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Myriad Monsters Secret Realm can be said to have inheritance suitable for cultivation of various races, depending on your chance. Secret Realm is opened every hundred years, only one hundred people are allowed to enter, and it must be under one hundred years old. This is the reason for the Secret Realm quota. This time, because Monster Race conquered Martial Artist Continent, the 100 spots were divided into two parts, Monster Realm and Martial Artist Continent each occupy 50 spots. And the place where we decide the quota is in the Tri-Clan City. "

Qin Shuang was originally not interested in Myriad Monsters Secret Realm, but now I heard about Monster Race cultivation treasure land, and I couldn’t help thinking:

"Phoenix Clan’s cultivation treasure land also has ? "

"There must be! "

Qin Shuang immediately communicated with Fengming in the dantian and said: "Fengming, do you think it is useful for you?" "

"If I can find the treasure of Phoenix Clan cultivation, it should have a great effect on me. I am here, there is no Monster Suppressing Tower to support the cultivation, and the cultivation base has fallen behind. If I can get the treasure left by Phoenix Clan in Secret Realm, it should be able to give me a leap-forward breakthrough in a short time. "

Qin Shuang has already made a decision in his heart, so he said with a smile: "So, I must compete for a spot." "

Split Tianyi said with a smile honestly: "It's not easy to compete for places!" Don't look at the fifty places, but we Monster Race are young, talented people so many. Fifty places are too few. "

"Then you will see the true chapter in the tribal city. "Qin Shuang lightly said.

"No way, no way! "Split Tianyi shook his head and said: "I am waiting for no harm to the demon, but the other demon have the heart to kill us." "

"What do you mean? "There is a trace of confusion in Qin Shuang's eyes.

"It means that the battlefield with many places is not only in the tri-family city. "

"Not in Tri-Zero City?" "

"Good! "Split Tianyi said with a hint of anger in his honest look: "Those Monster Races will ambush other Monster Races along the way in order to compete for spots, killing them outside of the Tri-Clan City. "

Qin Shuang suddenly felt that there must be an alliance with Monster Race, or sisters from Brother, who would unite together and ambush the monster Race that was singled out, and kill it outside the tri-family city. , So that they have no chance to get more places.

"So, the competition has already begun outside of the Tri-City City? "

"Yes! "Cracking the sky nodded and said: "I have a proposal, not as good as the alliance of the three of us. Before entering the Tri-City City, the three of us joined forces to kill other players. "

Qin Shuang immediately nodded, and can kill more Monster Race, why not do it?

When I saw Qin Shuang nodded, Shuangtiansi looked at Hu Meiniang, Qin Shuang's gaze also looked over. Fox Mei Niang said with a smile:

"I can't ask for it! "

"Good! "Happily said: "When will we set off?" "

Qin Shuang slightly hesitated and said: "I just got the territory of three thousand miles, and I have to go back to deal with the territory. Senior Brother, Senior Sister Hu, you two If nothing happens, you can go to Fengming City with me. "

"We have to prepare too, and then go to Fengming City to find you. "Hu Meiniang said, the cracking sky is also nodded.

The three people said goodbye, Qin Shuang thought for a while, the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness searched downward, and then reached out and grabbed the six scattered on the ground. Grabbing the storage ring in his hand, the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness leaned out, looking at them one by one, and there was joy on his face.

There are a lot of Spirit Stones in the storage ring of the Six Children of Bamboo Forest, and there are many herbs. There are even a lot of herbal seeds. This did not surprise Qin Shuang. Bamboo monsters are also plant monsters. It is normal to collect herbs and seeds.

Originally, Qin Shuang wanted to go there again. Fenglin Pavilion, I bought some herbal seeds, but when I saw the seeds in the six storage rings, I dispelled this idea, left the first fortress directly, performed the Fire Phoenix dance, and flew towards Fengming City.

When I returned to Fengming City, I saw that Fengming City was under construction, but the speed was very slow, because there were only dozens of Human Races. Qin Shuang summoned the dozens of people in front of them and glanced over them and said:

"I have killed all the seven children in the bamboo forest, Master Fengwu has designated the surrounding three thousand miles as my territory. "

The faces of dozens of Human Races showed surprises. Even if they were Human Races, they had heard of the legendary name of the Seven Bamboo Grove. I didn’t expect their master to have all the Seven Children of the Bamboo Grove. Beheaded. In this way, no Monster Race will come to Fengming City to eat them.

"Come here! "

Qin Shuang pointed at a middle age person. The cultivation base of this middle age person is the highest among these dozens of people, reaching the realm of Martial King. That person hurried forward and said:

"Wei Bei has seen the master. "

"From today onwards, you will be the leader of these people, taking over my territory instead of me. "

"Yes! "

"Call up more Human Races to settle here and tell them that as long as they settle in my territory, they will not be eaten by Monster Race. "

"Yes! "Rays of light appeared in Wei Bei's eyes.

"I will leave a few cultivation techniques, as long as it is Human Race, it can be cultivation. "

Wei Bei was surprised: "Is it a cultivation technique suitable for Human Race cultivation?" "

"Yes, I got it by accident. You all give me fiercely cultivation, the higher your cultivation base, the more you can serve me. "

"Yes! "

"Go to work. "Qin Shuang said lightly.

Dozens of Human Races left and began to build the city. The motivation was obviously twice as high as before, and the breath on the body was no longer lifeless. However, looking at them, Qin Shuang, I sighed in my heart.

These people have lost the backbone of Human Race and live in the world besieged by Monster Race. The only thing left in their minds is survival.

Be able to live.

Going down is their greatest ideal!

However, Qin Shuang also knows that in the Martial Artist Continent area currently occupied by Monster Race, there are countless Human Races. Some of their cultivation bases are relatively high. , Active in the territory of Monster Race, assassinating each Monster Race. There are also a large number of Human Race with a low cultivation base, or a large number of weak people in the Body Tempering Realm world, they are hidden in deep mountains, rivers, or underground and other difficult places. Almost every day there are Human Races that Monster Race finds and captures.

These Human Races may not lose the dignity of Human Race, and may not lose the backbone of Human Race. If these people can be introduced into themselves The territory of Shuang gradually developed, and it was a piece of Inheritance Land of Human Race.

Qin Shuang looked for five huge stones and cut them into five big stone tablets. Then, on the stone tablet, Five cultivation techniques are engraved. These five cultivation techniques are not the cultivation technique on Martial Artist Continent, but the Ancient Cultivation Technique in Qixian Space.

Although Fengming City has not been built yet, But the great hall for Qin Shuang to live in has been completed. Qin Shuang put five stone tablets in the great hall, and then notified Wei Bei that they can come here for cultivation after work every day.

As soon as I was busy with all this, Seitian and Hu Meiniang came together, and the three left Fengming City , Go hand in hand.

Wei Bei looked at Qin Shuang's departed back, and murmured: "I didn't expect that there would be good monsters in Monster Race..."

The three people walked on the cloud. They rarely talk, and they are very alert to the surrounding situation, and even guard each other.


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