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Myriad Demons City.

In the residence of the Azure Ox clan, several demon saints gathered in the great hall again, all frowning, and one demon saint whispered:

"Fifth Elder, why did my cultivator come to Myriad Demons City in the past ten days?"

Fifth Elder frowned slightly and said, "Maybe it was delayed on the road?"

"But...Other Monster Race cultivators have arrived in large quantities in the past ten days."

Fifth Elder pondered for a moment and said: "Have you found Fengming recently?"

"No! Since she injured our people that day, she has disappeared. No trace of her leaving was found at the city gate. The cultivator has been scattered for more than ten days and there is still no trace of her."

"Look again, and she must be found for me."

"Okay!" The demon saint gritted his teeth and said: "I will increase the number of cultivators to search for."

beyond a thousand li.

The top of the mountain.

Qin Shuang and Fengyan stood side by side on the top of the mountain. Looking down, they saw a team of more than 300 cultivators. This is the largest number of Azure Oxs Qin Shuang has seen so far. cultivator. And you don't need to look at it with your eyes, you can feel Monster Qi's vertical and horizontal, and there is more than one demon saint.

Qin Shuang and Feng Yan immediately retracted their gazes, afraid of being perceived by the demon saint below. Qin Shuang lowered his voice and said:

"The cultivator that came this time, the cultivation base is amazing!"

Feng Yan nodded and said: "It is probably the real expert of the Azure Ox clan ."

Qin Shuang closed his eyes and felt for a while and said: "I feel that there is no Peak Cultivator."

"Such cultivator should be the Monster Race Old Ancestor Level and others. Exist, the dísciple in their clan did not come back from Monster Realm Secret Realm, so Old Ancestor It shouldn’t be from the Azure Ox clan. The leader below should be Elder level, and the worst cultivation base should be Martial. In the later stage of Sage, with your current cultivation base, even if you turn on the Fire Phoenix body and merge the three attributes, it is not an opponent. Even more how, there are so many Monster Race cultivators below?"

Qin Shuang slightly nodded said: "Yes, there should be five more demon saints below, bringing the elites of the Azure Ox clan to participate in the Ten Thousand Monsters Convention. If these Monster Races can be wiped out, the Azure Ox clan will definitely be a painful one."

"Are you crazy?" Feng Yan said in a cold voice.

"I'm not crazy!" Qin Shuang said calmly: "Azure Ox and I are already irreconcilable. Either they perish or I die."

"I know this!" Feng Yan said anxiously: "But you are going to die."

"Not necessarily!"

"Do you...want to use sword charms?" Feng Yan looked startled, and then turned towards From a distance, he said, "A Monster Race team came from behind. Seeing that Monster Qi ascends, there should also be at least five demon saints. Unless you kill them all, you will definitely expose your use of sword charms. "

"So I need your help." Qin Shuang said with a slight smile.


"Yes! To what extent have you cultivated the inheritance of phantoms?"

"Zhongcheng Peak! This realm impossible is bewildered Demon Saint." Feng Yan said solemnly.

"There is no need to confuse them, as long as the detection of the Monster Race behind them is blocked, can it be done?"


" That's it! The Azure Ox clan is coming, you enter my Sea of ​​Consciousness, let's go down."


Feng Yan turned into a black light, Entering the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Qin Shuang, Qin Shuang stepped on the void and fell down one side.


Across two kilometers away, the demon saint of the Azure Ox clan saw Qin Shuang's falling silhouette, his eyes condensed. When he saw that it was just an Azure Ox woman, and the rising Monster Qi was nothing more than a Monster God, he relaxed his mind, thinking it was the young master of Monster Race, waiting to see him in the front. Therefore, the team of hundreds of cultivators did not stop, and they were not alert, and continued to walk towards Qin Shuang neither too fast nor too slow.

They really don't need to be on guard, just a Monster God. There are no less than ten Monster Gods in their team, and there are five demon saints, dozens of Monster Emperors, and more than a hundred Monster Kings. There is no need to guard.

Qin Shuang's eyebrows quietly flowed down to the Sea of ​​Consciousness. Here, a kilometer in front of him has constructed an imaginary formation.

Behind the Azure Ox clan came the tiger clan, and at this time they were walking in the back.

When more than 300 cultivators of the Azure Ox clan are more than 500 meters away from Qin Shuang, they have completely entered the scope of the Fengyan imaginary formation.

In Qin Shuang’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, Feng Yan pinched his hands and lightly scolded them:

"array start!"

"en? What about them? Nothing?"

A cultivator from the tiger clan behind, suddenly discovered that more than three hundred Azure Ox clan cultivators in front of them had suddenly disappeared.

The shout of him shocked the demon saint of the tiger clan, and the demon saint of the tiger clan looked on again and shouted:


As soon as he uttered this "stop", he heard a loud and dense sword cry coming from the front.

"Zheng Zhengzheng..."

"Do you dare..."

The tiger demon saint also heard the shout out loudly of Cyan Ox Monster Saint, and I lost my voice.


Feng Yan's imaginary formation finally couldn't withstand Qin Shuang's release of all five sword charms, and there was a sudden explosion. At the moment of the explosion, Qin Shuang also raised his index to point in the air.


In the tiger cultivator's field of vision, they saw the disappeared Azure Ox cultivator suddenly appear in their eyes, but they were violent energy. The strikes had to fly around, and some cultivators were bombarded in midair. After the rumbling sound disappeared, there was a piece of debris on the ground, and the only ones that could keep the corpse relatively intact were the five demon saints.

"This... is all dead?" The Tiger Clan Demon Saint stared at everything blankly, and then he felt stunned: "This cultivator won't kill them all, right?"


Only a moment, his body burst out with murderous aura, and other tiger cultivators also took out spiritual weapon one after another, and the murderous aura looked at the opposite Qin Shuang diffusely.

Qin Shuang's expression remained unchanged, but waves were stirred in his heart.

"Not good, these tiger cultivators will not avenge the Azure Ox clan, right? The Cyan Ox Monster Saint with the highest cultivation base just now is too strong, forcing me to use five swords All the charms were released, and now there is no one sword charm. This is indeed my carelessness. I should make more sword charms."

"These tiger races saw that I had destroyed more than 300 The cultivator of the Azure Ox clan will definitely not fight with me alone, and will surely come together, so I must not be an opponent.

I'm dead!"

"Black Tortoise, you guys Together, is there any hope to make a bloody escape, escape alive?" Qin Shuang looked calm and his eyes were light, but they asked quietly in the heart.

"It is extremely difficult, you simply have no chance of escaping to heaven."

In the heart of Haoran, Black Tortoise's voice came: "Even if your cards are fully opened, it is impossible. Many opponents of the demon saint who have been fully prepared.


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