Demons City. said with a smile:

"Forget it, I'll go back alone. However, Fellow Daoist doesn't have to hide the matter of me killing the Azure Ox clan. I just want to let the Azure Ox clan know that I killed these cultivators. "


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