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Qin Shuang's Sea of ​​Consciousness suddenly buzzed, Qin Shuang was happy, she knew Monster Suppressing Tower The fusion is complete. Thoughts move, Qin Shuang’s Sea of ​​Consciousness power entered the Monster Suppressing Tower, condensed into the appearance of Qin Shuang, and looked towards all around.

I feel that the aura is stronger and more harmonious. The two mountain ranges of spirit mines spread like a Wolong in the center of the Monster Suppressing Tower, and a volcano stands in the south.


Qin Shuang suddenly felt that entering the Monster Suppressing Tower this time was much brighter than before. The usual Monster Suppressing Tower is not dark, but it is not bright, giving people a feeling of close to dusk.

However, now Monster Suppressing Tower is like daylight, and there is a warm feeling on the body.

Qin Shuang looked up, his eyes suddenly widened, and there was a round of brilliant sun in the air.

Further integration of Monster Suppressing Tower, Qin Shuang's control of Monster Suppressing Tower went further, and the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness quickly spread out, sweeping the glorious day in the sky. His mind moved slightly, and his eyes sparkled.

This magnificent sun is constructed from the mysterious runes, not a physical entity.

"This is a virtual sun!"

Qin Shuang brows slightly wrinkle, the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness spreads towards the depths of the sun.


Qin Shuang found a crimson stone the size of a fingernail in the Huanghuang Dayi Center.

"This is...Sunday Stone!"

in the sky.

Qin Shuang, Crack Sky and Hu Mei Niang are all driving on the clouds, and their speed has not reached their respective extremes, and they all retain their strength.

The clouds under the feet of the three people joined together, and the wisps of air dragged towards the rear, the clouds bulging, and the clothes fluttering.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Tri-Clan City, in order to be fair and avoid the scruples of the three clans, it was established in the center of the three-clan forces, seven ten thousand li or so away from the first fortress.

Flying over mountains and rivers on this road, there are countless Monster Race territories below, and Monster Qi is permeated. In the Monster Race territory, countless Human Races are kept in captivity, not only serving Monster Race, but also being caught by Monster Race from time to time, fried and fried.

The three of them did not fly high, even below the original clouds in the sky. Above the clouds, there are often thunder flickers. Human Race Martial Artist cultivation breakthrough, often has to experience Thunder Tribulation, so although I am afraid of Power of Thunder, I am not afraid. However, Power of Thunder is like a natural enemy to Monster Race and Demon Race. Therefore, the two Great Demons, Lei Tian Si and Hu Mei Niang, deliberately avoided flying above the clouds.

Qin Shuang uses Soul Power to control the clouds, and the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness to watch that round of brilliant days in the Monster Suppressing Tower. At the same time, he was also vigilant of the two Great Demons, Li Tianyi and Hu Meiniang.

Actually, the two Great Demons, Lei Tianyi and Hu Meiniang, are also on guard for each other. Although the three have reached an alliance, they are very clear in their hearts. If they believe each other, they will eventually die. dead.

"This obsidian is too small. It seems that the Monster Suppressing Tower suffered very heavy damage, leaving only so little obsidian."

Qin Shuang The reason why it can be concluded that the solar obsidian in the bright day should be very large, because she saw the cracks and breaks in the solar obsidian the size of a nail.

Retracted his gaze and looked at the five pillars of the Monster Suppressing Tower, the same crack. However, Qin Shuang was very fortunate. Fortunately, these five huge pillars were only cracked, and did not collapse or break. If these five pillars collapse or break, this Monster Suppressing Tower is estimated to be completely scrapped. Today, there is still the possibility of restoration.

Of course, if you want to repair the Monster Suppressing Tower, just pointing at the refining Monster Race will definitely not work. Refining Monster Race can only integrate Monster Suppressing Tower, but it cannot fully restore Monster Suppressing Tower. If you want the Monster Suppressing Tower to be fully restored, you must find the original treasure that meets the five pillars and the big day.

In a barren world like Martial Artist Continent, it is basically impossible to have that kind of treasure. Qin Shuang can only hope in other worlds, such as Immemorial space, or places like Demon Realm, Monster Realm, or even Monster Realm Secret Realm.

Alternatively, wait until she is smashing void and fly to Immortal World.

Retracted his gaze, and meticulously sensed the concentration of aura, which has reached twenty times that of the outside world. And after this time fusion, Monster Suppressing Tower only has three floors left, but the area of ​​the space has reached a radius of hundreds of thousands li. You can't see the end at a glance.

What excites Qin Shuang most is that Time Flow Speed ​​has changed again. One day outside has passed, and 256 days have passed inside. This aspect is too important for Qin Shuang, because she has too many cultivation items. She has a December fruit. Perception is not a problem, but time is a problem. Even if it is 128 times the original one, Qin will let Qin Shuang feels a little insufficient, but now Qin Shuang feels that he should not lag behind in all aspects.

Qin Shuang thoughts move, drag the fire Avatar Fengming and the demon Avatar Fengyan from the dantian into the Monster Suppressing Tower. Let Fengyan go to cultivation and comprehend the formation, but said to Fengming:

"Fengming, you first refine for me to make a universe mirror."


Fengming, nodded, rose in the air and flew towards the golden pillar in the west. Qin Shuang's heart moved, remembering that after looting the Green Mountain Sect, he threw a large number of weapons around the golden pillars, piled like a mountain.

"I don't know what those spiritual weapons have become."

Qin Shuang also stepped on the void and flew towards the west.

The two soon came to the West and fell in front of the golden pillar. Qin Shuang looked at him for a moment, and found that the pile of spiritual weapons that was originally like a hill has now disappeared. Looking down, I saw that there were less than a hundred pieces of metal on the ground under the golden pillar, the larger one was only fist sized, and the smaller one was only the size of a fingernail.

"So... so many spiritual weapons, did you make so much metal?"

Qin Shuang shook his head and sighed. It knew that most of the spiritual weapon materials were The golden pillar was broken down and turned into powder. This golden column has extremely high requirements for materials, and ordinary materials are directly decomposed into powder, and only high-level materials will be refined into materials.

And Qin Shuang has a feeling that the refined materials must be of higher grade than before.

Fengming squatted down and started to choose metal. Qin Shuang said to Fengming:

"Wait for you to finish refining the Universe Mirror, let me know."


Fengming was nodded complied, Qin Shuang's body turned into the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness, and he withdrew from the Monster Suppressing Tower. However, she was not idle, but began to comprehend the sword art that Feng Yu had poured into her.

Sword Jue is called Fengyu Jue, there are three styles in total.

First Style is gesture style. Second Style is Heaven and Earth, and 3rd Style is Burn Up Eight Desolates.

Qin Shuang is just the first two comprehended styles. For 3rd Style Burn Up Eight Desolates, I still don't have the slightest comprehension.

Qin Shuang, who has been flying in this way for less than two hours, is comprehending Burn Up Eight Desolates. Hearing Fengming's call, he enters the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness into the Monster Suppressing Tower, condenses and forms, and you see By Fengming, the Universe Mirror has been successfully refined.


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