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"You..." The Monster Race cultivator was furious, pointed at Qin Shuang and said: "You have the ability, you are the first to pass the test, don't be shameless behind Take a peek."


Qin Shuang snapped his fingers and moved forward. Mountain-like imprisonment swarmed again, squeezing Qin Shuang into an impossible to move a single step.

Qin Shuang raised her forefinger a little bit in the air, a rune hovered from the tip of her finger, the imprisonment was instantly broken, and she raised her foot to take a step. Then came the power of imprisonment, and this time the force of imprisonment was twice as strong as before. Qin Shuang took a finger pointed again, and then took a leisurely step.

Qin Shuang is like this, took a step, made a finger in the void, and soon came to the side of Lei Tianyi and Hu Meiniang, grinned at the two people, and then walked away from them. After that, I soon came to the side of Jia Wudi and the others, pointed at the void, stepped out, stepped out of the mountain, and walked into the cave.

Qin Shuang walked into the cave and saw a blood jade-like passage, and walked along the passage towards the inside. After only walking for less than 100 meters, I entered a circular great hall, all around are circular walls, empty.

"Why is there nothing?"

Qin Shuang looked around, this great hall is very clean, there is no dust, let alone treasure and what inheritance.

"Is this a scam? No! Didn't the Monster Race cultivator ever get inheritance from here? For example, the phoenix dance, but the result is incomplete."

Qin Shuang began to walk along the circular wall. While walking, he tapped the wall with his fists to see if he could find any mechanism.

And at this time, the three of Jia Wudi also walked into the cave, looking excited and dashing forward along the blood jade passage, but in an instant, they rushed into the circular great hall. Then they saw Qin Shuang hitting Qin Shuang with their fists while walking along the circular wall.

The expressions of the three Monster Race cultivators were taken aback, and then they understood what was going on. The faces of the three Monster Race cultivators did not show any disappointment. Instead, they looked sarcastically. Qin Shuang, then the three cultivators came to the center of the circular great hall and sat cross-legged.

Qin Shuang saw the actions of the three Monster Race cultivators of Jia Wudi, and knew what the three of them must know. But Qin Shuang doesn't know! So, she still walked slowly along the circular wall without giving up, knocking.

The sound of footsteps came from outside the great hall, but it was the Monster Race cultivator from the second group such as Lei Tian Si and Hu Mei Niang walking in. As soon as he saw Qin Shuang's actions, Tian Si didn't know whether to cry or laugh and shouted:

"Fengming, don't knock. Come and wait. After a while, everyone will be there. Then there will be changes."

"en!" Qin Shuang nodded said: "Don't worry about me, I am here for the first time, I am curious in my heart, and study it carefully."

There was a look of helplessness on Seitian's face, she shrugged, and sat on the floor casually. Other Monster Race cultivators also sat on the floor one after another and began to resume their breath adjustment.

Qin Shuang finally finished a full circle, and came to sit down next to Seitian. Cracking Tianyi opened his eyes and looked at Qin Shuang and said:

"What did you study?"

"Very hard!" Qin Shuang's eyes showed interest.

"en?" Cracking Tianyi looked at him for a moment, but he didn't know why.

"The walls are hard!" Qin Shuang added.

Split Tian Si couldn't help but roll his eyes and said: "You just researched out this result?"

"en!" Qin Shuang nodded said: "If we are trapped here, If there is a hard door at the back of the cave, we can't get out."


Split Tianyi glanced at the bloody jade wall. Not only did his expression become solemn. Even Jia Wudi not only twitched his eyebrows, he couldn't help but want to strike the bloody jade stone wall to verify whether Qin Shuang's words were true.

However, at this time, footsteps sounded outside the great hall. It turned out that the Monster Race cultivator from the third group came in. After the last Monster Race cultivator walked in, it suddenly shot rays of light from the top of the great hall, illuminating the entire great hall brightly. Qin Shuang was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly looked up, only to see that on the ceiling of the cave that was originally bare, if a bead appeared, it was the bead that emitted rays of light.


Qin Shuang suddenly felt an uncomfortable feeling. The feeling was as if he had a pair of eyes, looking at himself, seeing through himself. Qin Shuang narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the bead on the top of the cave. She could feel that the feeling of being seen through was from the bead on the top of the cave.


all around the round wall suddenly emits rays of light, and fifteen light gates appeared. Every light gate is flowing with runes, mapping the great hall in a magnificent and unusual way.

A invincible and the others suddenly stood up, their eyes shining brightly. After scanning his eyes, he chose different light gates one by one and left. Qin Shuang was also carefully examining these light gates at this time, and then his eyes lit up.

"This is the inheritance!"

Qin Shuang's gaze fell on a light gate. The rune patterns flowing on the light gate are the inheritance of the divine ability of the nine-color light. . Qin Shuang strode towards the gate of light. At this time, two people were already standing before the light gate. Qin Shuang still knows one of them. It was Kong Qiang from the Bifang clan.

There is another woman, Qin Shuang can feel that she is a Phoenix Clan without getting close. The woman and Kong Qiang did not look at Qin Shuang. At this time, both of them were attracted by the mysterious pattern on the light gate and fell into comprehension.

Qin Shuang also sit cross-legged. At this time, she has understood that the bead on the top of the cave is the attribute that identifies each person’s cultivation, and is suitable for the inheritance of Monster Race. There are as many light doors as there are.

"I don't know how many inheritance gates there are in Myriad Monsters Mountain, this is really a cultivation Holy Land!"

Qin Shuang took a deep breath and began to watch the light gate carefully Those inheritance patterns on the I saw densely packed runes flowing on the light gate, but it was the inheritance of the first layer of the nine-color light, but it felt a little more than the pattern on the stone tablet in the Monster Race hall. And it’s more mysterious. Qin Shuang couldn't help but move in his heart.

"The inheritance on this light gate seems to be complete and not missing. Then. The inheritance on the stone tablet in the Monster Race hall should be missing. Fengwu’s nine-color light divine ability should be. I got it from here. Since there is no missing here, why is the one she left on the stone tablet missing?

Then, is the inheritance on the stone tablet in the Monster Race hall deliberately incomplete, or is she insufficiently comprehended and only comprehended Those, I hope people like us will complement the inheritance?"

Qin Shuang thought for a while, and his heart gradually became clear.


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