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thoughts move, Fengming and Fengyan were collected into the Monster Suppressing Tower, and then the Monster Suppressing Tower was also collected into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and then Black Tortoise was collected Into the heart of Haoran.

The breath of Qin Shuang's body is rising, that is the breath of Martial God First Layer.

The sky dimmed, and the thunderclouds gathered towards the lake. In the dark clouds, golden danced and crackled.


A thunder with thick thighs dropped from the air, and strikes floated on the Corpse Insect layer by layer above the lake. The smell of burnt, thick Corpse Insect cloud was thunder strikes out a big hole, countless Corpse Insect was bombed into fragments. The thunder blasted into the lake, blasting the lake water out of a big hole, and struck towards Qin Shuang strikes, wherever it passed, the black venom was swept away by the thunder strikes.


The stone wall released by Black Tortoise was shattered, and Qin Shuang took out eight water thunder beads, blocking the thunder outside. He raised his head and glanced at the Corpse Insect King, who was fleeing towards the lake. With a move in his heart, he moved towards the armor, and the sword armor looked towards Qin Shuang and flew over.

“clang clang clang ……”

Qin Shuang wears phoenix feather armor, holds the phoenix feather giant sword in his hand, and holds eight water thunder beads towards Corpse Insect King rushed under him.


Another thunder strikes down, because Qin Shuang hides under the Corpse Insect King, and the thunder strikes directly at the Corpse Insect King. On the carapace. The Corpse Insect King called out pitifully and fell towards Qin Shuang below. Qin Shuang narrowed his eyes slightly, locked the Corpse Insect King's abdomen while the Corpse Insect King was tumbling, and stabbed it out with a sword.

“clang... ”

Even when the Corpse Insect King was tumbling, a leg popped out and kicked the Fengyu Sword's body, and the Fengyu Sword He even kicked out Qin Shuang.


in the sky is thunderclap again, Qin Shuang runs the Fire Spirit Power to get rid of the numbness of the arm, step on the foot, flickering phoenix shadow, phoenix flying technique Shi unfolded, but in an instant, he came to Corpse Insect King again.

The phoenix is ​​cut to the head.


That thunder strikes straight on Corpse Insect King's body, this time Corpse Insect King rolls more violently, and the carapace on the rear side appears A trace of cracks. Moreover, Qin Shuang under its abdomen was not idle. A sword pierced the Corpse Insect King’s abdomen. The Corpse Insect King knew to protect himself when he was embarrassed. He popped his legs and kicked the Fengyu sword in Qin Shuang’s hands. past.

“clang... ”

A sword cry, but this time Qin Shuang obviously felt that the Corpse Insect King’s strength was much smaller, and he just kicked the Fengyu sword away. At once, Feng Yujian slashed across Corpse Insect King's abdomen, and cut the Corpse Insect King's abdomen.


Corpse Insect King uttered a mournful scream, and the mouthparts that were three feet in came out in his mouth, and he stabbed towards Qin Shuang, Qin Shuang's feet Kicked repeatedly in the water, and Fire Phoenix grew out of his feet. The body flickered a few times in the water, and then the Corpse Insect King's mouthparts escaped.


In the sky, another thunder descended. The Corpse Insect King saw Qin Shuang with the Fire Phoenix sparkling at his feet, and came to it. Under him, there was a panic in his eyes.


A jet of black venom sprayed out of its mouthparts, like a black arrow, lasing towards Qin Shuang, The arrow made by the venom before Qin Shuang's body made Qin Shuang feel or even dizzy, thoughts move.


The phoenix feather armor released flames, forming a flame shield, enclosing Qin Shuang inside. Qin Shuang's consciousness cleared, only Fire Phoenix hovering under his feet, Qin Shuang's figure avoided the Poisonous Arrow.


The Thunder Tribulation descending in the air once again strikes on the back of Corpse Insect King.


The carapace on the Corpse Insect King's back shattered, but the Corpse Insect King also ran away, chasing Qin Shuang frantically, dark. In the ground, the sharp mouthparts were aimed at Qin Shuang, a situation that was bound to penetrate Qin Shuang's body.

Qin Shuang's eyes showed dignity, and she was certain that if she let that mouthpart penetrate her body, she would be reincarnated and reborn.

Her feet were kicking in the lake, and Fire Phoenix suddenly burst under her feet, one after another, flying in the lake, the eyes of the blurred Corpse Insect King.


"Not good!"

Qin Shuang heart shivered with cold, a thick Power of Thunder strikes on the water thunder bead , Sisi thunder illuminates the lake, instantly revealing the location of Qin Shuang.


The lake separated towards the sides, and the Corpse Insect King rushed towards Qin Shuang. The sharp mouthparts pierce Qin Shuang fiercely. It was too late for Qin Shuang to dodge with the Fengxiang technique, so he erected the giant sword of Fengyu to block his mouthparts.

“clang... ”

The mouthpiece pierced the body of Fengyu giant sword fiercely. The body of the sword vibrated violently and made a sharp buzzing sound. , Qin Shuang's figure felt a strong impact, and flew back towards the back. The retreating body slammed the water behind him into a huge wave.

The remaining seven legs of the Corpse Insect King on the opposite side swept sharply in the water, but the grindstone-like body hit Qin Shuang like a meteor. The nearly three-foot mouthparts exuded black and cold. The rays of light, the broken lake, came quickly.

Qin Shuang turned his left hand towards the Corpse Insect King, who was less than five meters away from him, and pressed it lightly.

The imprisonment of water!

The Corpse Insect King who rushed towards Qin Shuang quickly became hungry. The body of the surrounding lake seemed to have become solid, squeezing towards it. Qin Shuang stretched his hand towards the sky and grabbed a thunder bead of water.


And at this time, Corpse Insect King broke free from the imprisonment of water and rushed towards Qin Shuang again.

Qin Shuang is hovering like a crane and his left arm turns like a windmill.


The water thunder bead in the left hand was thrown at the Corpse Insect King.


Water thunder bead strikes on the Corpse Insect King's body, strikes the Corpse Insect King's body directly out of a hole, punching through the Corpse Insect King's body .


in the sky, a thick thunder descended again, Qin Shuang's feet and Fengxiang rose, and he came to Corpse Insect King's body in a swipe. Below.


The thunder strikes were on Corpse Insect King's body. This time the carapace on Corpse Insect King's back began to fall off from the back, stimulating all around. Shoot, the Corpse Insect King was still moving, but it was extremely slow. Fall towards the bottom of the lake.


In the sky, there was another thunder, holding the Fengyu giant sword and pointing towards the Corpse Insect King who fell to the bottom of the lake.


The Feng Yujian instantly zoomed in, inserted into the Corpse Insect King’s belly, and then picked it up and picked the Corpse Insect King over his head. .


The Corpse Insect King had realized his result and suddenly ejected his mouthparts from the air, like a sharp arrow lasing towards Qin Shuang. to.

A swarthy gleam arrived in front of Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang hurriedly put up a big sword to block him. With the sound of "Dang", the great power made Qin Shuang's wrist shake and his body The shape looked towards and flew back, and the blade couldn't help but tilted slightly, and the sharp mouthpiece shot out obliquely, wiping Qin Shuang's ears and flying by, scaring Qin Shuang into a cold sweat.


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