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"Boom boom boom..."

Kong Qiang’s figure was continuously blown away, and one phoenix flying continuously from Qin Shuang’s double Wrapped out of the arm, strong impact towards the hole.

"This fist...really strong!" Lei Tianyi didn't know what words to use to describe how he felt at this time. A soaring fighting intent burst out of the stalwart body.

"weng weng weng ……"

The five-color light behind Kong Qiang flashed continuously, brushing away the flying phoenixes. As soon as the two retreated and entered, the message went thousands of miles away. Cracking Tianyi and Hu Meiniang stirred up the situation and chased after them.

"Boom boom boom..."

Qin Shuang's foot phoenix flying technique keeps blasting, and the flying phoenixes live suddenly, and the arms are wrapped around the flying phoenix, and the afterimages continue. , Strikes out. Kong Qiang's five-color light mapped the sky, continuously brushing off Qin Shuang's attack. It's just that the five-color light is getting dimmed, and it seems that his divine ability has its limit.


A gleam of light shone out, Qin Shuang drew out a scimitar with his left hand, and cut it out with a single knife.


The five-color light shines, brushing off Qin Shuang's left hand scimitar, but the five-color light's divine ability has reached its limit. The five-color rays of light are like soap The bubble generally burst.


Qin Shuang punched out, with two flying phoenixes wrapped around his right arm, and the formidable power doubled. Fengming in Monster Suppressing Tower has already understood the Fengfengquan into Second Layer.


Huge power strikes On the three-pointed two-edged sword, Kong Qiang felt the huge power coming from the sword to the two arms. , His arms were numb, and he could no longer hold the knife shaft. The three-pointed and two-edged sword flew out, seeing Qin Shuang's other fist, entangling two flying phoenixes and magnifying in his eyes.

"Kong Qiang is dying!" Hu Meiniang in the sky looked solemn.


The long feather on the crown of Kong Qiang's head suddenly released the rays of light and turned into a huge three-pointed two-edged knife Cut to Qin Shuang.

It’s just the moment when Chang Ling turned into a three-pointed two-edged sword, an irresistible power looked towards Qin Shuang assaults the senses, Qin Shuang not even think, the ground, both feet kicked in the air. , Feifeng suddenly appeared under his feet, and his stature flew back towards the distance.


A very bright rays of light shone out. It was a virtual image of a three-pointed two-edged knife, chasing Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang stepped on the phoenix flying technique, and his figure repeatedly dodged in the air. Afterimages appeared in the air everywhere in East, South, West, North, and were smashed by the blade light one after another of the magnificent three-pointed two-edged knife. At the same time, pieces of Fire Phoenix feathers emerged from Qin Shuang’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, and turned into a small crystal-clear red sword to form a pair of armor, which was worn on Qin Shuang’s body. A large Fire Phoenix feather came from Sea of ​​Consciousness. of Consciousness floated out, turned into a long sword, held in Qin Shuang's hand, and pierced forward.

Phoenix first cut!

A phoenix head was pierced in the air, and the sharp beak pecked at the huge three-pointed two-edged knife.


There was a sour metal rubbing sound, and the phoenix head was able to block the blade light with a three-pointed two-edged knife and less than a single breath. In time, it shattered, and the remaining blade light was finally chopped on Qin Shuang who could not dodge. The immense force smashed Qin Shuang into the air, and Qin Shuang felt a salty rush up the throat, and a "pu" spits out mouthful of blood. Regardless of his injuries, he stared into the distance.

I saw Kong Qiang flying towards the distance, and disappeared in an instant.


Qin Shuang sighed in relief, took out a medicine pill and took it, and then checked his injury, with Feng Yu's protection, and those three The power of the sharp two-edged sword had been dodged continuously by her, and the power consumed was blocked by the Phoenix Head. The most important thing was the protection of the Phoenix Feather armor, which only slightly injured Qin Shuang.

thoughts move, she took Feng Yu into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, her eyes became solemn, she knew that if the knife cut her body in the beginning, even if she had Feng Yu armor, she would be That one slashed.

I lost a lot in this battle. Not only did he fail to kill Kong Qiang, he became enmity with the opponent from now on, but he also lost the horned scimitar. When I looked up, I saw Cracking Tianyi and Hu Meiniang flying over with twinkling eyes, unable to help Complexion Sank, and said coldly:

"Cracking Tian Si Senior Brother, Senior Sister Hu, I need an explanation from you, Kong. What's the matter with the long feather on the strong crown?"

Crack Tianyi and Hu Meiniang glanced at Qin Shuang, and felt that her aura was still strong, and the sharp flicker in their eyes quietly dissipated. Hu Mei Niang said with a bitter smile:

"There is always a long feather in Kong Qiang’s crown, but I have never seen him use it. One thought it was just a decoration, who knew it was It is a guardian ling."

"Guardian ling?"

"It should be a long ling from the patriarch of Bi Fang, it should be the elder of Kong Qiang, Infused with the divine ability of a demon saint."

Qin Shuang's eyes flashed, she knew her weakness, and now her cultivation base is Martial God Second Layer, because of the cultivation technique, the real battle strength Close to Martial Sage. Once the Fire Phoenix body is turned on, it is equivalent to Martial Sage Early-Stage. It's just that she is not Martial Sage after all, but equivalent to Martial Sage, which can be said to be pseudo Martial Sage, which is weaker than the real Martial Sage Early-Stage. And it can't last. Feeling the blow of the real Martial Sage made her feel awe-inspiring.

The realm difference between Martial Sage and Martial God can be described as a gap. This is the last realm of the cultivator in the mortal cultivation, and the difference in strength is the largest. It is precisely because of this huge gap, like a moat, that Qin Shuang's strength cannot rise to a great realm like before. Just touching the edge of Martial Sage Early-Stage, the real battle strength is equivalent to Half-Step Demon Sage.

However, Qin Shuang is not without a hole card. If she turns on the Fire Phoenix body while fusing the Phoenix Fire and Xuanshui, the proper Martial Sage mid-stage, the real battle strength is also equivalent to the Demon Saint Early-Stage Peak.

And she is now only Martial God Second Layer. As her cultivation base continuously improves, after opening the Fire Phoenix body and fusing Xuanshui, her strength will increase.

However, she also has a jealous heart for Cracking Sky and Hu Mei Niang. When she played against Kong Qiang, her strength was stronger than when she killed the six children of Zhulin. Even so, the cracking sky and Hu Meiniang only showed fear, not fear, which shows the strength of the cracking sky and Hu Meiniang.

For several days, three people beheaded eighteen Monster Races. Each time they took turns in three battles. There was no three people teaming up, showing the strength of the three people.

This day.

The three people were in a state of affairs, and saw the magnificent tri-ethnic city from a distance.

The three people lowered the cloud head and walked towards the city gate. I saw from a distance that there were Human Race, Monster Race, and Demon Race handles in the city gate. Qin Shuang said strangely:

"Senior Brother, Senior Sister Hu, why do we Monster Race Put the spot competition in the tri-racial city. Isn’t it our Monster Race’s own business? Can we still allow Human Race and Demon Race to participate?"


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