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Qin Shuang raised the long sword in his hand and threw it into the air suddenly. The white giant sword made up of big mouth fish teeth shot into the middle of the dense Corpse Insect, burst out with a sudden burst, and turned into sharp teeth, shooting towards all directions.

"dang dang dang..."

There was a sound of intensive collisions, and Corpse Insect's bodies fell one after another, like a black rain. However, as far as Qin Shuang's field of vision is, he did not feel that the Corpse Insect was much less. This is just an ordinary Corpse Insect. Qin Shuang really doesn't know what the ending will be if a Corpse Insect King comes.

Qin Shuang extend the hand squeezed into the air, and the scattered big mouth and fangs converged towards her hand, but in an instant they converged into a big sword. Holding the big sword, he threw it into the air again.


The big sword burst again in the air, the big mouth and fish teeth shot all around, and a black rain fell from the sky. Qin Shuang visualized the Black Tortoise defense with the Xuanshui method and attacked with the Xuanshui Martial Dao, continuously beheading Corpse Insect. The Corpse Insect corpses on the ground were already piled up like a mountain, and Qin Shuang stood on it, sweating through his clothes.

"This time it’s awful! The power of Xuanshui spiritual power and Sea of ​​Consciousness are also exhausted!"

Qin Shuang threw the big sword into the air again, cold sweat on his forehead It kept flowing down, looking at the densely packed Corpse Insect, Qin Shuang's scalp was numb, and it was covered by the dense Corpse Insect, and there was no way to see the outside situation. Qin Shuang can't run, because simply can't run these Corpse Insects, the only way is to kill all these Corpse Insects, but this is almost an impossible task.

"shua~ shua~ shua~ ……"

Qin Shuang's back was shining brightly, continuously shining, and brushing down the Corpse Insect close to him. At the same time, the almost dried-up Xuanshui spiritual power and Sea of ​​Consciousness power were put away and transformed into sharp metal attribute.

The Golden Peng sword came out around the body, and Qin Shuang held it in his hand. Using the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness as a guide, a sword pierced into the air, and the mysterious aura swayed all around.

The star is flat and wide!


One after another star power descended from in the sky, the whole sky seemed to be low, and the earth became open. Sisi star power releases brilliance, making between Heaven and Earth extremely magnificent.

"clang clang clang..."

The large tracts of Corpse Insect fell from the sky like a storm.

The sky obscured by Corpse Insect finally showed a gap, allowing Qin Shuang to see the sky. Qin Shuang's heart is happy, which shows that the number of Corpse Insect has begun to decrease drastically.

"It's this time!"

Qin Shuang once again pierced out of the plains with stars hanging down, while chanting in his mouth:

"Thunder's Fury!"


The Haoran liquid in Haoran is reduced crazily, in the sky thunder rumbling, forming a thunder pool, and then a large area of ​​thunder strikes from the air Then, Corpse Insect fell one after another.

The earth was broken by star power strikes, and then it was devastated by thunder strikes. The rubble flew across and the dust was flying.

"The stars are flat and wide!"

"Thunder's Fury!"


"……… …"

Qin Shuang continuously releases Xing Chui Plain and Thunder's Fury. After the Sea of ​​Consciousness has been exhausted, he uses spiritual power as a guide to continue to release Xing Chui Plain and Wild.

The Corpse Insect in the sky began to decrease drastically, and could no longer cover the sky. Finally, the Corpse Insect, which was scarcely left, gave up attacking Qin Shuang and fled to the distance.

Qin Shuang stood on the ground, soaked all over, panting heavily as if fished out of the water. Black Tortoise flew out of Haoran's heart and lay on Qin Shuang's shoulder. Looking at the Corpse Insect on the ground, he muttered:

"I'm rich! I'm rich! How much inner core is this! Girl, let's look for a group of Corpse Insect, this time Monster Realm Secret Realm Okay, even if you don’t get inheritance, it’s not worth doing it."


Qin Shuang stiffly fell down, Feng Huo, Xuan Shui and Rui Jin The spiritual power of the three attributes and the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness were almost completely consumed, and Qin Shuang was so tired that he passed out.

Black Tortoise shook the head, whispered in a low voice: "This place can't stay for a long time, maybe those Corpse Insect who escaped go to the Corpse Insect King."

After falling, I saw Fengming and Fengyan appearing from the Monster Suppressing Tower, and Black Tortoise said: "You two will soon collect these Corpse Insects into the Monster Suppressing Tower."


Fengming and Fengyan are both nodded. The two of them are Qin Shuang’s Avatars. Naturally, they can also control the Monster Suppressing Tower. Fengming summon out of the Monster Suppressing Tower. They zoomed in the air and opened the tower door to release the golden Light, golden light swept across, the blockbuster Corpse Insect was taken into the Monster Suppressing Tower. Afterwards, Feng Ming and Feng Yan returned to the Monster Suppressing Tower. Black Tortoise got bigger, stuck his head out and bit Qin Shuang, and with a shake of his head, he threw Qin Shuang on his back and moved away. Four legs, leaving quickly.

Qin Shuang opened his eyes and felt the surrounding scenery retreat rapidly. Turning over and sitting up, he felt sore all over, and when he looked down, he saw himself sitting on Black Tortoise's back. This is long sighed in relief.

I felt the pain all over my body like falling apart, and there was almost no spiritual power in my body, and there was almost no Sea of ​​Consciousness power in Sea of ​​Consciousness, and a wry smile appeared on my face.

"Black Tortoise also asked me to look for a group of Corpse Insects. Do you want me to find death?"

thoughts move, I entered the Monster Suppressing Tower, and Black Tortoise became physically and mentally smaller , Holding the Monster Suppressing Tower, found a hidden place, and hid.

Qin Shuang entered the Monster Suppressing Tower and immediately began to swallow the medicine pill to restore the cultivation base. Fengyan and Fengming in Monster Suppressing Tower are digging out the inner core of Corpse Insect at this time, then put it into the storage box and move into the treasure hole.

In Monster Suppressing Tower, more than a month passed before Qin Shuang restored Fenghuo, Xuanshui and Ruijin to Martial Dao and Fadao to Peak state.

The cultivation base of the three attributes of Qin Shuang originally has reached the critical point of breakthrough. At this time, after life and death tempering, there is no barrier, and breakthrough can be made at any time.

"I need to find a breakthrough! My cultivation base is still too low. It’s just a normal Corpse Insect. If you encounter a Corpse Insect King, I’m afraid it will be eaten. Bone frame."

"With my current strength, I encounter the Corpse Insect group without the Corpse Insect King, and there is still some hope. If I encounter the Corpse Insect group led by the Corpse Insect King, I will definitely die. You must find a relatively safe place and breakthrough first."

Qin Shuang came out of the Monster Suppressing Tower, took the Monster Suppressing Tower into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and then confronted Martial Dao:

"Black Tortoise, find a lake or river, I want a breakthrough."

Black Tortoise raised his head, sniffed, and then stretched out a front paw and pointed toward the north:

"Over there!"

Qin Shuang grabbed Black Tortoise and placed it on his shoulders, then cast a glimpse of light, and slid north towards the ground.

After more than an hour, Qin Shuang stood on the shore of a big lake with awe-inspiring expression on his face.

In her vision, the lake is a piece of black liquid.


That is not black liquid, but densely packed Corpse Insect.


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