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"No! These three words are newly engraved."

"In this case, this is the mountain selected by Yue Wu Endless! "

"Moon endless! Endless peak! Yes, this is the mountain selected by Yue endless."


"whiz whiz whiz… …"

Dozens of silhouettes flew toward the mountain, and there were cultivators flying in the distance.

However, they went up and down the endless peaks and searched them carefully three times, let alone Qin Shuang, and they didn't even find a person's shadow.

"She's not hiding, right?"

"Where can she hide?"

"Where do I know."

"I don't believe we can't find it."

"Yes, we will look for it again."

At this time, above the Sea Territory, a flying boat is like an electric light. Fly in the direction of Martial Artist Continent.

In the flying boat, the magic Avatar Fengyan is driving. Qin Shuang and Huo Avatar Fengming are both in Monster Suppressing Tower. Qin Shuang has changed back to her original appearance at this time. With the help of weak water pill, her cultivation base is too different from Martial Dao Cultivation Base. She wants to upgrade her cultivation base first.

even more how ……

Yue endless cultivation in the sky wall, the speed of improvement must be very fast. She didn't want to be dragged down by Yue Wu Endless.

Huo Avatar Fengming is refining himself a spiritual weapon, the material used is Qin Shuang got the pair of ancient Great Monster horns, Huo Avatar Fengming is going to make two horns of these two horns Handle scimitar.

Monster Suppressing Tower was cultivated for one month, Qin Shuang's cultivation base did not improve much, but the fire Avatar Fengming successfully refined two scimitars.

Two scimitars are as red as fire, sharp and forceful. Exudes fierceness. Qin Shuang stroked Blade Dao:

"These two scimitars are not weaker than my dragon sword!"

"It should be a bit worse." Fengming said thoughtfully. : "However, as my refining strength increases, I will upgrade the grades of these two scimitars."

"Since the refining is finished, then take more time to comprehend the Tao. , You haven’t had a comprehend Dao for a long time."


Fengming took the double knives into his body to warm up, and began to comprehend the Dao, and Qin Shuang continued cultivation.

This day.

The flying boat has already flown over the Red Sea. While driving the flying boat, Feng Yan, the demon Avatar, comprehend the way of formation. Suddenly, she looked up through the porthole and saw that there were many cultivators moving against the wind in front of the flying boat.


These cultivators suddenly swooped down towards the sea below, Feng Yan eyebrow raised:

"Is there any treasure under the sea? These people? Are you here to find the treasure?"


She saw a silhouette floating in the air, dressed in a black robe, with a face like a crown jade. There was a horn on his head, and he was looking at her with a smile.


The magic Avatar Fengyan was shocked, and hurriedly communicated with Qin Shuang in the Monster Suppressing Tower, and at the same time stopped the flying boat, staring at the opposite Phantom.


If someone is watching at this time, they will find that the flying boat driven by Avatar Fengyan hasn’t stopped, and it’s not driving towards the magic. Just like those cultivators before, they dived into the sea.


The magical sneer sneered, and the figure also fell toward the sea. At the same time, the diving cultivator and the demon Avatar Fengyan began to have Sisi aura leaked out and was absorbed by the phantom.

"Hua hua wa..."

The silhouettes fell into the sea, towards the seabed. The phantoms also sank into the sea at the same time, and the illusion enveloped everyone, drawing one after another spiritual power from them. In the hearts of those cultivators, they were still flying between the blue sky and white clouds at this time, and Feng Yan was also staying in the air, communicating with Qin Shuang continuously. I don't know that I and the others have been shrouded in illusion.

"hehe..." Illusory Demon whispered: "After absorbing the essence of these people, my illusion can be improved by another level."




Qin Shuang, who has been cultivated in the Monster Suppressing Tower for half a year and has been impacting the Core Formation Stage Second Layer, suddenly opened her eyes. She felt that the breath of the magic Avatar Phoenix Flame was becoming weak.

"What's the matter?"

Qin Shuang thoughts move, she appeared in the Monster Suppressing Tower, and then she was shocked. She only saw what was inside the flying boat for a moment. It was discovered that the flying boat ran into the sea at this time.

This was also caused by the suddenness of things. The fantasy monster did not expect that a person would suddenly appear, and he was still a person with such a high soul realm, so his fantasy realm did not focus on greeting Qin Shuang. And Qin Shuang didn't think that it was a phantom outside, so when he first came out, he was psychedelic for a while, and then woke up under vigilance.


Qin Shuang's heart is a jump, thoughts move, a very pale-gold ancient Qin floats on her head, without touching it automatically, The Dragon Phoenix sounded loudly, and the illusion was shattered.

At this time, everyone has fallen on the seabed, and the cultivators are lying on the seabed, with their eyes closed, completely indulged in the illusion, and have not yet woken up.

Qin Shuang stretched out one arm, the dragon sword came out around the body, and he held it with one hand, cutting down towards the magical demon. A sword gang like an unrolled bolt of white silk spreads toward the magical demon, and inside the sword gang like an unrolled bolt of white silk, stars are shining.

small circulation sword dao.

The figure of the phantom demon suddenly became illusory. The small circulation saw it cut through the waist of the phantom demon, but it was as if a shadow had been cut. The shadow then shattered and dissipated in the seabed.

The silhouette of the magic demon appeared in another direction, and the "pu" spit out a mouthful of blood.


small circulation sword dao strikes At seabed, Qin Shuang's eyes shrank, not as it should have appeared, cutting the seabed away. Instead, a layer of blue blue screen appeared, rippling circles of ripples, and then in the middle of the circles of ripples, a pitch-black gap was cracked, and a huge suction force came out from the gap, giving birth to a huge vortex, Suck the bodies of those cultivators into the mask.

Qin Shuang felt the huge suction force that made herself rush towards the crack involuntarily. Although she struggled hard, she was still sucked in in an instant.

Qin Shuang fell on the ground, and felt the hard ground under his feet, and there was no seawater around. When I looked up, a layer of cyan rays of light on his head blocked the seawater and looked around. I saw that dozens of cultivators had regained consciousness at this time, and they were looking blindly all around. Qin Shuang’s flying boat was not far away, and the magic Avatar was also in the flying boat. With a wave of his hand, he took the flying boat away. He got up, and at the same time collected the Demon Avatar into the dantian. Staring in the direction to the left, he saw a black robe phantom standing there, looking at Qin Shuang warily. Seeing Qin Shuang, he looked over and said:

"Qin Shuang, this is weird. Let's put aside our grievances first, how about joining hands?" Qin Shuang stared at him and said: "You didn't arrange it here?"


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