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At the end of the conversation, Qin Shuang cups the hands to Banao Yi: "Farewell."

With a wave of his sleeves, he turned and strode away. Qin Shuang did not walk in the sky, so as not to give Ban Ao the feeling that he was about to run away.

Banao looked at Qin Shuang's back, narrowed his eyes, and waved his hand. The team followed Qin Shuang and kept a short distance.

Qin Shuang step by step walks forward, each step is Shrinking the Earth into an Inch, although there is no flight, the speed is extremely fast. Between her eyebrows, heroism flew up.

The killing in the past twenty days has made her realm after the breakthrough very solid. As long as she raises her cultivation base to Peak again in the future, she can choose the breakthrough.

While walking, while sorting out the gains during this period of time, my understanding of Dharma and Tao has improved a little bit.

Myriad Demons City.

Qin Shuang entered the city gate, glanced away, and looked at the two Azure Ox cultivators standing not far away from the city gate with a faint smile. The two cultivators saw Qin Shuang came in from outside the city, his expression could not help being taken aback. When he saw Qin Shuang walking towards the two of them, his expression couldn't help changing, and he became nervous.

"You, you...What are you doing?"

Qin Shuang stood in front of the two Azure Ox cultivators, faintly smiled and said:

"Go back and tell you Elder, I Fengming said that if you want to destroy your clan, you must destroy your clan. Your Azure Ox clan came to the cultivator of Myriad Demons City, and I was very happy to be killed."

When the words were over, Qin Shuang flicked his sleeves and left, and Qin Shuang's silver bell-like laughter came with the wind.

The two Azure Ox cultivators looked at each other in blank dismay, and then hurriedly left.

Fengming in the Inn came out of the room and left the Inn. Qin Shuang walked to an alley, turned around, and saw Feng Ming standing in the alley with a smile. A smile appeared on Qin Shuang's face, and he walked towards Fengming. Fengming turned into a stream of light and entered the Monster Suppressing Tower.

The residence of the Azure Ox family.

Fifth Elder listened to the two dísciples. Before he could speak, he saw another Elder suddenly shouted:

"Impossible! Second Elder is Monster Saint 8-Layer Fengming is absolutely impossible to kill Second Elder."

Fifth Elder frowned, thought for a moment and said: "Seventh Elder, you immediately leave Myriad Demons City and go out to check it out."



Seventh Elder hurried away.

The residence of Qingqiu Mountain.

Hu Meiniang heard that Qin Shuang was back, she hurried over, stood in front of Qin Shuang, looked up and down, saw that Qin Shuang was fine, and then sighed in relief:

"Where did you go?"

"Go outside the city and intercept the cultivator of the Azure Ox clan."

"Ah? You, you...really Want to destroy the Azure Ox clan?" Hu Meiniang grew her mouth in surprise.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Qin Shuang said with a smile.

Qin Shuang’s tone barely fell, a voice came from outside the gate: "Phoenix Clan, Feng Xiaowu begs to see Feng Master."

"It’s so fast!"


Qin Shuang smiled and got up. She also expected Phoenix Clan to meet her. Last time I left Myriad Demons City too fast. This time Phoenix Clan was naturally afraid of disappearing again. After all, I still have the inheritance of nine colors of light on my body. I am afraid that apart from the Azure Ox clan who are looking for themselves, Phoenix Clan has also been looking for himself.

"Senior Sister Hu, I will check it out."

"I'll be with you!" Hu Meiniang also stood up.

"No!" Qin Shuang said as he walked out, "I'm afraid I'm going to meet some Phoenix Clan elders."


Qin Shuang came to the gate, and saw a young woman standing at the gate. When Qin Shuang came out, she stepped forward and said:

"Feng Xiaowu pays respect to Feng Master "

Qin Shuang said with a smile: "We should be the same generation, so we don’t have to call me Master. Let’s be a sister."

Feng Xiaowu’s face immediately A smile burst out and said: "Xiaowu pays respects to Fengming's elder sister."

Qin Shuang took out a jade bottle containing five Wanlian Body Tempering Pills from the storage ring and handed it to Feng Xiaowu. :

"Call me an elder sister, I always have to give you a little meeting gift."

"Thanks Elder Sister Xie!" Feng Xiaowu happily grabbed the jade bottle in his hand and said: "The Great Elder wants to see you."

"Great Elder? The Old Ancestor hasn't come yet?"

"The Old Ancestor hasn't come yet."

Qin Shuang nodded, followed Feng Xiaowu towards Phoenix Clan's residence. Along the way, Feng Xiaowu kept talking on chirp chirp twitter. He admired Qin Shuang and introduced Phoenix Clan. Unconsciously, he came to the residence of Phoenix Clan, and as Feng Xiaowu entered the gate, he was led all the way to the back by Feng Xiaowu. Finally stopped in front of a great hall. When he came to the door of the great hall, Feng Xiaowu stopped his footsteps:

"Great Elder is inside, elder sister, please go in by yourself."

Qin Shuang nodded, just Moved Lianbu lightly and stepped into the door.

"You finally appeared!"

There is only one person in the great hall, a graceful woman. At this moment, she is sitting in the upper position, her sleeves flicking, Qin Shuang The door behind him closed suddenly.

"Phoenix Clan Great Elder, Fengtian."

Qin Shuang stepped forward and said: "Fengming pays respects to the Great Elder."

"Sit down !"

"Thank you for sitting!" Qin Shuang took a seat.

Feng Tian looked up and down Qin Shuang, with emotion on his face:

"I didn’t expect that you, an orphan living alone, would be able to cultivation to such an extent. And you can get Pill Dao inheritance."

"It's all a coincidence." Qin Shuang said softly.

Feng Tian nodded said: "However, you are so courageous that you dare to kill the genius demon knife of the Azure Ox clan, and even let out a rhetoric that you have to deal with one clan. It seems that you If I live alone, my temper is too wild."

Qin Shuang faintly smiled and said: "Great Elder recruited me today, not to say that I am wild, right? However, I have become wild. I can't change it."

Feng Tian's expression changed after hearing this. In fact, she is also very troubled by Qin Shuang. Phoenix Clan's history is not without the orphans living outside. These loneliness are fighting on their own, and they are all difficult to train.

“However, I also know that Phoenix Clan’s purpose of putting the nine-color light stone tablet in the Monster Race hall, to inherit the nine-color light, should also be the obsession of the ancestors of Phoenix Clan, so for me I won’t dominate alone.”

Feng Tian’s face was a joy, and he burst into a smile and said, “I’m indeed the Phoenix Race Bloodline. Although I’m living outside, I don’t lose a Pure Heart. Fengming, don’t worry. From now on, you will no longer be alone. Behind you is the mighty Phoenix Clan. The Azure Ox clan threatens you, the family will solve it for you. By the way, you these days Where did I go?"

"I went outside the city and intercepted the Azure Ox cultivator who came to Myriad Demons City to participate in the Ten Thousand Demons Ceremony." Qin Shuang said lightly.

Feng Tian's face changed involuntarily: "Are you going to intercept the Azure Ox clan?"



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