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Qin Shuang squatted down and carefully looked at the black thing on the ground.

"Is this a beetle?"

The thing on the ground looks exactly like a beetle, but it's much bigger than a normal beetle. The black carapace exudes swarthy metal rays of light, eight legs, and sharp mouthparts.

A azure rays of light poured out from Qin Shuang's chest and turned into a Black Tortoise lying on Qin Shuang's shoulder, looking at the beetle.

"How does this look like Corpse Insect!"

Qin Shuang muttered in a low voice. She has also seen Corpse Insect. Both humans and demonic beasts will give birth after death. A kind of beetle is called Corpse Insect. It's just that Corpse Insect is not so big!

"It's Corpse Insect!"

The Black Tortoise on his shoulder carefully looked at the black beetle and said: "It's just that this Corpse Insect is unusual."

Qin Shuang wondered: "Are there different types of Corpse Insect?"

"Corpse Insect is Corpse Insect, naturally there is no different type. However, Corpse Insect and Corpse Insect are still different."


"This is a bit convoluted!" Qin Shuang puzzled: "I don't understand."

"Why are you so stupid!" Black Tortoise said disdainfully, "Where does Corpse Insect come from? Come on?"

"Of course it was born on a corpse."

"Isn't it over?" Black Tortoise lightly said: "Corpse Insect born from a different corpse It is different. Normally, the corpse is the food of Corpse Insect. When the corpse is eaten by Corpse Insect, the lifespan of Corpse Insect will soon be gone. It feeds on flesh and blood, and will attack humans and animals to the death of humans and animals. However, it is You need to eat blood food continuously. Once you don’t eat blood food for more than seven days, you will die. This is an ordinary Corpse Insect. And such a Corpse Insect can be used as a material for refining poisons by the Poison Master. There is no other effect.

However, if it is a Corpse Insect born from a corpse above Martial God, its lifespan is much longer, and it can live for a year even if it does not swallow blood. Moreover, its body is also a very good refining material, and its head is larger than the ordinary Corpse Insect. This Corpse Insect is the Corpse Insect born from the corpse of Martial God."

Qin Shuang hearing this big In surprise, he curled his fingers and flicked on the Corpse Insect's body, and it made a metallic sound.

"Good material!" Qin Shuang couldn't help but said joyfully, then frowned and said: "No, you said that the life essence of Corpse Insect can only live for one year. This Monster Race Secret Realm It only opens once every 100 years, and except for Monster God, which comes in once every 100 years, there is no Monster Race to come in. Where is the blood of these Corpse Insects? I should have starved to death long ago?"

Black Tortoise's expression became solemn: "These Corpse Insects shouldn't be born from the bodies of those Monster Race heroes. They are just the blood food of Corpse Insect."

"What do you mean?" Qin Shuang suddenly felt nervous.

"I just said that the Corpse Insect born from the body of Monster God, if the Corpse Insect born from the body of is Monster Saint, its life essence will be very long, even without blood food, It will automatically fall asleep, Eternal and Undying. Of course, this is not the case with the Corpse Insect born in the corpse of is Monster Saint. After the Corpse Insect is born, it depends on who eats more blood and flesh, and whoever will be more powerful. Usually a monster A beetle like that will be born on Saint’s body, and the rest are like this beetle.

The Corpse Insect that eats the most is very big and has simple wisdom. Corpse Insect is regarded as Insect King. Ordinary Corpse Insect only eats flesh and blood, not bones. However, Corpse Insect born from the corpse of the Demon Saint, even if it is not the Insect King, can survive by eating the bones of the Demon Saint This should be the case for this Corpse Insect."

"The fallen demon saints here don’t know that hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and the bones have been gnawed away, right?"


"Where are the bones of the demon saint that you can easily gnaw away!" Black Tortoise said disdainfully.

Qin Shuang took the Corpse Insect into the storage ring and walked forward. Soon, he came to the bone shelf of the Azure Ox that had just died.

At this time, there is only one bone frame left in the Azure Ox, and the whole bone frame is as shining as jade. Qin Shuang stretched out his hand and touched it, with a look of joy on his face:

"A good material for refining! This Cyan Ox Monster may have seen my breakthrough and wanted to come back and kill me, pick one It’s cheap, but I didn’t expect......hehe......"

Qin Shuang waved his hand and took the bones of Azure Ox into the Monster Suppressing Tower, but he didn’t keep it as a refining material, so he let the Monster Suppressing Tower directly. Decomposed and absorbed.


I just put the bone shelf of Azure Ox into the Monster Suppressing Tower, Qin Shuang's heart beat violently, and his sweats stood upright. I saw that at the place where the Azure Ox bones were originally located, the ground suddenly squirmed, and a black fist sized Corpse Insect "sou" sprang out from the ground, with wings flapping, like a black lightning, towards Qin. Shuang's face shot towards the goal.


The Corpse Insect’s mouth sticks out a sharp mouthpart, which is full of half chi long, and releases the metallic luster in the dark. A slender venom was ejected from the device, rushing towards Qin Shuang's face.

Qin Shuang’s body instantly released a spiritual power shield, releasing crimson’s rays of light. When you look closely, it is made up of tiny flames. At the same time the figure flew backwards.

It’s just that the velocity of that venom was too fast, and it was beyond Qin Shuang’s expectation. It was just sprayed onto Qin Shuang’s spiritual power shield in an instant, and si si was emitted on the spiritual power shield. The voice of phoenix fire is burning venom, emitting black poison qi.

Qin Shuang’s complexion changed, she found that her spiritual power shield was burning that venom. Similarly, that venom was also corroding her spiritual power shield, but less than two. When she breathed, she actually corroded a hole in her spiritual power shield, and the black poison qi spread in.

"Really strong toxicity!"

Qin Shuang immediately held his breath, but then his expression changed. The poison qi even with no opportunity, even if he held his breath , Actually began to seep into Qin Shuang's sweat pores, making Qin Shuang's mind dizzy.

Qin Shuang’s figure flew back, dispersed the spiritual power shield, got rid of the rising poison qi, and started the Fire Phoenix body at the same time. Grade 4 Phoenix fire circulates in the body, turning the poison qi into the body. Excluded, the mind is clear.

At this moment, the Corpse Insect had already arrived in front of Qin Shuang, and the sharp mouth pierced Qin Shuang's eyebrows.


Qin Shuang's right foot stomped fiercely on the ground, and a Fire Phoenix was born under his feet, and his backing figure suddenly accelerated. Opened the distance from Corpse Insect.

Fengxiang technique.

thoughts move, Sea of ​​Consciousness The nine phoenix feather swords in the Sea of ​​Consciousness made from Fire Phoenix tail section Chang Ling merged into a giant sword and came out around the body. Qin Shuang grasped it in his hand, He struck the black Corpse Insect fiercely.


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