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Qin Shuang ignored the two of them, instead searching for information about the Bifang family in the Qixian space. The eyebrows jumped suddenly:

"Senior Sister Hu, Kong Qiang brushed your incense burner, you mean Kong Qiang has awakened Five Colored Divine Light?"

"Yes! "Hu Mei Niang nodded and said: "Although it has just awakened, it is a great threat to a cultivator of our level."

Qin Shuang looked at Hu Mei Niang and said: "You fought her last time, the ending How?"

Hu Meiniang's face flashed unnaturally and said: "both sides suffer, but now I have a fortuitous encounter, he must not be my opponent. Feng younger sister, his most powerful thing is Five Colored Divine Light, Mo Feng younger sister afraid?"

Qin Shuang said with a smile: "I haven't fought with the Bifang clan, so let me meet Five Colored Divine Light."

Qin Shuang didn't have a hint of support for the Bifang family that he was about to face. The Fire Phoenix body was turned on immediately, and the aura on his body suddenly increased. Cracking Tianyi and Hu Meiniang standing beside her couldn't help but stun in their hearts.

"really strong!" The two secretly said in one's heart: "But, will this be all her strength? Will there be hidden?"

He Hu Mei Niang's heart was shaken, Qin Shuang's burst of strength, they had seen it in the first fortress. This imposing manner broke out when Qin Shuang killed the last two Great Demon of the bamboo forest. In their vision, Qin Shuang's body floated out one after another Dao Rhyme.

"The rhyme of eight phoenixes!"

Qin Shuang leaned forward and swooped down towards the mang forest below. The rhyme of eight phoenixes dragged behind her, like an aurora descending on the earth.

Above the wild forest, the three Great Demon fighting fiercely had a feeling in the heart. Suddenly looking up, they saw a brilliant rays of light descending into the sky, towards the middle hole. Strongly rushed away.

“clang! ”

With the sound of a knife, a brighter rays of light penetrated from the gorgeous rays of light. Before Qin Shuang hit the knife, Kong Qiang watched the inverted rays of light hit him, and he instinctively raised the three-pointed two-edged knife to block it upward.


There was a huge roar, like Heaven and Earth shaking. The endless forest is like a sea where a meteorite has been dropped. All the giant trees are bowing their heads. The branches of jade green are swayed outward by the swelling force, like an undulating ocean.

"pu pu..."

The two pinching holes are strong from Monster Race's nose and mouth spurting blood, and the figure flies upside down, tumbling in the strength.

Above the white clouds.

Split Tianyi and Hu Meiniang looked down in shock, the figure of Kong Qiang was slashed down the forest by Qin Shuang, and hit the ground fiercely.


Those giant trees that were undulating towards the outside finally couldn't withstand the devastation of Gang Jin, and burst into pieces like the same waves that smashed on the reef. .


The silhouette of Kong Qiang rushed out of the deep hole on the ground, full of shame, and rushed towards Qin Shuang, with three-pointed and two-edged blades in his hands. The knife chopped away.

Qin Shuang moved his lotus steps lightly in the air, and there was only Fire Phoenix under his feet. At this time, the Fire Phoenix was completely solid. Qin Shuang stepped out in one step, lithe and graceful and fast, continuously under his feet. One Fire Phoenix was born, each of which was less than one meter long, and these Fire Phoenix did not dissipate, but flew around.

Great Perfection of Fengxiang.

Hu Meiniang's eyes narrowed. She has always been proud of her movement method, but when she saw Fengxiangshu at this time, she knew that Fengxiangshu surpassed her movement in terms of speed and delicacy. method.


Chopped out without hitting Qin Shuang's body, but smashed several flying phoenixes, the Fire Phoenix that was only one meter long It burst into pieces, but turned into more flying phoenixes that were less than a foot long, flying in the air, blurring Kong Qiang's eyes.

“clang... ”

A bright light burst out of the blur, Kong Qiang again instinctively blocked the three-pointed two-edged knife in front of him, blocking Qin Shuang made a cut.

Don’t say that Qin Shuang has been turned on to see the Fire Phoenix body, even if the Fire Phoenix body is not turned on, this kind of real collision will completely release the power of Qin Shuang’s body, the power of Martial Sage First Layer Kong Qiang couldn't resist, and his figure lased toward the ground like a meteor.


The ground was cracked, and Kong Qiang's body smashed into a deep hole in the center.

"peng~ peng~ peng~ ……"

Qin Shuang’s feet were kicked in the air, and a Fire Phoenix about one meter abruptly under her feet. There was a cry, and he dived down into the pit.

"Boom boom boom..."

A series of dense roars came from the deep pit, and the rays of light flickered. In the flash of rays of light, Kong Qiang's figure shot out again. He looked sharply at Qin Shuang.


Qin Shuang scoffed, the scimitar in his hand chopped down, just simply chopping, without using any knife skills. But the power of the Martial Sage First Layer body, with huge power and lightning speed, slashed in front of Kong Qiang.


This time Kong Qiang did not use his three-pointed two-edged knife to resist Qin Shuang's scimitar, but coldly snorted and made an attack The posture makes Qin Shuang heart shivered with cold.

"What does he mean? Give up defense and attack on offense. Does he want both sides to suffer?"


Kong Suddenly the five-color rays of light shone behind Qiang, and he brushed towards Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang felt a light in his hand, and the scimitar that he had hacked into Kong Qiang's right hand disappeared.

"Has been brushed?" Qin Shuang heart shivered with cold: "What a magical Five Colored Divine Light!"


Kong Qiang With a ferocious look, he had already prepared to attack, and he slashed away. The air was cut out of white air by this blade, and he immediately arrived in front of Qin Shuang.


A flying phoenix less than one meter was chopped to pieces by a three-pointed two-edged knife. Qin Shuang's figure resembled Fengxiang and Kong Qiang's other appearance appeared. One side.

"Shua my weapon!"

Qin Shuang's figure leans forward and shoots towards Kong Qiang. At the same time, his right shoulder is backward and his right arm is backward. , The whole body is like an opened bow. A Fire Phoenix appeared on her right arm, wrapped around her arm.


"courting death!"

Kong Qiang's eye shows the ominous light, and a three-pointed two-edged knife wrapped around his waist, trying to cut Qin Shuang in the middle.


Qin Shuang's body is like a bow, his right arm is like an arrow, punched out, and he strikes precisely on the body of a three-pointed two-edged sword. The huge force blasted Kong Qiang away again, and the Feifeng wrapped around his right arm took advantage of the situation, wrapped around the three-pointed two-edged sword, hovered upwards, and attacked Kong Qiang.


Behind Kong Qiang, the Five Colored Divine Light shined again, and when he swiped it towards the flying phoenix, the flying phoenix was wiped out. A trace.

"Can Dao Fa also be brushed?" Qin Shuang startled: "I think you can brush faster, or I can attack faster!"

Qin Shuang's foot phoenix flying technique, body shape He came to Kong Qiang's body in an instant, his fists burst out continuously, and the flying phoenix wrapped around his arms burst out continuously.


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