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In the Monster Suppressing Tower, Fengming is also walking in the void, flying the phoenix step by step, comprehending the Fengxiang technique. And the Time Flow Speed ​​in Monster Suppressing Tower is different from the outside world. One breath passed outside, but two hundred and fifty-six breaths passed inside. Therefore, Fengming's understanding in Monster Suppressing Tower surpassed Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang walked on the phoenix step by step, and Fengming sent her the realization one after another, all she had to do was to try continuously.

Seeing Qin Shuang's Fengxiang technique, Separation Tiansi and Hu Meiniang have a desire to win in their hearts. The two also speeded up. Hu Mei Niang is as light as the wind, she walks in style, walking on a fox walk, her grace swaying, but she is like Shrinking the Earth into an Inch. However, the cracking sky is an arrogant movement method, walking in big strides, each step falling, the space is trembling, and the air underneath is rippling in circles.

The two Great Demons quickly caught up with Qin Shuang and surpassed Qin Shuang by one body. The corners of their mouths couldn't help but their eyes flickered again.

"This Fengming's movement method looks dazzling, but in fact it's average. Before I tried my best, she lags behind. It seems that her strength may not be hidden. Is she beheading here?"

Qin Shuang also keenly sensed the sudden fluctuations in the aura on the body of Cracking Sky and Hu Mei Niang, and his heart was stunned. At this time, less than a quarter of an hour has passed from the outside world, but more than ten days have passed in the Monster Suppressing Tower. Fengming finally realized Fengxiang technique into the realm of Zhongcheng. Qin Shuang received the insight taught by Fengming, and he felt a joy in his heart and stepped forward.

A flying phoenix appeared under his feet. This flying phoenix is ​​different from the previous illusory shadow. It has become half solid, and the speed of flying suddenly accelerated. Qin Shuang surpassed it with one step. Cracking Tianyi and Hu Meiniang shocked the two people's hearts. They looked at each other, and suddenly accelerated their speed.

Gradually, Qin Shuang is falling behind again. It's just that this time Cracking Sky and Hu Mei Niang stayed with the killing intent in their hearts and watched Qin Shuang cautiously. They didn't know if Qin Shuang was weak or did it deliberately, inspiring them to do it. Therefore, they need to observe, and neither of them has the ultimate speed.

Qin Shuang feels a little anxious at this moment. If he can't suppress the speed of Rip Tianyu and Humei Niang, it will make the two Great Demons feel that they are weak. Once they start, Qin Shuang Not the slightest certainty, because the two Great Demons gave her an extreme danger from the moment they met.

"This can't go on anymore, we must accelerate the speed of comprehension."

Qin Shuang thoughts move, a December fruit enters the Monster Suppressing Tower, Fengming’s in front of. Fengming's eyes shined, and he ate the December fruit in two bites.

Sure enough, with the help of December fruit, the outside world just passed less than a quarter of an hour, and a sentiment was transmitted from Fengming, and it immediately became that of Qin Shuang.

Step out, a completely solid Feifeng appeared under his feet.

Fengxiangshu Great Accomplishment Realm world.


It is like a gust of breeze passing by the side of Seitianni and Hu Meiniang, their backs quickly shrinking, and Separation Tianni and Hu Meiniang are both one in their hearts. Rin, they saw that the flying phoenix at Qin Shuang’s feet was completely solidified. It was not this phoenix that formed, the other phoenix disappeared, but the solidified flying phoenix took some time before it could gradually dissipate. This is Qin Shuang’s Behind him, there were two rows of flying phoenix left and right, and then gradually disappeared.

"So fast!"

Cracking Tianyi and Hu Meiniang looked at them for a moment, and the two of them immediately speeded up. Gradually, the speed of the two people has been played to the extreme, at least in terms of speed, the two of them no longer have the slightest hidden strength, but even so, the two of them can't catch up with Qin Shuang, and they are always in the same position. .

"This... really hides the strength!"

Two Great Demons looked at Qin Shuang's back, their eyes showed a look of dreading. The three of them flew to the Tri-Clan City fast all the way. On the way, there were more and more Monster Races, and they encountered a lot of Monster Races with big fights.

Qin Shuang has already comprehended the Fengxiang technique to the Great Perfection Realm at this time, but she did not reveal it. In front of the cracking sky and Humei Niang, she only applied the Fengxiang technique to the Great Accomplishment Realm.

The more the three people are together, the more powerful they feel each other. Flying at such a high speed, all three people can maintain the speed, which shows the strength of the spiritual power in the three people.

It’s just that Qin Shuang knows in his heart that he has a strong spiritual power just because of the cultivation technique. The cultivation base should be higher than her.

Suddenly, Monster Qi blasted from their left and right, and the four Monster Races broke through the clouds and rushed towards the three of them. It seems that these four Monster Races are also hidden in the cloud, wanting to ambush the three of them, behead them, and knock them out of the game.

Hu Meiniang looked at Qin Shuang and said: "Feng younger sister, may we see your true strength?"

Qin Shuang glanced at the four Monster Races on the left and right. , I can’t help but say with a smile:

"Do you really think they can show me true strength?"

Split Tiansi cut the past with a knife, and then cut the two on the left. A Monster Race was chopped into four stages, and two Monster Races on the right turned and fled, and saw the cracking sky cut off with a single knife, and chopped into four stages again.

"Such a weak chicken wants a spot too?" Cracking Tianer said disdainfully.

Qin Shuang remained silent, but sent the Fengfeng Fist to Fengming, so that Fengming could comprehend it in the Monster Suppressing Tower. With the help of Monster Suppressing Tower's Time Flow Speed ​​and December fruit, Qin Shuang believes that he will soon understand Chuangfengquan.


There was a huge roar from below, and the huge astral qi rushed straight into the sky, shaking the clouds under the feet of the three people. Cracking Tiansi looked down and said in surprise:

"really strong!"

Qin Shuang looked down, and saw a young man on top of a wild forest. Monster Race cultivator is fighting fiercely with three Monster Race cultivators.

At this time, he was wearing a five-color cloak, a crown on his head, and a long feather in the crown. Holding a three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand, he was slashing a Monster Race against him. The cultivator split in half.

There are two Monster Race cultivators left, each holding a sword. Two cultivators, one on the left and the other on the right, flanked at the cultivator in the cloak, turning in their footsteps, unexpectedly mingling yin and yang, forming a battle formation of two rites.

The sweet smile on Hu Meiniang's face also disappeared, and she became solemn: "Kong Qiang of the Bifang clan. I used to fight him, and he almost brushed off my income burner. Feng younger sister, why don't you go down and kill him, let us also see your true strength."

Cracking the sky also opened his mouth and said: "Yes, Kong Qiang is indeed very strong, Feng If the younger sister can kill him, we will have one less opponent."


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