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"chi chi..."

A sharp splitting the air sound came from behind Qin Shuang.

" 锵clang..."

Qin Shuang turned around and drew his sword, two scimitars pointed to the opposite side.

On the opposite side of her, two bamboo spears entwined with a dragon-like reckless air and shot towards her. However, when Qin Shuang's machete struck the opposite side, the two bamboo spears suddenly stayed in the air. The faces of the fifth and sixth opposites were stiff.

The two of them felt that they were locked, locked by the two scimitars.

"Daoyu..." The expressions of the two bamboo monsters became very ugly.

"No, this is not the domain of the knife!" Above the clouds in the distance, Li Tiansi whispered: "This is a knife style. What kind of knife style is it? It's just a gesture style, so it has a Blade. Intent Great Accomplishment, the prototype of the sword domain?"

In the armor formed by Fire Phoenix feathers, one after another Fire Phoenix Dao Rhyme enters Qin Shuang’s body and flows through her body. It is these Dao Rhyme There is a kind of Taoism in Qin Shuang, and Qin Shuang is only two comprehended formulas.

gesture style and Heaven and Earth.

This is a forced infusion, to infuse this Dao Jue into Qin Shuang. If there is enough time, Qin Shuang is likely to fully understand this Dao Jue, but it is only interrupted by the third son of the bamboo forest. Qin Shuang only got two formulas. Moreover, Schi Tian Si started to see something wrong, and Qin Shuang did not understand the prototype of the knife domain, but only comprehended the two-style Dao Jue.

These two styles of Tao Jue only have the fur of the knife domain, and cannot form a real knife domain, which means that they cannot form a space and then pull the opponent into the knife domain. It can only reach the external formidable power of the knife domain, which can be said to be a pseudo knife domain.

But, even so. It was just a gesture style, and two bamboo spears were imprisoned, and the two bamboo monsters on the opposite side were locked, making the two bamboo monsters feel that they were being stared at by a peerless creature, and their hearts were awe-inspiring.

“chi chi... ”

Qin Shuang’s double knives chopped down, the spiritual power in his body was madly collected by the double knives, and the scimitar cut out a fiery red, then They are two huge scimitars condensed by flames.

The scimitar is big, but very thin, like a piece of light...

The knife cut through, cutting out two thin void cracks, as if to Heaven and Earth Cut into two halves, the two bamboo spears were cut in half from the middle, the blade flashed like rays of light from the sun, and the bodies of the two bamboo monsters were cut in half, and they fell from the air with a crash It burned, but before it fell to the ground, it was burned to ashes, and it was blown by the wind, one after another.

Qin Shuang's body shook in the air, look pale, and the spiritual power in his body was drawn by this style to get bits and pieces. Backhand took out a medicine pill and took it. Not far away, four Fire Phoenix flew towards Qin Shuang with bamboo hearts. Qin Shuang put the four bamboo hearts into the storage ring, and the four Fire Phoenix turned into a billowing Sea of The power of Consciousness poured into Qin Shuang's eyebrows and into her Sea of ​​Consciousness. The crimson armor concealed in the body, was taken into the Sea of ​​Consciousness by Qin Shuang, and returned to the body of Fire Phoenix.

A silhouette suddenly appeared opposite Qin Shuang, looking up and down Qin Shuang, indifferently said:

"I am a phoenix dance."

Qin Shuang Her gaze shrank, she naturally knew Feng Wu, and no one on Martial Artist Continent nowadays knew Feng Wu. I don't know what status Feng Wu is in Monster Realm, but I know that Feng Wu is definitely one of the few people in Monster Race cream of the crop on Martial Artist Continent today.

"The seven sons of the bamboo forest are the descendants of Zhu Xiaoyao. Now they are all killed by you. How do you tell me to explain to Zhu Xiaoyao?"

Qin Shuang cups the hands Xiangfengwu paid Respect said: "Fengming has seen the Lord. It is the seven sons of Zhulin who want to kill me first. I can't stretch my neck and let them kill because they are the descendants of Zhu Xiaoyao. The adults can tell Zhu Xiaoyao the reason for this. If Zhu Xiaoyao wants to kill me, I'll wait for him."

Feng Wu looked at Qin Shuang deeply, with a hint of appreciation in her eyes: "speaking of which, you are also me Phoenix Clan lineage, just Because I’ve been living outside since I was a child, I’m a bit more wild. Go to the Tri-Family City to participate in the Secret Realm place competition. As long as you fight for the place, at least before you come out of Secret Realm, I can guarantee you nothing."

Qin Shuang knows to Yu Fengyu that she is a Phoenix Clan who has been living out since she was a child. It is not surprising at all, because that's how she left a message in the first fortress. For Phoenix Clan who suddenly appeared like her, her subordinates will definitely report it to Feng Wu. Seeing Feng Wu intending to take care of him, Qin Shuang thought in his heart:

"My lord, I am now a Monster God. According to the regulations, can I expand the territory of Fengming City?"


Feng Wu casually said: "With Fengming City as the center, three thousand miles around is your site."

Qin Shuang was overjoyed, and Feng Wu turned and walked away slowly in the air. , Her voice floated in the air:

"Your wildness is too strong, but you have to remember that what I can give you can also be taken back. I hope you can recognize ancestors and willingly early return to the fold. If you have that thought, come find me."

Qin Shuang watched Feng Wu leave, secretly said in one's heart: "Let me recognize ancestors and return to the fold, but Why don’t you let me go to Monster Realm Phoenix Clan’s ancestral land? Does she want to accept me as her subordinate? So, Phoenix Clan is not a monolithic one, the competition is fierce."

At this time, people watching around. The group of demons dispersed. However, two Monster Races flew towards Qin Shuang, and Qin Shuang couldn't help but stare, with a look of caution in his eyes. The two Monster Races saw the look of caution in Qin Shuang’s eyes, and stopped five meters away from Qin Shuang. The man said with a smile:

"Feng Junior Sister, in the next crack of the sky ."

"Feng Junior Sister, I am here under Hu Mei Niang."

Qin Shuang cups the hands and replied politely: "Feng Ming has met Senior Brother, Hu Mei Niang Senior Sister. "

Split Tianyi showed a simple expression on his face: "The two of us are also going to the Tri-Clan City to compete for places. We were planning to set off today, but we saw Feng Junior Sister beheading the six sons of the bamboo forest. The brilliant battle has made me lose confidence in the competition for places."

"Hypocrisy!" Hu Meiniang said with a sweet smile: "Feng Junior Sister, don't let the simple expression on his face give Deceived. They split the sky and a patriarch is either simple or honest, or heroic, but they are full of crafty plots and machinations. If you encounter him in the competition for places, you must not be deceived by his honest appearance, directly Killer."

Qin Shuang's heart moved, and said with a slight smile appeared on his face: "The two also know that the little sister has been living outside since she was a child. She has always been alone, not to that Secret Realm. I know very well, can the two of you talk in detail for the little girl?"

Humei Niang said with a lovable smile: "In Monster Realm, there is a Monster Realm Secret Realm, known as Myriad Monsters Secret Realm, which is not only There are so many Heaven and Earth Treasures, and there are countless opportunities."


"Yes!" Humei Niang nodded and said: "There are ten thousand monsters inheritance, it is said It was in the battle between Ancient Era, Monster Race and Human Race. After our Monster Race returned to Monster Realm, many Great Demons were seriously injured and about to fall. These Great Demons worked together to create a Small World, and then fell there, leaving behind. Various inheritance and cultivation tr easure land, as the cultivation Holy Land of our Monster Race.


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