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Feng Yan twisted the eight-arm heavenly demon's bone spurs with both hands, and stabbed at the Corpse Insect King who swooped in front of him.


The bone spurs of the eight-arm heavenly demon infused with demonic energy burst out of monstrous magic power in an instant, and the entire lake bottom seemed to become pitch black at this moment Rumo.


As the thick and long bone spurs emerge, the black vortex suddenly emerges, and one after another black tentacles spread from the bone spurs of the eight-arm heavenly demon. Went to Corpse Insect King.

Corpse Insect King raised a front leg and kicked it towards the bone spur.


With a loud sound, the lake water boiled, and the monstrous water column rushed out of the lake, bursting. The Corpse Insect King's figure was blasted back by half a meter, but Feng Yan's figure also took a half step back, the monstrous demonic energy dissipated, and the lake regained its brightness.

At the moment when the lake recovered its brightness, a fiery red sword, like a huge torch, struck the Corpse Insect King who was back half a meter.

Corpse Insect King, who was lifted by Fengyan's a spear thrust, raised one of his front legs again and kicked it out towards the Fengyu Sword.


A melodious sword cry, accompanied by a stern cry of Corpse Insect King, one of its front legs was cut open by the Fengyu Sword. , Cut the front leg into three parts.


On the left side of Corpse Insect King, Feng Yan took a step forward, twisting the dark long spear with both hands, and pointed it at Corpse Insect King's In the abdomen, the four legs on the left side of Corpse Insect King kicked out continuously.

"peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~!"

Quickly and intensively kicked the long spear in Fengyan's hands in four consecutive blows, shaking Fengyan's hands into a shock Hemp, the feet continue to retreat.


The phoenix on the right slashed with a phoenix wing, and the sword was like a phoenix wing slashing down towards the Corpse Insect King. The remaining three legs on the right side of the Corpse Insect King kicked Feng Yujian's sword accurately and continuously, kicking Feng Ming staggered back. But at this time, Feng Yan rubbed his body again, and the Corpse Insect King fought together, and then Feng Ming grabbed the Feng Yu sword and rushed over. The two fought fiercely together.

In terms of spiritual power cultivation base, Fengming just broke through to Martial God First Layer, and Fengyan is even more unbearable, only Martial Emperor Seventh Layer. The two are not rivals at all. But if you want to get close to each other like this, it's completely different.

These two distractions are all refined from the ancient ancestor-level Divine Beast skeleton. The moment they are refined into Avatar, they have the strength of Martial Sage Early-Stage, Qin Shuang also taught them the body tempering tactics. They have to cultivation several times every day in the Monster Suppressing Tower. Today, the strength and power of the body are far beyond their spiritual power cultivation base, reaching the Martial Sage Fourth Layer. Fighting Corpse Insect King alone would be an absolute disadvantage, but when two people join forces, they are only slightly at a disadvantage.

But the two of them are not flustered. What they want to do is not to kill the Corpse Insect King, all they want to do is delay the time, even more how, and there is one Black Tortoise that didn't make a move.

The entire lake is boiling. Above the lake, the boundless Corpse Insect hovered and danced like black clouds over the lake.

In the depths of the lake, the two men fought fiercely.

The Corpse Insect King seemed to be impatient, a black venom suddenly sprayed out of his mouthparts, Feng Yan and Feng Ming's faces were on one side, and their bodies flew back in the lake. The black venom is spreading across the lake.

Soon, the lake around Corpse Insect King turned black and spread towards Qin Shuang who was sitting cross-legged. And at this time, a Black Tortoise lying on Qin Shuang's shoulder raised his head, and then raised his paw with a lightly wave, and a wall of water appeared in front of them. When the black venom spread to the water wall, it was blocked by the water wall.

"si si..."

The venom corrodes the water wall, but Black Tortoise is constantly thickening the water wall to prevent the venom from spreading.


The Corpse Insect King put away its mouthparts, and then hit the water wall with one head, and the water wall appeared to be cracked, like a spider The web generally spreads everywhere, and a trace of black venom permeates through the cracks.

Black Tortoise waved his front paws again, and another wall of water formed, blocking them in front of them.

Looking at the Corpse Insect King about to bump into it again, Feng Ming's heart moved, and the three hundred 81 in Sea of ​​Consciousness and Xiao Fengyu sword whistled out and circled around the body. Black Tortoise took a look, and with a light wave of his front paw, a gap was opened in the water wall. The black venom just wanted to spread in, but was blasted by the howling Xiaofeng Yujian with a fierce sword. Got out. Three hundred 81 As soon as the Xiaofeng Feather Sword came out of the water wall, Black Tortoise waved his front paw, and the crack in the water wall closed, leaving no gap.

The Fengming in the water wall moved his fingers and pointed towards the air. The sword body of the 381 Xiaofengyu sword rose with flames, burning the pitch-black venom and letting the pitch-black venom burn. Unable to get close to Fengyu Sword, 381 Xiaofengyu Sword whizzed towards the Corpse Insect King, like a flowing lava river.

"clang clang clang..."

Three Hundred and Eighty-one Little Phoenix Feather Swords intensively attacked the black Corpse Insect King, and that Corpse Insect King used the remaining seven The long-legged phoenix sword flicked and attacked his abdomen, but he ignored the phoenix sword that attacked his carapace. Those phoenix swords stabbed on the dark carapace, unexpectedly could not leave a sword mark.

“dang dang dang ……”

Corpse Insect King broke through numerous phoenix feather swords, and once again fiercely hit the water wall, causing the water wall to crack again , Sisi venom penetrated through the cracks.

Black Tortoise waved the front paws again, and another wall of water appeared in front of them, but this time the wall was only half a meter away from Qin Shuang, and then let the Corpse Insect King hit it again. After all, it will disturb Qin Shuang's breakthrough.

Fengming held the giant phoenix feather sword in his hand in the air and looked at Black Tortoise. Black Tortoise nodded, then lifted his front paws and moved towards the water wall. A crack appeared on the water wall. Feng Ming slapped his palm on the hilt, and the huge Phoenix Feather sword passed through the gap and arrived. Beyond the water wall. The wall of water reintegrated under the wave of Black Tortoise's front paw.

"clang clang clang..."

Three hundred and 81 small phoenix feather swords converge towards the middle, instantly constructing a pair of armor, and the two cuffs of the armor change into two big hands. Each finger is a small phoenix feather sword.


Two big hands made of Phoenix Feather Swords grabbed the hilt of the giant Phoenix Feather Sword, like a crimson giant sword in hand, but no The giant with the head slashed towards the Corpse Insect King.

"clang clang clang..."

Helmetless armor and Corpse Insect King are fighting together. Although helmetless armor is still not the opponent of Corpse Insect King, it also blocked The Corpse Insect King hit the water wall again.


The spiritual clouds above the lake surface gradually dissipated, and the Spirit Stones around Qin Shuang turned into powder. The silky Dao Rhyme was in Qin Shuang’s After moving around, Qin Shuang opened his eyes and looked up at the lake with a smile on his face.


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