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Qin Shuang punched out, the space in front of her was punched out a vortex-like hollow, six Fire Phoenix like A whirlwind drill hovered and rushed out, exposing a huge power in the air, causing a burst of violent humming in the Monster Suppressing Tower.

"So amazing!"

Qin Shuang's eyes were filled with surprise. Suddenly, her eyebrow raised, her expression was even more happy. It turned out that Fengming told her that she had understood the Fengfengquan into the Fourth Layer.

Qin Shuang closed his eyes, and only about 3 breaths time, he saw Qin Shuang raised his right arm and punched out.


Four Fire Phoenix hovered above the right arm, whirlwind came out. With joy jumping in Qin Shuang's eyes, he stretched out his arms again and punched out, this time using the shock technique.


Eight Fire Phoenix wrapped around their arms, multiplying their power!

Qin Shuang let Fengming continue to comprehend the Fengfengquan, while she continued to comprehend the shock tactic.

This day.

She heard the call of the demon Avatar Fengyan, and ended the cultivation. At this time, Fengming still did not cultivation the Fengfengquan out of 5-Layer, and Qin Shuang still failed to stack three layers of spiritual power, which increased his attack power by three times. However, Qin Shuang also lamented that this shock tactic requires a strong body strength. If it weren’t for her body strength to be much higher than her own spiritual power’s cultivation base, the power erupted by superimposing three layers of spiritual power would not be enough. Let her explode and die, but she will definitely be seriously injured.

Qin Shuang thought for a while, instead of leaving Monster Suppressing Tower immediately, he went to the Pill Refining Room on the southern volcano and quickly refined a medicine pill of Grade 8 Pill Dao division. The Hundred Refinements Body Tempering Pill is still Hundred Refinements Body Tempering Pill, but there is a Dao Pill pattern on the medicine pill. It is this Dao Pill pattern that upgrades the level of Hundred Refinements Body Tempering Pill and becomes a Grade 8 pill. Of course, its name is not called Hundred Refinements Body Tempering Pill at this time, but it is called Hundred Refinements Body Tempering Pill, and its effect is five times that of Hundred Refinements Body Tempering Pill.

Thirty-six pellets were refined in this furnace. Qin Shuang collected the medicine pill, left the Monster Suppressing Tower, returned to the cabin, and took the Magic Avatar Fengyan back to the Monster Suppressing Tower, and then The sleepy formation that enveloped Tian Feng was put away, and he took out another bottle of medicine pill and handed it to Tian Fengdao:

"You stay in this warehouse, and try not to go out normally. Wait for me to come back. Take you back to Martial Artist Continent."

"Where are you... going?"

"Monster Race Secret Realm!"

Qin Shuang turned and walked out The cabin, backhand closed the door. Walking down the passage to the deck, I saw dozens of Monster Race heroes appeared on the deck at this time, and in the passage behind her, there were Monster Race heroes walking towards her.

Qin Shuang walked onto the deck, glanced away, did not see Cracking Sky and Humei Niang, knowing that the two of them should be behind him, and wandered to the demon saint who led the team. Whispered:

"My lord."

The demon saint turned his face and looked at Qin Shuang. Although he didn't smile, he was gentle. You must know that Qin Shuang, these Monster Race cultivators, are also Martial Gods, and since they have stood out in the huge Monster Race and won one of the 100 places, they are 50% sure that they will break through to Martial Sage in the future. Exist like him. Therefore, he impossible to shake his face to Qin Shuang, lightly said:

"What's the matter?"

Qin Shuang took out a jade bottle and handed it to the demon saint, who took it. I removed the jade bottle and opened the lid, a pill fragrant wafted out, his expression moved slightly, and a medicine pill was poured out, finally showing a hint of surprise on his face.

"Hundred Refinements Body Tempering Pill?" The demon saint turned his head suddenly and looked at Qin Shuang and said: "You refined it?"

"Yes!" Qin Shuang lightly nodded.

"Are you Grade 8 Pill Dao teacher?"


"Grade 8 Pill Dao teacher!" The look on the face of the demon saint Becoming solemnly, there are no more than fifty Grade 8 Pill Dao divisions in the billion trillion Monster Race. This is not because he does not pay attention to Qin Shuang. The look in his eyes is more gentle and said:

"What's the matter with you?"

Qin Shuang whispered: "My lord, during the time I entered Monster Race Secret Realm, I hope that the adults can take care of my human slave. Of course, if I can't come back, the human slave Let the adults dispose of it."

"This is a trivial matter! I agree."

"Thank you!" Qin Shuang saluted the demon saint.

"My name is Banfeng. Some juniors in my family really need this kind of Hundred Refinements Body Tempering Pill."

Seeing Qin Shuang pondering, Banfeng immediately said: "Don't worry. , I will use Spirit Stone or resources to purchase."

Qin Shuang frowned slightly and said: "When I come back from Secret Realm, I will refine some for the adults."

"Okay, thank you Feng Pill Master. I wish Feng Pill Master every success in Secret Realm."

"Thank you!"


The sea shook suddenly, and Qin Shuang couldn't help but look towards the sea. The demon Shuang Feng took a deep breath and said:

"Secret Realm is turned on!"

Qin Shuang squinted her eyes slightly. Very curious. The demon saint Madanfeng on the side suddenly said:

"Master Feng Pill, are you sure you are not more than a hundred years old, right?"

"Yes!" Qin Shuang said with a slightly shocked expression: "Is there any problem?"

"That's good!" The demon saint Madarakaze sighed in relief: "When our ancestors of Monster Race developed this Inheritance Land, they were to select Monster Race. Only the outstanding generation can obtain inheritance. Therefore, it is stipulated that only Monster Race cultivators under a hundred years old can enter, otherwise they will be sealed and strangled."

"Seal! "

Qin Shuang's heart moved, and at this time, a golden light spot appeared on the blue sea, and then the golden light spot quickly zoomed in, gradually highlighting from the sea surface , That is a huge golden mask, like a huge upside-down bowl.

In the dazzling rays of light, above the inverted bowl, the golden rays of light gradually rotated, forming a golden vortex.

"whiz whiz whiz......"

Monster Race young talents flew up from the deck and flew towards the inverted bowl, and a Monster Race directly towards The golden vortex swooped down, and then his figure disappeared from the mask, entered the mask, and disappeared.

Monster Race swooped down towards the golden vortex and disappeared.


A stern shout suddenly came, and a Monster Race was strangled to pieces by golden vortex. The demon saint spot wind is coldly snorted, and his face is very ugly.

"Why did he die?" Qin Shuang's complexion changed.

"Isn't it because I'm over a hundred years old? I don't know how to die!"

Qin Shuang's heart shivered with cold, faintly muttered to oneself said: "This seal is so powerful! My lord , This is the Inheritance Land of our Monster Race, presumably our ancestors will guard against Demon Race and Human Race? Will Human Race and Demon Race be strangled if they want to enter?"


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