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There are countless Corpse Insects in this vast lake.

"Are they all water attribute Corpse Insect?" Qin Shuang asked in a low voice.

"It should be!" Black Tortoise also lowered his voice.

Qin Shuang couldn’t help but said: "Why did you point me to such a place?"

"What's wrong with this?" Xuan Martial Dao: "The Corpse Insect you collected The inner core only lacks the water attribute. If you kill these Corpse Insects, you will have enough water attribute inner core. Then you can cultivation breakthrough here."

"Kill them all Don't make trouble."

"This is an opportunity!" Black Tortoise bewitched: "Girl, don't forget, this is a lake, you just need to use Confucianism and use thunder to blast into the lake. This place will immediately become a thunder pool. You want to kill these Corpse Insects, but it is much easier than killing the Corpse Insects of other attributes. You only need to continuously release the thunder so that those Corpse Insects have no chance to fly out of the lake. They are the meat on the chopping board."

Qin Shuang's heart jumped, and he immediately felt that this was a rare opportunity. As Black Tortoise said, as long as you keep releasing the thunder, the lake will become a thunder pool. The effect of thunder is doubled by the addition of lake water.

As for preventing those Corpse Insects from flying out of the lake, this is even simpler. Even if a thunder can't kill those Corpse Insects, it will definitely make them numb and temporarily lose the ability to move. As long as you can continuously release thunder, the short-term will become lasting. As long as your Grand Virtue Qi is not consumed cleanly, you can continue to bombard Corpse Insect.

"I don't know if my Grand Virtue Qi is enough!"

Qin Shuang sinks into consciousness and enters Haoran's heart. The Grand Virtue Qi in the five golden buckets is natural fully. But the five golden buckets containing the Haoran liquid, now only two buckets of the Haoran liquid remained.

"I don’t know if it’s enough!"

"It’s worth trying if it’s enough!" Black Tortoise continued to bewildered: "Don’t worry, there will be no danger. Once you don’t After Grand Virtue Qi, I will freeze this lake. I will fight for you time to escape. However, after the event is done, I will give me half of the water attribute inner core."

"Why? You? Just freeze it, and the rest is my contribution. Why do you divide it in half? Give you 10%."

"No, absolutely not. If you are like this, I don't care."

"No matter if I pull it down, I won't kill these Corpse Insects anymore, I will leave now."

Qin Shuang turned around and left, Black Tortoise was so angry that he jumped on Qin Shuang's shoulder and said: "Okay ! Good! You are six and four are four."

"No, I will give you 10%. And if my Grand Virtue Qi is enough, I can kill all those Corpse Insects, simply can't use you, you It’s just 10% in vain, what else are you dissatisfied with?"

"10% is definitely not good, 20%. I want 20%."



Qin Shuang said immediately, Black Tortoise was taken aback, and there was always a feeling of being fooled, so he slumped on Qin Shuang’s shoulder and said listlessly:

"Need When I am, say it."

Qin Shuang nodded, took out the talisman paper and talisman pen from the storage ring, she didn't want to waste the only two buckets of awe-inspiring liquid at will. You must know that Haoran's liquid can make Qin Shuang speak the law without having to use talisman pens and talisman paper. So it should be used in emergency situations. But now the Corpse Insect in the big lake did not find her, she has plenty of time to release Confucianism.

Holding a thick stack of talisman paper in the left hand, holding the talisman pen in the right hand, quickly wrote four large characters on the talisman paper.

Thunder's Fury.

Then a pen tip, the piece of talisman paper turned into a stream of light, lasing away, bursting over the big lake, countless thunder fell towards the lake.

And at this time, Qin Shuang has finished writing the second Thunder's Fury, with the tip of the pen picked, the talisman paper turned into a stream of light and lased away.

"Boom boom boom......"

One after another thunder fell from in the sky, and the whole lake became a huge thunder pool. Above the lake, thunder was full of waves, A huge thundernet was formed, covering Corpse Insect.

"Boom boom boom......"

As Qin Shuang released one after another Thunder's Fury, layers of Corpse Insect continuously died in the lake. When the Grand Virtue Qi in the five golden buckets in Qin Shuang Haoran's heart are all consumed. Qin Shuang put away the talisman paper and pen, looking nervously at the lake.


The thunder and lightning that shook the lake surface slowly weakened.


The numbness of each Corpse Insect body has not disappeared, but it is already struggling to fly.

"Thunder's Fury!"

Qin Shuang said the law, the awe-inspiring fluid of the heart of Haoran was quickly consumed, thunder rumbled in the sky, and the dense Power of Thunder thundered down , The lake became a thunder pool again.

"Thunder's Fury!"

"Thunder's fury!"


Qin Shuang released continuously Thunder's Fury, until the awe-inspiring liquid in a golden bucket was completely consumed, stopped this time and stared nervously at the lake. Now there was a Jin Dou's Haoran liquid left in her Haoran's heart. If these awe-inspiring fluids are consumed, but Corpse Insect in the lake has not been completely killed, she has only one way to escape. When she thought that she had consumed so much Haoran's liquid, she didn't get any benefits, and her heart ached.

"zi zi..."

The thundernet on the lake surface gradually dissipated, exposing the lake surface. I saw a black Corpse Insect floating on the lake. Qin Shuang is motionless, looking at the lake warily, but his mood is slightly relaxed.

Looking at the appearance, it should have killed all Corpse Insects. After thinking about it, if so many Corpse Insects are on land and they are so bombarded by themselves, it really may not be able to kill all Corpse Insects.

However, it is different in this lake. When the lightning falls on the lake, the entire lake is charged, becoming a thunder pool that is not just in name only, but also in reality. Strikes continuously by Qin Shuang, if not directly bombed to death, will also be electrocuted. Qin Shuang now needs to be careful not to let the dead Corpse Insect escape. Once escaped and attracted other Corpse Insects, it would be a big trouble. If another Corpse Insect King is brought in, it will be a disaster.

A full quarter of an hour passed, Qin Shuang let out a long breath. None of the Corpse Insects flew out, which means that all Corpse Insects were electrocuted.

Qin Shuang took out Monster Suppressing Tower immediately.


Monster Suppressing Tower zoomed in in the air, opened the tower door with a "bang", golden light burst out, covering the entire lake, densely packed Corpse Insect The body was like a black river, flowing towards the Monster Suppressing Tower. In just a few moments, the Corpse Insect in the lake was collected thoroughly. What makes Qin Shuang most pleased is that there is also a Corpse Insect King with a water attribute in the lake. Before he could show his power, he was continuously thundered by Qin Shuang. died.


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