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"Of course not!" Humei Niang said with a lovable smile: "We put the spot competition in the tri-family city, but it is our Monster Race to Human Race and Demon Race Show the strength of our Monster Race and deterrence."

"so that's how it is!"

"Is it the first time for Feng's younger sister to come to a tri-family city?" Asked loudly.

"No, I have been here."

While speaking, he entered the Tri-City City. Hu Meiniang said: "Let's go to the Monster Race Hall."

"What are you going there for?" Qin Shuang asked.

"You don't know anything about the spot competition?" Hu Meiniang asked strangely.

Qin Shuang nodded and said: "I am alone and wandering around. I really don’t understand it. If I hadn’t heard what Master Feng Wu said in the first fortress, I wouldn’t know about it."

Hu Meiniang's face showed admiration and said: "Feng younger sister is alone, and she is able to cultivation such strength. Elder sister is very impressed."

Qin Shuang laughed Laughing without words, she just turned her inquiring gaze to Hu Mei Niang, Hu Mei Niang said: "In the Monster Race great hall, there is a forest of ten thousand steles, and each stone tablet is engraved with a monster. The inheritance of Race. It can be said that every powerful race has left behind an inheritance. The first test we need to go through is to comprehend the inheritance of the stone tablet belonging to our race. Those who have the insight passed the first test. Those who don’t understand will be eliminated. This is an assessment of perception."

Qin Shuang slightly frowned said: "Can anyone understand it?"



"Human Race and Demon Race are also okay? Don't you be afraid of Human Race and Demon Race to understand?"

"Naturally, Human Race and Demon Race are not allowed to enter the Monster Race hall, and even if they enter It’s no use. Human Race has the Human Race’s cultivation technique, Demon Race has the Demon Race’s cultivation technique, and Monster Race’s cultivation technique. They can’t learn it either."

Qin Shuang nodded, the three of them just follow the others. Flow towards the hall of Monster Race.

About an hour later, three people came to the Monster Race hall. Although Qin Shuang came to the Tri-Clan City once, he also came to the Monster Race Hall for the first time. Looking up at the Monster Race hall, the pressure assaults the senses.

Monster Race Hall is very tall and magnificent, with a golden body and a heavenly palace. The walls are engraved with pictures of monsters, which are lifelike.

The tall portal made Qin Shuang stand in front of the door, feeling his own insignificance, and tumbling Monster Qi from the door.

Hu Meiniang pointed to the door and said: "Feng younger sister, do you see the reliefs of Monster Race on the door frame?"

"en!" Qin Shuang Qing Light nodded.

"These reliefs are built into an array of demons. If it weren't for our Monster Race, they would be discovered when they passed the portal."

"So powerful?" Qin Shuang looked on For a moment.

"Of course!" Hu Meiniang proudly said: "This Jianyao formation is not simple, not only through Monster Qi. There will be loopholes. Human Race and Demon Race are very cunning, they will wear An aura that releases Monster Qi is mixed in. Therefore, this monster identification array can identify whether it is a Monster Race by identifying the roots of our Monster Race."

Qin Shuang has a heart in her heart, so she You can't go in rashly, otherwise it will definitely be detected by this Detective Demon Array. The eyeballs turned and turned:

"Senior Brother, Senior Sister Hu, you two go in first. I haven't strolled around the tri-family city. I will first go and take a look around."


Hu Meiniang's eyes were suspicious and said: "Didn't Feng younger sister have been to the Tri-Zero City?"

"I only came once to participate in the auction, and then left in a hurry. This time I have plenty of time, and I want to go shopping."

"Don't go shopping." Lei Tianyi said loudly: "Let’s go in early to understand."

"Understand the need Perception, it doesn’t take time. I’m not in a hurry, you two go in first. I relax, maybe it’s better for comprehension."

The suspicious color in Hu Meiniang’s eyes became more intense, and her eyes rolled. Turn around: "So we are not in a hurry, Feng younger sister makes sense, relax, maybe you will understand better, we will accompany Feng younger sister to stroll together."

There was reluctance on her face, but she was nodded when she saw Hu Meiniang's wink. A trace of helplessness rose in Qin Shuang's heart, and she had no choice but to nodded and said:

"Then we will stroll around at will."

"Go!" Hu Meiniang stepped forward and carried Qin. Shuang's arm.

The three people strolled around in the street at random. Qin Shuang's expression was calm, but his heart was restless, thinking about a way. She now needs a place alone, and then let Fengming come out and enter the Monster Suppressing Tower by herself. However, Hu Meiniang and Seitian Si were inseparable. And the longer it takes, the more it will arouse the suspicion of the two Great Demons.

Split Tiansi turned to Hu Meiniang secret voice transmission and said: "Meiniang, what do you mean? Why don’t you drag Fengming into the Monster Race hall quickly?"

"Split Tiansi Big brother, don’t you think Fengming is weird?"

"What's weird? This road is normal!"

"I’m not talking about the previous road, but about After entering the three-family city."

"After entering the three-family city? What's weird?"

"Think about it again, after listening to what I said about the demonic formation, Her reaction."

"You mean..." Chaetian's heart was shaken: "She is not Monster Race? This is impossible! The Monster Qi on her body is very pure and all she uses on the way is Monster Race cultivation technique."

"Then why didn't she enter the Monster Race hall?"

"Isn't she going to go shopping?"

"No way Simple! I really doubt that she is not Monster Race. If she is not Monster Race, we two are really big fools along the way."

Frewned, secret voice transmission said. "What do you want?"

"We walked with her until dark, and then we took her to the Monster Race hall, if she refused to go, we two would continue to pester her, and then Use the secret technique to send messages to the respective clan elder."

"Okay!" Cracking Tianyi thought about it, nodded and said.

The two ended the secret voice transmission and began to wander around with Qin Shuang. The sky darkened gradually, and Qin Shuang's heart became more and more urgent. Hu Meiniang looked up at the sky, and looked at Qin Shuang deeply:

"Feng younger sister, should we go to the Monster Race Hall?"

Qin Shuang looked at Looking at Hu Mei Niang, and then at Cracking Sky, I felt that the eyes of the two of them flickered, and there was a shudder in their hearts, and they secretly said badly, these two Great Demons should have already doubted themselves. Anxious in her heart, but her face calm, she looked towards all around and said:

"This is not finished yet..."

She suddenly saw a Monster Race shop, and her heart moved. At this time, Hu Meiniang and Lei Tian Si both took a step forward, sandwiching Qin Shuang between them, with a hint of cold and severe saying in their smiles:

"Phoenix younger sister..."

"Let's go to that store, I sell some things, and then we go to the Monster Race Hall."

Qin Shuang said quickly, and then walked towards that store. Hu Meiniang and Cracking Tianyi looked at them for a moment, then pressed down on the idea of ​​sending messages to the family, and followed Qin Shuang into the shop.


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