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"That's not true!" The demon saint Madara Feng said with a solemn expression: "This seal only restricts age, but has no restrictions on others. However, this is Monster Realm, In the world of our Monster Race, Human Race and Demon Race want to make trouble in our Monster Realm. That is courting death."

Qin Shuang in the heart sighed in relief, secretly said in one's heart, no Will restrict Human Race, that's good.

"My lord, goodbye!"

Qin Shuang, who was relieved, raised his arms and rose into the sky. A trace of worry appeared in the eyes of the demon saint Madara Feng on the deck, and he whispered:

"Pill Master Feng, you have to come back safely!"

"Whh... "

Qin Shuang swooped down towards the golden vortex, but in an instant, he felt the scene change. Qin Shuang immediately took a step in the air, the Phoenix technique unfolded, and a flaming Fire Phoenix, Qin was born under his feet. Shuang stabilized his figure in the air and looked towards all around.

All around is a Monster Race standing out of nothing, and they are all looking towards all around.

This is an undulating forest. In just a few moments, one Monster Race fell to the ground and then swept towards the forest.

These Monster Races are all competitors. If Inheritance Land hadn't been discovered yet, maybe these Monster Races would kill each other. Qin Shuang cautiously landed on the ground and did not dare to fly in the air. Those Monster Races did not dare to stay in the air, but fell to the ground. It is conceivable that there must be something more dangerous in the air.

Qin Shuang did not see Cracking Sky and Hu Mei Niang, but even if he saw them, Qin Shuang would be very alert. Maybe meeting those two Great Demons again will be your life and death fight.

Qin Shuang did not rush to look for Inheritance Land because she knows that it is a chance, not something you can find in a hurry. And the worst of the Monster Race cultivation base is in the later period of Martial God Tenth Layer. Only Qin Shuang is Martial God Second Layer. At this time, she has reached the critical point of breakthrough. She needs to find a place, first breakthrough.

Qin Shuang walks in a tall forest. These trees are very tall. The trees of Monster Realm are tall enough. The trees of Secret Realm are taller than those of Monster Realm. It's just that Qin Shuang can't hear the slightest sound of demonic beast. If it weren't for the lush trees around, Qin Shuang would think this is a dead place.

"The aura here is even stronger than Monster Realm, almost five times that of Monster Realm. No wonder Monster Race is regarded as the Holy Land. The cultivation here really doubles the results for half the effort. However. , I have a Monster Suppressing Tower, but it’s much better than here."

Qin Shuang spread the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness, and found that the monster Race talents at this time have already left beyond a thousand Li, now she is the only one left in this forest.

"These young talents of Monster Race are probably outstanding dísciples in Monster Realm’s Great Demon families. Compared with the ancestors of these Monster Races who have entered Secret Realm, they have a certain understanding of Secret Realm. Race young talents are looking for Inheritance Land at this time, right?

So, this is an excellent breakthrough place."

Qin Shuang took back the Sea of ​​Consciousness here. With a leap, he jumped onto an ancient tree, and sit cross-legged on a thick branch.

She is going to break through the cultivation base of the lower Ruijin cultivation base. Now her Ruijin Martial Dao is the Martial Emperor Seventh Layer, and the method is the Core Formation Seventh Layer. It's just that now she doesn't have the inner core of Golden Wings Great Peng, and she wants continuous breakthrough almost impossible.

Qin Shuang first took out the Spirit Stone, placed a Spirit Gathering Pearl around him, then swallowed two sharp Golden Pills, and then held the Monster Suppressing Tower and absorbed the Monster Suppressing Tower. With the aura, coupled with the rich aura in Monster Race Secret Realm, Qin Shuang runs the White Tiger Collection and strikes the Martial Emperor Eighth Layer.

Qin Shuang’s cultivation base has been suppressed for too long, but at the beginning of the breakthrough, it opened the obstacle avoidance to the Martial Emperor Eighth Layer, and the rich spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth in Monster Realm converged. , The forest began to become hazy, and then a spiritual vortex was formed on Qin Shuang’s head. The Spirit Gathering Array deployed by the Spirit Stone was also frantically extracting spiritual power, and the two sharp golden pill in the body also turned into a rolling spiritual. Power, but the Monster Suppressing Tower is the most dedicated. The rich spiritual power inside is drawn out by Qin Shuang, poured into the meridian, and flowed into the dantian through the operation of great circulation.

In the dantian, the spiritual power of the Ruijin opened his mouth and absorbed the spiritual power that was continuously pouring into the dantian into the body, the spiritual power of the Ruijin became more and more staring, and More and more charm.

A quarter of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour.

Three quarters of an hour.


There was a mournful scream in the distance, Qin Shuang opened his eyes, and while continuing to absorb spiritual power, he saw the reputation A Monster Race has appeared on its own, it is an Azure Ox, and it is running wildly into the distance. There are countless black lights lingering around him. In an instant, I saw the huge hill-like one. Azure Ox fell on the ground "rumbled", and then his body was covered by black light. After a few breaths, the black light soared to the sky, and the bone frame of Azure Ox was left on the ground.

"Hiss..." Qin Shuang couldn't help holding breath cold air: "What are those black lights?"

One is the distance, and the other thing happened too suddenly, Qin Shuang did not see clearly what the black light was, and at this time the black light had gone away and disappeared.

However, this also relaxes Qin Shuang's heart. If those black light moved towards Qin Shuang who is flying over her, who is passing through, I really don't know what I want to do.

"The Monster Race cultivator here has a higher cultivation base than mine. The lowest cultivation base is also in the later stage of Monster God. The cultivator in the later stage of Monster God is entangled by the black light, and there is no resistance at all. I was eaten so that only bones were left during the rest time. It seems that this place is not generally dangerous. I hope that during my breakthrough, no black light will come over."

Perhaps Qin Shuang’s prayers started. After more than three hours, Qin Shuang’s Ruijin Martial Dao broke through to the Martial Emperor Eighth Layer.

The spiritual energy vortex in the sky gradually dissipated, and the Spirit Stones used for formation around Qin Shuang also turned into powder. Sisi Dao Rhyme dispersed one after another. Qin Shuang stood up from the tree trunk and looked into the distance. He didn't find the black light anymore, but didn't dare to break through here anymore. Once the breakthrough, the noise caused the black light, when the time comes, there is no place to cry. It’s lucky that I didn’t attract black light this time. What if I break through here again and attract black light?

Those black lights can fly. Naturally, Qin Shuang dared not fly in the air. He jumped from the tree and moved forward. I hadn't walked a few steps just now, and there was a pause under my feet, and my eyes fell on a fist sized black object on the ground.

"What is this?"


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