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Monster Race cultivators such as Cracking Sky and Humei Niang all suddenly opened their eyes, revealing a look of shock.

"The Fire Phoenix family is really powerful, and they are incomparable for their ability to control fire!"

The three bamboo monsters in the sky were also surprised. The bamboo shadows circled and came to their feet. The bamboo shadows became solid and turned into sharp bamboo spears with the tip of the spear facing downwards, covering the sky.

Qin Shuang looked up, and could no longer see the sky, only the endless bamboo spear. Qin Shuang's body with arms outstretched suddenly rotated.


The boundless sea of ​​fire began to converge towards Qin Shuang, circling, forming a tornado that converged from flames. Charged towards the bamboo spear forest in the air.


The three bamboo spears screamed, and the bamboo spears shot downwards all over the sky, as if in the next bamboo spear rain, the sharp bamboo spears broke through the air. There was a sharp howling sound.


The tornado made a roar like a dragon, bounced off the bamboo spears that came from the blast, and bounced those bamboo spears. Burning, with flames, shooting in all directions, in the sky like a huge firework in full bloom.

Qin Shuang was in the middle of the tornado, rising into the air, holding two scimitars in his hands hovering, driving the tornado to dance like a dragon. It's just that there is a hint of helplessness in her eyes. There are many martial skills or dao skills that she can't use, such as Dragon Phoenix sword skills, small circulation sword dao, starlight shake, etc., which will expose her identity.

"clang clang clang..."

The boundless bamboo spear continuously lases the flame tornado. Although it is continuously bounced out, the impact on the flame tornado is obvious, and the flame tornado is fast. weak.

"dang dang dang..."

Finally, a bamboo spear penetrated the tornado and hit Qin Shuang's body.

There was a grin on the faces of the three Zhulin sons. They believed that Qin Shuang would be shot into a sieve at the next moment.

"She is finally dead, and finally takes revenge!"

Suddenly, the eyes of the three of them opened wide, and the bamboo spears pierced Qin Shuang's body, although Qin Shuang's body shot out He lost the blood, but was not penetrated by the bamboo spear, but was bounced back.

"Her body is really strong!" The monsters such as Split Sky and Hu Mei Niang exclaimed in the distance.

Qin Shuang groaned, the body of Martial Sage First Layer cannot withstand such a dense bamboo spear attack. Although it only pierced her skin, it also made the cultivation base weak.

"Can't go on like this!"

Qin Shuang's heart moved slightly, and the small feathers on the Fire Phoenix corpse kept in the Sea of ​​Consciousness broke away from Fire Phoenix. Coming out of the body, it turned into a small Fengyu sword with a handle.

"clang clang clang..."

Countless scarlet phoenix feather swords fell towards Qin Shuang's body, forming a pair of armor. A pair of gorgeous and unusual armor flowing with mysterious runes appeared in front of the demons with great enthusiasm.

"dang dang dang..."

All the bamboo spears were bounced out, but Qin Shuang stood in the middle of the tornado blankly, when the phoenix feathers finished the armor stickers When on Qin Shuang's body, a mysterious rhythm enveloped Qin Shuang.

"This is..."

Qin Shuang instantly entered the sudden enlightenment. The flame tornado that had weakened suddenly became hot, and it became more and more fierce, bigger and bigger. The Qin Shuang silhouette that had been looming was once again obscured by the raging flames.

The second son complexion changed, he smelled a sudden enlightenment breath.

"She is in sudden enlightenment, interrupt him!"

He yelled in a hurry, and then moved his hand, the bamboo spears of talk converged towards the middle, converging into a jade green Bamboo dragon.


The jade green bamboo dragon rushed towards the flame tornado. At the same time, the fifth son and the sixth son also gathered the Taoist seal and gathered the bamboo spear. For the bamboo dragon, rushed towards the flame tornado.

"ang..." Long Xiao Nine Heavens.


Suddenly there was a phoenix sound from the flame tornado. The two sides of the huge flame tornado jetted out flames, and the jetted flames turned into With two huge phoenix wings, the entire flame tornado in this brief moment is like a Fire Phoenix. That Fengming resounded even more across the wild.

Fengming Nine Heavens!

"Is this... Fengju Feng?" Every Monster Race around was surprised.

"Boom boom boom..."

Three bamboo dragons surround the phoenix wind, biting, tearing claws, tail pumping, dragon horn hitting...

It’s just that the breath of the phoenix wind has become more mysterious, as if it has become an unbreakable barrier, blocking the attacks of the three bamboo dragons, and the flame has become more and more hot, and the three bamboos Longdu grilled red, as if at the next moment, it would burn with a "hong" sound.

"whiz whiz whiz..."

The second, fifth and sixth sons swept away, each standing on top of the bamboo dragon head he released, Extend your right hand to hold your left arm, pull it hard, and pull it off. The left arm turned into a huge bamboo spear. At the same time, a left arm quickly grew out of their left shoulder. The three bamboo monsters twisted their bamboo spears with their hands, and pierced towards Feng Xuanfeng.

These three bamboo spears are not condensed by Taoism, but real bamboo spears. They are part of the bamboo monster's body. They are Vajra bamboos that have been immersed in wildness for an unknown number of years. Realm of Reiki Peak.

"peng~ peng~ peng~ ……"

Three bamboo spears pierced the air, and three void vortex suddenly appeared in front of the three bamboo spears, and they slammed into the phoenix vortex.


Feng whirlwind was blasted out of three big holes, and the three big holes were rapidly expanding, exposing the Qin Shuang silhouette inside.

Then Qin Shuang closed his eyes, held a scimitar in both hands and raised his side, with wisps of Dao Rhyme wrapped around his body.

The three bamboo monsters stared sharply, and their arms withdrew. After the bamboo spear was retracted, it stabbed out swiftly.


Three explosions sounded almost at the same time. Three bamboo spears fiercely pierced Qin Shuang's body, one pierced her back, one A thorn was on her chest, and a thorn was on her lower abdomen.

The three bamboo monsters narrowed their eyes, and the three spears that could pierce the space out of the void were actually blocked by the gorgeous armor on Qin Shuang's body.

“pu... ”

Qin Shuang sprayed blood from his mouth and nose, and the wisps of Dao Rhyme wrapped around his body dissipated.

Qin Shuang opened his eyes, bright as stars.

The fifth and sixth sons standing opposite Qin Shuang felt dazzled by the stars, and their eyes were stinging. The figure retreats instinctively.


Behind came the sharp weapon splitting the air sound. It was the second son behind Qin Shuang who once again shot Qin Shuang’s back heart. go with.


Qin Shuang suddenly turned around. I don’t know when the double knives in his hands have been inserted back into the scabbard behind him. A bamboo spear that is less than an inch in front of him.

"Peng peng......"

As soon as you put your hands hard, you squeezed the bamboo spear in your hand.


The second son raised his head and spits out mouthful of blood. The blood has not been sprayed yet, and Qin Shuang's figure has come to him , A pair of fists pulled out one after another in the air, a blurry afterimage, within half a breath, there were dozens of strikes on the second son’s body, exploding the second son’s body, and a bamboo heart rolled Shooting towards the distance, a Fire Phoenix pouring out from Qin Shuang's eyebrows, chasing towards the bamboo heart.


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