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Power of Thunder strikes on Corpse Insect King's body, the armor on Corpse Insect King's back is completely shattered , The body has begun to stiffen, sinking toward the bottom of the lake.

"hua hua..."

Qin Shuang's phoenix flies flying, his figure has come to the Corpse Insect King, and he slashes down with a sword.


90% of the dead Corpse Insect King's body became fragile and was split in half by Qin Shuang's sword. With both feet stepped on, a single Fire Phoenix suddenly came to life, and his figure broke through the lake. A wave lifted Qin Shuang and stood on the lake. Sweeping my eyes to all around, I saw a circle of Corpse Insect, boundless, covering the heavens, shielding the sun gathered around the lake, but the lake was exposed in the middle, Qin Shuang was like viewing the sky from the bottom of a well.

With a moving phoenix, Qin Shuang's figure looked towards and flew under the Corpse Insect above the lake.


Under the thick thunder, countless Corpse Insects fell like raindrops, and Qin Shuang was flying around the lake with the thunder bead against the water. It specifically flew under the Corpse Insect, wherever it flew, Thunder Tribulation landed there, large tracts of Corpse Insect rained down from the sky, and after a while, a thick layer fell around the lake.


Those Corpse Insects seem to finally realize something, and flee madly towards all around. It's just a moment of effort, in the sky and never see you again To a Corpse Insect.

Qin Shuang landed on the surface of the lake, and began to control the water thunder bead to release some Power of Thunder and then fell. She used the copper body tempering technique to increase the strength of her body.

"Boom boom boom..."

Thunder Tribulation continuously falls, 60% of the Thunder Tribulation is absorbed by the water thunder bead, and 40% of the Thunder Tribulation is used by Qin Shuang for body tempering.

two hours.

Two hours.

Three hours.

The Thunder Tribulation in the sky dissipated, Qin Shuang slowly sit cross-legged on the surface of the lake, and the surroundings became silent.

Qin Shuang began to check his own cultivation base.

The Ruijin Martial Dao Cultivation Base has reached the Martial Emperor Eighth Layer, and the Fadao cultivation base has reached the Core Formation Eighth Layer.

Xuanshui Martial Dao Cultivation Base has reached the Martial God First Layer, and the Fadao cultivation base has reached the Core Formation Tenth Layer.

The Fenghuo Martial Dao Cultivation Base has reached the Martial God Third Layer, and the Fadao cultivation base has reached the Nascent Soul Third Layer.

The soul realm has reached the late Martial Sage Ninth Layer.

In Haoran's heart, there are already five golden buckets filled with Haoran's liquid.

The body strength has reached Martial Sage First Layer Peak.

"The cultivation base of Dharma is still too low, and Martial Dao does not dare to break through Martial Sage, otherwise there is a danger of spiritual power conflict and explosion. It seems that I should be killed in the future. Give up Martial Dao for the time being, concentrate on the cultivation of the Dao, and bring up the progress of the cultivation."

I opened my eyes and looked towards all around. I saw the thick and black Corpse Insect. My eyes lit up. I stretched out my hand and grabbed a Corpse Insect. I raised my index finger and a sword beam appeared on my fingertips. I swiped the Corpse Insect's abdomen with my fingers. , He picked out a bead with the size of a nail.

Throw away the Corpse Insect casually, holding the inner core in your hand and feeling it.

"It’s the earth attribute! It’s really pure! However, it’s too wasteful to absorb it directly. I can make a three-stripe Thick Earth Pill. Now with my body strength, I can already take the three-stripe Thick Earth. Pill, or three red dragon pill."

Qin Shuang put the inner core away, grabbed another Corpse Insect, and took out the inner core, this time it’s the fire attribute. After taking out more than a dozen inner cores in a row, the inner cores of the golden wood fire soil are available, but the inner core of the water attribute is not found. After thinking about it, it suddenly occurred to me that if there is a water attribute Corpse Insect, they can dive into the water to attack themselves.


The Corpse Insect King has dived to the bottom of the lake. It should be the water attribute?"

Qin Shuang immediately dived to the bottom, first of all I found the water thunder bead that I threw out, put it into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and then found the Corpse Insect King, dug out a fist sized inner core from it, and felt it slightly. To the rich Water Spiritual Qi. Excitedly put away the water attribute inner core, grabbed the Corpse Insect King's corpse and looked at it. It was already in tatters by thunder strikes and lost its qualification as a refining material. He threw it to the bottom of the lake with a sudden movement in my heart, and dived towards the bottom of the lake. The power of Sea of ​​Consciousness spread out, and soon I found the mouthparts of the Corpse Insect King, took out a jade box, and cautiously put the mouthparts in. Entered the jade box, and then typed Dao Jue, sealed the jade box, and put it in the storage ring. Only then flew out of the lake from the bottom of the lake.

The gaze swept across the thick Corpse Insect around, and then took out the Monster Suppressing Tower. The gate of the Monster Suppressing Tower opened suddenly and shot out golden light. As the Monster Suppressing Tower rotates in the air, the golden light Where the light swept across, Corpse Insect's corpses were picked up by the Monster Suppressing Tower.

Qin Shuang instilled his own idea in Monster Suppressing Tower, not to let it decompose these Corpse Insects. After all Corpse Insect corpses were absorbed into the Monster Suppressing Tower, Qin Shuang collected the Monster Suppressing Tower. After entering the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Fengming and Fengyan dig out the inner core of Corpse Insect in the Monster Suppressing Tower. The carapace and Corpse Insect legs are given to Fengming Qi, and the Corpse Insect meat is decomposed and absorbed by Monster Suppressing Tower.

After doing all this, Qin Shuang discerned the direction, left the lake, and headed in the direction he chose.

In a jungle.

Two cultivators stand opposite each other, one cultivator is covered with insects, and there are several Corpse Insects among those insects. The cultivator covered with insects looked at the opposite cultivator, but his trembling voice was a female voice:

"I never thought that you are an insect cultivator, you hide deep enough!"

"insect cultivator?"

The man opposite hehe said with a smile: "I am not an insect cultivator, because I am an insect, and my body is a praying mantis."

"Mantis? How is this possible?"

"There is nothing impossible." The mantis Monster Race curl one's lip said: "When all living creatures have chance, I just get it by chance. After a long life, you know, as long as you have a long life and encounter some opportunities, it is not impossible to want a cultivation success. It’s just that my opportunity is different from yours. I have gained the way of an insect cultivator, and I can Fusion of various insect races, and the integration of various originally weak insect races with me will have a long life and become stronger.

Of course, if I can integrate stronger insects , Such as these Corpse Insects, I will become stronger, hehe......"

"Chain is strong, you are not afraid that one day, you will be eaten by the insect backlash and the insect?"

"Hehe..." The chain cracked open his mouth and smiled: "I am the insect, and the insect is me, where is the backlash? And I tell you, the inheritance I got is recorded as an insect race, and I am not an insect cultivator. Only people who are not insect cultivation insect cultivator are called insect cultivator, and I am the real insect race. It’s just that I haven’t found it in Monster Realm today. I believe that in other worlds, there must be a glorious world of insect race. ."


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