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Qin Shuang's eyes showed a trace of surprise. She observed that the thin trace of Ancient in the blood of the beast swordfish Bloodline dissipated instantly after flowing out of the body, so there would be no trace of Ancient Bloodline in the jade bowl.

Qin Shuang threw the wild beast saury aside, stretched out his hand to the sea and caught another saury in the air. Soul Power penetrated into the body of the saury, perceiving the Ancient Bloodline in the body of the saury, and then slowly exerted force on the hand to squeeze the saury to death.

As soon as Qin Shuang's gaze moved, at the moment when the saury fish died, the thin trace of Ancient Bloodline in it disappeared.

"No wonder Monster Race’s Artifact Refinement Master and Pill Refinement Master can’t extract the Ancient Bloodline. I’m afraid they will not be able to find the Ancient Bloodline in this beast saury. Bloodline is extracted, it’s impossible."

Qin Shuang’s face showed a smile: "If it weren’t for the way Blood Qin taught me to peel off bloodline, even me, it’s impossible to remove this kind of bloodline. Refined."

Qin Shuang threw the wild beast saury aside, raised his hand to catch the sea again, a wild beast saury was caught by Qin Shuang from the sea, and flew towards Qin Shuang , Was caught by Qin Shuang.

The left hand is holding the struggling wild beast saury fish, the right hand quickly forms the Taoist seal, and waves of mystery gather in the Qin Shuang continuously seal, and Qin Shuang will one after another containing mystery The fluctuating Dao Yin penetrated into the body of the wild beast saury.

The body of the wild beast saury is still gradually gathering a layer of bland light, and the saury is struggling violently, you can imagine the severe pain in its body at this time.

"Can you die from the pain!" Qin Shuang murmured as he slapped the Taoist seal on the body of the wild beast saury:

"If you die from the pain, My efforts are in vain."

Qin Shuang is holding a wild beast saury. At this time, naked eye can see it, and the layers of precious light are rippling, like one after another ripples from the wasteland. The tail section of the saury fluctuates layer by layer towards the head.

Qin Shuang's eyes revealed tension. She was afraid that before the ancient bloodline was peeled off, this wild beast saury would not be able to withstand the pain of peeling the bloodline and die.

Qin Shuang, who has been staring at the wild beast saury, his eyes flickered brightly, the wild beast saury’s drooping head, the closed mouth suddenly opened, and a drop of only millet grains Such a small drop of blood dropped from the sky of the wild beast saury.

Qin Shuang hurriedly stretched out his right hand to catch the drop of blood, wrapped it with spiritual power, and suspended it above his palm. Raised hand to the left, threw the wild beast saury into the sea, and the group of big-mouthed fish swarmed in and instantly ate the wild beast saury.

Qin Shuang watched nervously at the drop of blood floating above the palm of his right hand, for fear that the drop of ancient bloodline was dissipating and turned into ordinary blood.

The power of Sea of ​​Consciousness explored the past, her expression changed. She could feel the energy contained in this drop of blood the size of a millet grain, surging and violent.

Qin Shuang has a feeling that if it can continuously integrate this kind of bloodline, it will definitely become very strong. It's not easy to just want to merge this violent bloodline. Maybe not only did it not merge, but it exploded and died. There is another situation, that is to integrate this kind of bloodline, but the character will become violent, and then affect the mind, become like a beast.

However, this is undoubtedly a good thing!

Don’t forget, Qin Shuang is a Level 9 Pill Dao Great Grandmaster and has a deep understanding of Pill Dao. This kind of bloodline can be refined into two medicine pill, one is taken internally, used for increasing cultivation base. However, Qin Shuang has concerns. The medicine pill refined with this kind of bloodline naturally possesses the medicinal properties of this kind of bloodline, and has a great probability of absorbing this kind of bloodline when it absorbs medicine pill. Of course, because Qin Shuang combines bloodline with other herbs to make medicine pill, he is very sure that people who take medicine pill will not explode and die, but there is no certainty that it will be absorbed. People who plant Ancient Bloodline will not become violent, or even lose their minds, and become like wild beasts.

So, medicine pill Qin Shuang like this kind of medicine will definitely not be taken.

even more how ……

Qin Shuang doesn't want to add some miscellaneous things to his blood, even if the blood has a strong effect. Qin Shuang also wants to maintain his pure bloodline.

Although Monster Race and Demon Race both believe that the bloodline of Human Race is the most humble, but Qin Shuang stubbornly believes that the bloodline of Human Race is the most noble.

Another way is to use this ancient bloodline to refine Body Tempering Liquid. Qin Shuang used the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness to perceive the Sea of ​​Consciousness of that drop of ancient blood for the first time, and then he perceives that there are two strong energies in that drop of ancient blood. One is a very strong life. force, one is a very strong destructive force.

Qin Shuang speculates that it is these two extreme forces that make the body of the desolate beast extremely powerful. Also because of this bloodline, the two powers continuously conflict in the body, making the desolate beast unwise.

Similar to the use of this Ancient Bloodline to refine Body Tempering Liquid, it should have a great auxiliary effect on the improvement of Qin Shuang's body strength. Moreover, this topical Body Tempering Liquid is difficult to be absorbed and fused by the blood in the body. Even if it is fused, the degree will be very low, and it will not immediately affect Qin Shuang's personality and mentality. As long as it does not immediately affect Qin Shuang's character and mind, Qin Shuang can strip it out.

Qin Shuang took out a jade bottle, put the drop of ancient blood of the wild beast saury into the jade bottle, sealed it, and put it into the storage ring. She did not immediately extract the Ancient Bloodline of the wild beast saury, because she wanted to see if the ancient bloodline of this drop of wild beast saury could be preserved. After two days, it would automatically dissipate.

Standing up from the ground, Qin Shuang stretched out another hand and grabbed it towards the sea. A dragon tendon earthworm was caught by Qin Shuang from the seabed and fell into his hand. Then he continuously stimulated the dragon tendon earthworm to attack Qin Shuang, observing the attack method of the dragon tendon earthworm, and deduced the trembling attack method.

Ten days.

Twenty days.

Thirty days.

Qin Shuang spent 30 days in Monster Suppressing Tower and less than a day outside Monster Suppressing Tower. A hint of joy appeared between Qin Shuang's eyebrows, and she was finally able to superimpose two spiritual powers in an instant, attacking with a tremor.

Qin Shuang threw the dragon tendon earthworm back into the sea, circling the Fengfeng Fist, and the Fire Phoenix circled his right arm, Qin Shuang's eyes lit up.

Now Qin Shuang only understands the Third Layer of Winding Phoenix Boxing, and each attack can only produce three Fire Phoenix. However, there are six Fire Phoenix around her right arm at this time. The size of each Fire Phoenix is ​​a bit smaller, but it is more solid. The runes on the Fire Phoenix body are also clearer. Qin Shuang can clearly I feel that the power contained in each Fire Phoenix is ​​doubling.


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