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The fifth and sixth sons looked at Qin Shuang among the bamboo forest, their eyes became fiercer and red.

"Fengming, did you kill my Third Brother?" The fifth son shouted sharply.

"Fengming, you killed my Third Brother, and now you dare to come here and kill my big brother and my seventh brother!" The sixth son breathed fire with both eyes.

"Kill your Third Brother?" Qin Shuang laughed heartily: "It doesn't matter whether I killed your Third Brother or not. The important thing is that you killed the people in my territory. Who killed me? I’ll kill whoever you are.”

At this time, the second child and the fourth child appeared in human form again, but they were too weak. The second son shouted sternly:

"What if we kill your people? They are Human Race, just our blood food."

"Even if it is blood food, Not everyone can kill. Without my consent, who would dare to kill? Who would dare to eat? You are not eating my blood, but slap me in the face. Since you dare to slap me in the face, then I will Kill you."

Qin Shuang's phoenix eyebrows are upside down, and murderous aura said awe-inspiringly: "Your third child is dead. Don't look for the murderer, but think I killed it out of thin air, without the slightest evidence. I slaughtered my Fengming City into ruins and ate up my blood. You think that the crowds will eat me down. However, I’m here to tell you today that my territory and my blood are not there. People can kill and eat at will. Kill, eat, and I will kill you."

"whiz whiz whiz......"

In the first fortress, countless Monsters Race flew up into the air and looked over here. Hearing what Qin Shuang said, everyone looked awe-inspiring. The gaze at Qin Shuang was filled with fear.

"This person is really ruthless!"

"courting death!"

The second child and the fourth child also moved their fingers towards Qin Shuang pointed, the bamboo forest around Qin Shuang became denser, and a trace of white mist filled the bamboo forest, making the bamboo forest even more blurred.

"The air of recklessness!"

Qin Shuang's eyes swept across the white mist, heart shivered with cold, she knew that once the air of recklessness came close to her, it would invade herself In his body, his meridian will be blocked, and his spiritual power cultivation base will be exhausted. Thoughts move, there was a loud phoenix sound from the center of the eyebrows, a Fire Phoenix came out around the body, the phoenix tails were wrapped around Qin Shuang’s legs, the phoenix body was wrapped around Qin Shuang’s body, and the phoenix wings were wrapped around Qin Shuang’s On both arms, a phoenix head protruded from behind Qin Shuang, and the scarlet phoenix fire formed a barrier, isolating the wild aura from the outside.

The four monsters in the bamboo forest all pointed to the chaos. In the blurred bamboo forest, the bamboo waves suddenly rose, and the bamboo leaves broke away from the bamboo branches, with a hint of recklessness, shooting towards Qin Shuang.

"Phoenix wings cut!"

Qin Shuang's two knives slashed out suddenly, cutting out two huge phoenix wings, two phoenix wings one in the air.


The hurricane that was gradually fanned by phoenix wings was lifted up like a sea tide, and suddenly a jade green carpet was lifted off. Then the two phoenix wings spun around suddenly, forming a huge flame cone, drilling towards the bamboo forest.

"peng~ peng~ peng~ ……"

The second child's big sleeves are flying, and bamboos are flying across the sky, like a lance, towards Qin Shuang's Back lasing. The sharp and sour splitting the air sound penetrated into Qin Shuang's eardrum.

Suddenly, the second child turned into its original form, which was a jade green bamboo.


Hidden in the dense bamboo spears, it shoots towards Qin Shuang's back. That bamboo is the body of the second child. There are mysterious runes flowing on the bamboo body. His body itself is Vajra bamboo. After the tempering of wild aura, it has reached the realm of Peak Spiritual Artifact.

He wanted to hide in the bamboo forest and give Qin Shuang a fatal blow.


The phoenix fire drill formed by the rapid rotation of two phoenix wings swiftly drilled forward, and Qin Shuang's figure followed closely from behind. Break through the layers of bamboo sword, cut off the roots of Polygonatum. ,

Behind her, the bamboo spear hurriedly pursued, getting closer and closer to Qin Shuang's back. The body of the second son aimed at the back of Qin Shuang, and Zhu Duan transformed into a spear head, sharply pushing people.

The Fire Phoenix wrapped around Qin Shuang's body, the phoenix fiercely turned around, opened the phoenix mouth, and sprayed a wall of fire behind him.

"peng~ peng~ peng~......"

The bamboo spears were blocked by the wall of fire and burned.


The body of the second son suddenly shot out from the dense bamboo spears, penetrated the wall of fire, and pierced towards the back of Qin Shuang's heart .

On the fourth child eyes shined opposite Qin Shuang, he raised his right hand, grabbed his left arm and pulled it, then pulled his left arm off the body, and the left arm turned into a handle With a violent wave of the bamboo spear, the bamboo spear looked towards Qin Shuang and shot it in front of him. He did not ask the spear to shoot Qin Shuang to death, but only wanted to attract Qin Shuang’s attention and let the second son penetrate Qin Shuang’s heart. .

The body of the second child is less than half a meter away from Qin Shuang's back, and the face of the fourth child on the opposite side shows a hideous smile.

"Phoenix tail cut!"

Qin Shuang cut his backhand without turning his head, and the scimitar in his left hand cut out a scalpel, as gorgeous as a phoenix tail.

"dang dang dang......"

Countless knives stood on the body of the second son, cutting out his body one after another knife mark. Although he didn't really hurt him, he knocked him upside down and flew out.

"Phoenix head cut!"

Qin Shuang's right hand scimitar slashed forward, and slashed it on the bamboo spear formed by the arm of the fourth child who was shot in front of him. .


The bamboo spear was smashed, Qin Shuang's figure had rushed to the fourth child, and he slashed it down. The fourth child's eyes were flustered, but he was too weak at this time. The sharp knife that Qin Shuang raided before smashed many parts of his body, and Qin Shuang had just smashed an arm, and was locked by Qin Shuang's sword.


Qin Shuang cut the fourth child in half from the head with a single knife, and in the middle position, it splits on the bamboo core, the hard bamboo core Although the scimitar was blocked, the violent shock caused the fourth child to pass out completely.


Qin Shuang leg raised, kicking the bamboo heart of the fourth child away from the bamboo body, and a Fire Phoenix gushing out of the eyebrows, toward the bamboo heart Pursue the past.

Qin Shuang's heart moved slightly, and his left hand scimitar flew, blocking the thousands of bamboo spears and bamboo swords outside. The right hand scimitar was thrown at the second one.

"Revolving cut!"

The scimitar was like a crescent moon, hovering quickly towards the second one. The second child draws a circle with his hands in front of him.

"Reckless Shield!"

A huge shield stood in front of the second son.

Qin Shuang's mind moved slightly, a water thunder bead appeared in Qin Shuang’s right hand from within the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Qin Shuang’s body suddenly hovered in the air, and the water thunder bead in his hand was facing the first The second son threw it over.



The sixth and fifth sons suddenly appeared in the bamboo forest, as if they had been there long ago There, one left and one right attacked Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang hurriedly picked up the scimitar in his left hand to block the attack of the fourth child, but was drawn fiercely on the back by the sixth child, and Qin Shuang's body was drawn away.


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