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At this time, the Phoenix Clan woman has reached half of the light bridge, Qin Shuang’s eyebrow raised, the color of light released by that woman, for the rising bloody vortex , It seems that might weaken a bit.


It should be said that the blood-colored vortex on the light bridge becomes stronger as it advances.

Look at Kong Qiang from the Bi Fang clan. His condition is better than that of the Phoenix Clan woman, but every time a color light is released, he does not completely brush off the bloody vortex under his feet, leaving behind. The lightly layer.

"It seems that Isshiki does not have to comprehend the perfect realm, there must be a passing line, and as long as the passing line is passed, you can pass the light bridge. The Monster Race cultivator who only comprehend Space Divine Ability did not have Comprehend the passing line."

I glanced to the sides and saw that only myself was left on the cliff at this time. Step towards the light bridge.


A blood-colored vortex was born under his feet, and Qin Shuang shone a light, brushing towards the vortex under his feet, and then completely brushed off the blood-colored vortex. Neither too fast nor too slow and walked towards the opposite cliff. But still thinking in his heart.

"It seems that not all Phoenix Clan have this nine-color light divine ability. The Phoenix Clan woman should not be able to do so at all, so the result of comprehension is worse. And Kong Qiang had five-color light before. The divine ability, so the comprehension of this ancestor-level nine-color light is better than that of the Phoenix Clan woman. But after all, it’s still not as good as the one who owns the December fruit and the ancestor-level Fire Phoenix corpse."

Kong Qiang stopped suddenly and looked back, but he saw Qin Shuang's style. He was already not far away. Every time he released a color, he would brush the bloody vortex under his feet thoroughly, and his eyes could not help showing a surprised look. , Then became gloomy, looking at Qin Shuang coldly said:

"Fengming, I didn’t expect you to comprehend one color light to a perfect realm. However, one color light does not represent true strength, I will let you know The two of us are stronger!"

Qin Shuang is dressed in red-clothed, with a big sword on the back, and walks in style, including said with a smile: "Did you run away in front of me last time? What gave you so much confidence this time?"

Kong Qiang immediately flushed to the equator: "Don't underestimate me, I have a breakthrough again. You must not be my opponent."

Qin Shuang walked by Kong Qiang's side and said lightly: "You think too much, you are not my opponent."

Kong Qiang looked at Qin Shuang's indifferent appearance, and his eyes flashed. A trace of shame and anger:

"You are very tugged!"

Qin Shuang touched his face, "hehe" smiled twice: "many thanks you give me To save face, I thought you would say that I was a beating, hehe......"

Kong Qiang looked at Qin Shuang’s further and further back, gritted his teeth with hatred, but he knew it in his heart. Above this light bridge, not a place for hands-on, snorted coldly and moved forward.

Qin Shuang, with her back facing Kong Qiang, has a smile on her face at this time. She finds that the vortex energy that she has brushed away is rushing into her body and circulating in her body. However, these energies are not enhancing her cultivation base, but enhancing the quality of her Fire Phoenix body.

Now Qin Shuang’s Fire Phoenix body is already Grade 4, and it hasn’t been improved for a long time, and Qin Shuang doesn’t know how to improve the Fire Phoenix body, so I just keep it like this. But now, I feel that every time she releases a color of light to brush away the bloody vortex, she has the hot ability to enter her body. It does not help her body or the cultivation base at all, but she adds a trace of her Fire Phoenix body. Quality.

"This is an unexpected gain!"

No matter how long the optical bridge is, there is an end. Qin Shuang finally walked across the light bridge, looking a bit regretful. The body of the Fire Phoenix is ​​only slightly improved, and it is far away from Grade 5. But she also understood in her heart that even if she stayed on the light bridge and kept wiping out the energy on the light bridge, she would not upgrade the Fire Phoenix body to Grade 5, because the energy on that light bridge was limited. However, thinking that there must be a test of two-color light ahead, Qin Shuang was full of anticipation again.

Looking to the sides, most of the Monster Race cultivators have passed the light bridge at this time, and only three have not passed, but looking at their appearance, there should be no problem. Qin Shuang is not surprised at all. After all, this is the first test’s assessment, and the first test’s divine ability. These Monster Race cultivators have all experienced the incomplete inheritance in the Monster Race hall. Now they are just making up. As long as you are more serious, you will not have it. problem. Except for the Monster Race cultivator of the somewhat stupid cultivation Space Attribute, including Qin Shuang, all 21 cultivators finally passed the first light bridge.

At this time, they are on a platform. At the end of the platform is another cliff, and there is a light bridge connecting the cliffs on both sides. At the beginning of the light bridge at their end, there is A light gate, the runes flow on the light gate. At this time, the Phoenix Clan woman had already sit cross-legged there, comprehending the two colors light divine ability inheritance on the light gate.

Qin Shuang walked to sit cross-legged not far from the Phoenix Clan woman. The Phoenix Clan woman glanced at Qin Shuang, and there was an unexpected expression in her eyes.

"I didn’t expect that you, a little Monster God Third Layer, could pass!"

Qin Shuang lightly looked at the Phoenix Clan woman and said: "Get inheritance, see comprehension and Wisdom."

"Do you mean that Miss Fengjiao's wisdom and comprehension are not as good as yours?" Kong Qiang's voice came from behind, and Fengjiao's face changed involuntarily, she looked at Qin coldly. Shuang.

"Not bad!"

Qin Shuang is faintly nodded, Qin Shuang is relatively restrained in Human Race, but in this Monster Realm, there is no Human Race around. Zhang Yang was completely released. Looking at the gloomy face, Feng Jiao said:

"You don't have to be ashamed, I'm not talking about your wisdom and perception as inferior to me."

Feng Jiao's expression eased. You look familiar, but I heard Qin Shuang continue to say:

"I'm talking about the entire Monster Race. In terms of wisdom and perception, I call it first, and no one dares to call it second. "


Feng Jiao's expression was violent, and Kong Qiang's expression became very ugly. Other Monster Race around also looked sharply at them, and laughed heartily said: "Fengming younger sister said so well, it is indeed my friend of the sky. However, I laughed heartily. Wisdom and perception, you are still a little bit worse than me."

Qin Shuang didn't know whether to cry or laugh, giving him a sideways glance, Jia Wudi looked at Qin Shuang deeply and said:

"Fengming, right? I hope your cultivation base can be improved quickly. I am looking forward to fighting with you."

"Now fighting, I am not afraid! "Qin Shuang fighting intent is full.


Jia Wudi laughed twice, and the laughter was full of disdain. However, the surrounding Monster Race cultivator did not feel Jia Wudi's arrogance. A invincible is Monster God Tenth Layer late Peak, and Qin Shuang is just Monster God Third Layer. Jia Wudi is qualified to laugh at Qin Shuang. There was a lot of ridicule, but Qin Shuang no longer paid attention to them. Instead, he looked at the inheritance on the light gate.


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