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"Impossible is intentional incompleteness. So many inheritances in the hall of Monster Race are incomplete. It should be that they didn't fully understand it at the beginning.

That's right. Heavenly Dao has given Monster Race great power and life essence, but their wisdom and comprehension are not as good as Human Race. They can understand something, relying on their natural affinity for the inheritance of the same race. But these inheritances are the ancestors. Level of Monster Race inheritance, and now these Great Demons in Monster Race are not the ancestor level, even if they are close to the same race, it is difficult to fully understand without a very high comprehension.

However, I am different. Mine is The comprehension was originally very strong, and it is also supported by the December fruit. Now the effect of my December fruit is still there. At worst, when I can’t comprehend it, eat another December fruit, I will definitely be able to comprehend these inheritance. "

Qin Shuang lifted his spirits, took a deep breath, and began to comprehend the inheritance of the light gate. Qin Shuang had already comprehended the inheritance of the first layer of nine-color light in the Monster Race Hall before, and visualized the case of the sky dao chart on the true ancestor-level Fire Phoenix, and tried the nine-color light inside the Fire Phoenix. And two colors of light have been derived. Now I realized it again, very fast, and only the inheritance of one color of light was left on this light gate, so Qin Shuang comprehended very quickly, and in less than a quarter of an hour, he fully comprehended the complete one color of light. It's just that Qin Shuang still has to deduce the inheritance of this color light into a cultivation technique suitable for Human Race cultivation.

However, this is also simple for Qin Shuang, because she has deduced one side of the divine ability and created a method suitable for Human Race. Now it is to improve it a bit, according to the integrity of the light gate. Yishiguang inheritance has perfected the method suitable for Human Race cultivation.

After a little more than a quarter of an hour, Qin Shuang perfectly derived the color of light suitable for Human Race cultivation, and opened his eyes.


She saw that the Phoenix Clan woman and Kong Qiang had stood up, and the two looked at each other. The Phoenix Clan woman looked at Bi Fang proudly Kong Qiang and Qin Shuang of the first family glanced, and then walked towards Guangmen.


When she came to the gate of light, the Phoenix Clan woman shone a color of light, swiped towards the gate of light, and saw that gate of light disappeared After revealing the door, the Phoenix Clan woman looked back at Kong Qiang and Qin Shuang proudly, then hummed triumphantly, turned her head and walked inside the door.


The gate of light appeared again, and the runes on the gate of light flowed. Kong Qiang glanced back at Qin Shuang, smiled contemptuously, strode to the front of the light gate, shining a bright light, brushed towards the light gate, and saw that the light gate disappeared, Kong Qiang also strode in, and then The gate of light appeared again.

Qin Shuang frowned slightly. With her vision of comprehending the one-color light to the perfect realm, she could see that Kong Qiang’s one-color light only comprehend 90%, and simply did not reach the perfect realm. . The Phoenix Clan woman is even worse, only 80%.

"You can pass through the gate of light without comprehending perfection?


Don’t Feng Wu fail to comprehend perfection? Forget it, Go in and take a look."

Qin Shuang came to the gate of light, a gleam of light flashed, the gate of light disappeared, and Qin Shuang stepped in. When he walked out of the light gate, Qin Shuang was taken aback. He was standing on a cliff. There was a moat in front of him. It was not bottomless, about a kilometer away from the opposite cliff.

A thousand meters away?

For Qin Shuang and others, it is not far away. It flew past all at once. But if you look at other Monster Race cultivators standing there obediently and honestly, you know that you can’t fly around here. Once you fly, you don’t know what the consequences will be.

Qin Shuang glanced to the sides and found that with himself, a total of 22 cultivators are standing on the cliff at this time. It is not surprising to think about it. These cultivators have all passed the Monster Race Hall. In the assessment, I have realized the divine ability of First Layer, and it is normal to pass the light gate in a short time.

Qin Shuang looked towards the moat and saw fifteen light bridges between the cliffs on both sides.

It's really a light bridge!

That is one after another blood light formed a light belt, connecting the cliffs on both sides.

Are you going to walk over this blood-colored bridge?

Qin Shuang was thinking of this, and saw that Phoenix Clan woman had stepped onto the light bridge, the blood-colored light bridge rippled under her feet, and gave birth to a blood-colored vortex that swallowed towards her. go with.


The Phoenix Clan woman shone a color behind her, and the scream of "shua" almost disappeared the bloody vortex under her feet, the Phoenix Clan woman There was a trace of pride on his face, and he stepped forward.


One step forward, another bloody vortex was born under the woman's feet, but the woman released a color of light, almost brushing off the bloody vortex , And then continue to move forward.

A vortex is born in one step.

One swipe to eliminate one vortex.

Qin Shuang suddenly felt in his heart, and then looked towards the light bridges on both sides, and saw that there are various natural phenomena of bizarre and motley on the other light bridges.

True at this time , I saw a man striding forward on a light bridge. In front of the man, black vortex appeared continuously, and the figure of the man continuously passed through the erected black vortex. The fluctuation of that breath surprised Qin Shuang.

"Space Divine Ability!"


Suddenly there was a scream, but he saw that the man did not pass through the black vortex this time. , But was shattered by the black vortex, the flesh and bones fell on the light bridge, the light bridge squirmed, and the broken meat and bones disappeared.

Qin Shuang heart shivered with cold, secretly said: "It seems that this light bridge is an assessment of different trials. If it can pass, it can continue, otherwise it will fall."

At this time, Kong Qiang glanced at Qin Shuang, who seemed somewhat absent-minded because he was thinking about it. He thought that Qin Shuang was scared by the Monster Race cultivator that had just fallen on the bridge, and he did not dare to step on the light. The bridge, coldly snorted disdainfully, strode towards the light bridge.

Qin Shuang was awakened by the coldly snorted, looking at Kong Qiang's disdain and contempt, unfathomable mystery in his heart.

"Does he despise me again? Why does a defeated despise me?"

"hahaha...It's really stupid. I dare to come out for a test without fully comprehending it. Today I finally know what It’s called stupid, hahahaha..."

A burst of mad laughter came, Qin Shuang followed the reputation, and saw the tall body of the cracking sky walking towards the light bridge, driving the wind and clouds. Move like Dragon-Tiger.


As soon as he stepped on the light bridge, he saw that the light bridge under his feet gave birth to a group of runes, and at the same time, cracked the sky also gave birth to the feet A rune pattern resisted that rune pattern, and then strode forward.

Counting Qin Shuang, there are still four people on the cliff who have not stepped on the light bridge at this time. When the three Monster Race heard the words of Shuangtianyi, they glared at Shuangtianyi one by one, but Qin Shuang smiled, his eyes once again fell on the two silhouettes on the light bridge in front of him.


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