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I saw a layer of rune pattern appearing in his body, and that layer of rune pattern continuously flowed and combined, letting a bloody cloud release rays of light Be blocked outside the layer of golden runes.

"A invincible is really amazing, worthy of being the most outstanding young expert of our Monster Race."

A invincible did not respond, but a drop of cold sweat fell on his forehead against the demons. . Slightly squinted his eyes, looking at the rays of light outside the layer of golden runes he released. The rays of light are dense runes flowing around him, and they are being recombined, slowly changing their shapes. His expression became more solemn. He just saw through the changes in the rune patterns of the Monster God before the strangulation, but he did not expect that these rune patterns that built the rays of light would undergo further changes.

It's not that he doesn't want to go through the hole quickly, but there is a huge force blocking him, so that he can only move forward step by step. And he was motionless because he had already seen that as long as he took a step forward, the rays of light of Myriad Monsters Mountain would immediately change. Before he could see through the changes, he really didn’t have the confidence to take that step. .

At this time, there was the sound of clothes sweeping the sky in the distance. The demons outside the cave turned around and saw a huge body and a petite body side by side. After coming, it was the two Monster Gods, Lei Tian Si and Hu Mei Niang. The two Monster Gods saw Jia Wudi in front of the cave entrance, their expressions stunned, and they stopped.

Time passed quietly, Jia Wudi in front of the cave entrance was still motionless, but he did not move, and the runes emitted by the Myriad Monsters Mountain surrounding him did not change further. In this period of time, many Monster Race cultivators have arrived. Cracking the sky has been observing the changes in Myriad Monsters Mountain's blood rune for a long time. He couldn't help but smash it, smash it, and said:

"Difficult! It is not possible to break it with the power of one person."

Hu Meiniang beside him also looked solemnly nodded and said: "Senior Brothers, the seal of Myriad Monsters Mountain cannot be cracked by one of us. How about we crack the seal together and enter the cave first?"

At this time, there are already more than 20 Monster Race cultivators outside the entrance of the cave. The Monster Race cultivators that can reach here are not waiting for you. Hearing this is nodded and said:

"We are working together."

Split Tian Si shouted to Jia Wudi who was enveloped by Myriad Monsters Mountain rays of light: "Brother Jia, how about joining forces?"

Jia Wudi, who was enveloped by rays of light, finally opened. the mouth and said: "Okay!"

These Monster Race cultivator and Human Race cultivator are different. Human Race cultivator does not have runes in the body, but Monster Race cultivator is different. Their skeletons have natural runes, these runes are the inheritance of Monster Race. And the higher the comprehension of these runes, the stronger the Life Source Divine Ability. Therefore, Monster Race is not good on pill concocting, but it has the advantage of being blessed by heaven on Talisman Dao. These Monster Race cultivators are all Monster Race heroes. They can't break this seal alone, but they may be able to break this seal together.

Split Tiansi's eyes swept around and said: "Mei Niang, why hasn't Fengming come yet?"

Hu Mei Niang also slightly raised her brows and said, "Feng Ming Is not weaker than you and me, will you not die on the way, right?"

Shook the head and said: "It has nothing to do with strength, it mostly depends on luck. Once a large group of Corpse Insect When I meet, you and I will be eaten into a bone frame. So, if Fengming is unlucky, maybe he is really dead."

Hu Meiniang's eyes flashed and said: "Yifeng Ming’s strength, if he didn’t die, it should have arrived. Now he still hasn’t arrived. Maybe it’s just as you said, luck is too bad and he is dead."

Said with a bitter appeared on the face of Cracking Tiansi. smile: "Don't say it's Monster God, just is Monster Saint encountered a large group of Corpse Insect here. I am afraid there is only one way to die. This Secret Realm is really too dangerous."

A plain.

A piece of black light flows quickly in the air like one after another black lightning. In the middle of this one after another black light, one after another red light bursts out from time to time, where the red light passes, one after another black light bounces and turns into fist sized Corpse Insects, falling towards the ground .

These black lights are a large group of Corpse Insect densely packed, and the one surrounded by Corpse Insect is Qin Shuang who was accidentally discovered by Corpse Insect. Qin Shuang danced the phoenix feather sword in an airtight manner, and water could not enter, beheading the approaching Corpse Insect one by one.

Burn Up Eight Desolates is very terrifying. Although only Small Success Realm is available, as the Fengyu sword in Qin Shuang's hand is cut out, a circle of flames surrounds and gradually piles up into a fire sea. It’s just that these Corpse Insects are also very powerful. The dark body can release a layer of black light to block the flames. The only real threat to Corpse Insect is the Fengyu Sword. Only the Fengyu Sword is really slashing. Only with Corpse Insect can the Corpse Insect be beheaded.

The speed of Corpse Insect is extremely fast. It is not easy for Qin Shuang to prevent a Corpse Insect from getting close to his body while attacking and killing Corpse Insect.

"Martial Artist's power is still very limited."


Qin Shuang Sea of ​​Consciousness Internal Visualization of Fire Phoenix , The power of Sea of ​​Consciousness pouring out from the center of the eyebrows, turning into a Fire Phoenix, towards each Corpse Insect either scratching or biting.

“peng~ peng~ peng~ ……”

The dense Corpse Insect collides with more and more Fire Phoenix, then one after another black light will The Fire Phoenix hit was riddled with holes, and at the same time, those Corpse Insects were blocked by Fire Phoenix.

"clang clang clang ……"

A sword cry, one after another sword light lasing with Qin Shuang as the center, in an instant, Qin Shuang is like a hedgehog, And those thorns were the Phoenix Feather Sword that was quickly pierced out of Qin Shuang's hand, and a large piece of Corpse Insect fell from the air.

Qin Shuang is in a bitter battle. The Corpse Insect corpse on the ground has fallen a thick layer, but the Corpse Insect seems to be endless. The Phoenix Fire Spirit Power and the Phoenix Fire Sea of ​​Qin Shuang's body The power of Consciousness is consumed quickly, and has gradually been consumed to the extreme.

"shua~ shua~ shua~ ……"

Behind Qin Shuang, two colors of light dazzled. On this journey, Qin Shuang has already realized the divine ability of nine colors of light To the Second Layer. The two-color light shines continuously, brushing the Corpse Insects around her and dropping them to the ground one by one. After this time, Qin Shuang converted the attribute,

Xuanshui spiritual power swarmed out of the dantian, Qin Shuang put away the Phoenix Feather Sword, and the fangs of more than a thousand bigmouth fish came out around the body and gathered into a big sword, which was held by Qin Shuang. At the same time, Sea of ​​Consciousness visualized Black Tortoise, and a huge Black Tortoise virtual image appeared around her body, covering Qin Shuang inside.

“peng~ peng~ peng~ ……”

The black Corpse Insect hits the Black Tortoise virtual image, and the Black Tortoise virtual image hits one after another crack, but With the help of Qin Shuang's Sea of ​​Consciousness, the virtual image of Black Tortoise is continuously repaired. Even so, Qin Shuang couldn't help but marvel in his heart. This Corpse Insect is indeed powerful, his own Black Tortoise virtual image, but the ancestor-level Black Tortoise divine ability, although it is only Small Accomplishment, it is the top divine ability in defense, if it is other Monster Race It is not easy for a cultivator to break his Black Tortoise divine ability through the cracks.


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