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The right hand machete thrown by Qin Shuang was slashed on the wild shield in a whirlpool. The wild shield bullet flew out. However, the second son felt a huge force transmitted from the wild shield, causing blood to flow from his body inner Qi, and he couldn't help but feel surprised.

"What a great power!"

The thought was not over yet, and I felt a huge power from the wild shield, and then in his field of vision, I saw When the wild shield standing in front of him was blasted through a round hole, a bead shot in from the round hole. A sound of "hong" hit his body. A big hole was blasted out of his body, eyes filled with disbelief, and he looked down at the big hole in his chest.


Qin Shuang's body fell fiercely to the ground and disappeared in a bamboo forest that was still a fire sea.

In the eastern air, above the white clouds, several young Monster Race cultivators stand with their hands on their hands. One of the bull's head cultivator looks at the battlefield, said with a smile:

"The Seven Bamboo Grove, Now there are only three sons left. It is really a vain name."

The faces of the other young Monster Race cultivator showed dissatisfaction and said: "Cracking the sky, that Fengming just used the raid and killed him. Three sons, the remaining three sons are all later stages of Martial God. I think Fengming is Martial God, not Martial Sage. He will be beheaded soon."

"Yes, With three to one, Fengming has no chance. If she runs away right now, she may still be able to save her life. Otherwise, she will definitely die."

Hearing this He shook his head and just wanted to express an opinion, just listen. A seductive voice came from the left:

"Although the remaining three sons have the upper hand in numbers, the second son was hit twice by Fengming twice, leaving no less than 30% of the 10% cultivation base. Fifth. Although the son and the sixth son were not injured, they were already captured by Fengming in an imposing manner. Fengming's victory is a bit bigger."

The Monster Race cultivator turned around and looked around, and they were not far away. Above the clouds, a seductive woman was watching the battle with her feet on the demon cloud.

"Fox Meiniang!" Lietian's heart shivered with cold, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The fox Meiniang has a delicate face, a pair of peachy eyes, and she is very romantic. With a pair of furry pointed ears and a large fluffy cloak, he turned his head to look at the cracking sky, leaning slightly, and said softly:

"Mei Niang has seen the cracking sky big brother. "

Split Tiansi opened her mouth wide and said: "Mei Niang, come here."

Seeing Hu Meiniang moving and the clouds float, Split Sky said with a smile "You came for that too?"

"Of course!" Humei Niang said with a lovable smile: "Monster Realm Secret Realm is on. This is a major event, how can I miss it?"

"This time because we occupy Martial Artist Continent, we are divided into two venues. The cultivator staying in Monster Realm chooses fifty cultivators, and here we choose fifty cultivators. For you and me It’s no problem to compete for a place.”

Humei Niang said with a lovable smile: “There’s no problem competing for a place, but it’s not easy to get more rewards for the top three. Knowing the rewards of the first three, it allows us to raise our cultivation base by one realm before entering Monster Realm Secret Realm. Big brother, cracking the sky, I’m afraid there will be a lot of dangers on the way to the Tri-Family City, not as good as the two of us Let’s join forces?"

Split Tianer dismissed it and said, "What danger can threaten me? The first three I have decided, whoever dares to stop me, I will kill."

Hu Mei Niang "pu chi" laughed out loud, like a hundred flowers blooming, charming suddenly:

"Big brother, if you are alone, you are naturally not afraid. But if someone wants to join hands. Want to kill you ahead of time? You know, you are dead, but there is no strong opponent. This is very attractive to many Monster Race cultivators."

Splitting the sky looked stunned. , His face became solemn, although he didn't agree to join hands with Hu Meiniang, but he didn't refute it anymore. Hu Meiniang did not press any more questions. Instead, she looked at the fire sea in the bamboo forest and said: "Then Fengming is also a young expert, and from this battle, she is more intelligent, so she should also I will go to the tri-family city to compete for a place in Monster Realm Secret Realm."

Splitting the sky said condensedly: "Monster Realm Secret Realm has opportunities for various Monster Races. Which Monster Race does not want to go? It’s just that there is an age limit of less than a hundred years. Fengming seems to be young, so naturally he will not give up."

"Fengming, you come out for me."

He Before he finished his words, he heard the shouts of the three bamboo trees in the distance. Turning around, he saw the three bamboo trees floating in the air, looking down at the fire sea below. Everyone was behind bamboos. Ying Chuuchuo, each holding a bamboo spear in his hand, the reckless air on the bamboo spear coiled around, like a Flood Dragon.

Below is a fire sea. Qin Shuang is standing in the fire sea at this moment, looking up into the sky. I thoughts move and took back the water thunder bead to the Sea of ​​Consciousness. I sighed that I still learned too little knife skills. In fact, Qin Shuang simply didn't learn any knives skills, and Fengming understood these knives by himself.

"It seems that I will find time to comprehend some sword skills and make up for Fengming's shortcomings!"

As for now!

Qin Shuang lifts the head, looking at the three bamboo trees in the air through the gap between the swaying flames.

Although the remaining three Zhulin sons are not lightly injured, Qin Shuang is no longer confident of gaining the upper hand, let alone killing the three Zhulin sons.

Actually, just as the cultivator next to Lei Tianyi said, the three bamboo trees killed by Qin Shuang were all through sneak attacks.

The first one, through hundreds of Fire Phoenix, confuses the eyes of the six sons of the bamboo forest, then hides behind a Fire Phoenix and kills the seventh son with a thunder sneak attack.

The second one, with a sharp knife, beheaded the first child, and severely injured the second and fourth child. Then beheaded the seriously injured fourth child.

In this way, the three sons were beheaded, and the second son of the remaining three sons was also severely injured by Qin Shuang's thunder bead sneak attack with water, and his body was about to collapse.

Therefore, the six Zhulin children can be said to have lost three of them before they really fought.

However, if Qin Shuang turns on the Fire Phoenix body, he can completely kill the three in the air with his strength. It's just that Qin Shuang doesn't want to do that.

Looking at the three sons of the bamboo forest in the sky, Qin Shuang's eyes became more determined.

The pressure of the three Martial Gods on Qin Shuang in the later period is enormous. This is the most severe situation she has faced since her debut. But the greater the pressure, the higher her heart.

This is the real tempering, this is the real life and death experience.

Even if Qin Shuang does not turn on the Fire Phoenix body and uses Qin Shuang to condense ten Golden Pills, the cultivation base is close to Martial God's late peak. If it is alone against one of the three bamboo forests, Qin Shuang will definitely win the battle. But for the three...

Qin Shuang took a deep breath, and his arms holding two scimitars were raised horizontally to the sides, and suddenly raised towards the sky.


The endless bamboo forest fire suddenly jumped towards the sky, like a fire sea flying into the air.

"Really strong fire control ability!"


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