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The phantom didn't know whether to cry or laugh and said: "You look up to me too much. Do you think I can make such a big battle?"

"Yes!" Qin Shuang nodded said: "You don't have such a great ability."

Phantom's face is more bitter, but he is very jealous of Qin Shuang, although he doesn't think he is better than Qin Shuang. Weak, but in this weird place, I didn’t dare to fight with Qin Shuang, and said:


"Good!" His complexion was just loose.

"Are you who? Why are we here?" A cultivator looked at Qin Shuang's magical demon with alert.

Qin Shuang is afraid of magic and magic, doesn’t it mean that he is willing to give these cultivators a face. Hearing this face is a sinking face, jié jié said with a smile:

"You don’t have to live either. That's it!"

"Phantom!" Qin Shuang called out coldly.

The black clouds in the eyes of the magical demon surged, but in the end it was put away, no longer paying attention to the cultivators, and looking all around.

At this time, a young cultivator suddenly took shape and flew into the air. Everyone's eyes followed the person, and when they saw that person was a few meters away from the mask, his figure suddenly fell like a meteor, and he fell fiercely to the ground, and his body was shattered. , Immediately died in the past. Later, I saw the blood on his body flowing towards the ground, and then the muscles on his body fell off the skeleton and sank to the ground, disappeared, leaving only a pair of skeletons.


Qin Shuang stomped her feet on the ground, and her figure soared into the sky. When she was a few meters away from the mask, she felt There was tremendous pressure from above. Squinting his eyes, he saw the runes flowing on that layer of light curtain. The closer to that layer of light curtain, the greater the pressure.

When it was about half a meter away from the light curtain, Qin Shuang's figure finally couldn't stand it, and her figure fell towards the ground twice as fast as when he went.

"Gravity Seal!"


Qin Shuang's inner spiritual power is running wildly, and the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness is also running fast. This time it will The speed of his fall was slightly slower. With a "bang", Qin Shuang fell to the ground, and the ground under his feet was cracked. Qin Shuang let out a sigh of relief. Although he was shocked with blood and blood, he was safe and sound. Looking down, the ground under my feet is squirming, and the cracks are closing at a speed visible to naked eye.

"It seems that I can't get out!" Qin Shuang looked at the magical path: "What can you do?"

The magical also looked at all around curiously, still showing in his eyes A hint of excitement said: "This is weird. Outside the mask, I can't find here. It should be because of your sword that caused the seal here to fluctuate, and then actively attacked and sucked us in to prevent us. Divulge the secret here!

Yes! There must be a secret here!"

Qin Shuang looked up at the blue light in the sky and said: "If you want to leave here, you must put this light Destroy the cover, or tear up a crack."

"Not necessarily!" Magic demonic path: "Maybe there is another passage in this space to leave here, but I don’t know what secrets and dangers are inside. "

Qin Shuang once again glanced at the blue blue cover in the sky, then looked into the depths of the space, nodded and said:

"Then let’s take a look. "

Qin Shuang turned around and headed towards the depths of the space first. The magical demon walked behind. The dozens of cultivators looked at each other and followed behind. The magical demon looked at Qin Shuang’s back, secretly said in one's heart:

"Human Race, is the blood of Demon Race, I will definitely eat you."

Qin Shuang with magical demon secretly said in one's heart: "Here is Martial Artist Continent, my Human Race continent. Anyone who enters Demon Race here is damned!"

The more you go in, the gravity The stronger, Qin Shuang made heavy footsteps every step he took. Seeing Qin Shuang's heavier and heavier footsteps, Huanmo showed a sneer on his face.

"Human Race is a humble and weak race with weak physique. Since the magic path has been opened, Demon Race has discovered this world, and this world belongs to Demon Race."

" Martial Artist Continent had to change the cultivation technique because of lack of aura and poor cultivation environment. Although the breakthrough became easy, the strength was worse than that of Demon Race. Martial Sect Hall may also have the Martial Artist of the ancient cultivation method, but Martial Sect Hall is rotten and not worth relying on. However, I am here. Although I am not strong enough now, I am still young, and I have many ancient magic cultivator cultivation techniques, which I can teach to Martial Artist Continent's Martial Artist Now that Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi has recovered, the cultivated ancient Martial Artist will eventually become stronger."

"weng weng weng ……"

The release of spirituality came from behind. Qin Shuang looked back at the sound of the power shield. The dozens of cultivators had released the spiritual power shield, and there was pain on his face. Qin Shuang thought about it for a moment, and suddenly felt in his heart. The cultivator on this side originally had poor strength, and the gravity here is continuously increasing. They can no longer resist it, so they have to release the spiritual power shield to resist gravity.

Turning his head back, Qin Shuang continued to walk forward. The phantom looked at the cultivator, showing disdain in his eyes. He squeezed his fists towards those cultivators, the expressions of those cultivators were tense, stopped, and looked at the phantom vigilantly. I saw Demon General's fist opened, and then let out a "peng" in his mouth, then curl one's lip disdainfully, and continued to follow Qin Shuang's back.

The gravity in the space is getting stronger and stronger. After walking forward for about a quarter of an hour, I heard a "peng" from behind. Qin Shuang looked back and saw a cultivator. A puddle of flesh fell on the ground, and the flesh quickly fell off the skeleton and sank to the ground.

Qin Shuang lowered his head and looked down at his feet. There was one after another rune flowing on the ground, which was obscure and difficult to understand. Qin Shuang stopped, looked carefully, and found helpless in his heart. The runes here are not only densely packed and endless, but also have a wide variety. Although Qin Shuang is now the real Talisman Dao Grandmaster because of the endless moon, it may take a long, long time to fully understand the runes here.

These runes constitute not only gravity seals, but also various seals. This surprised Qin Shuang's heart. What is the seal here after all?

She doesn't believe that no one has discovered this seal, but no news has ever spread. Then, there is only one possibility. That is, all the people who found here died here. For thousands of years, no one has ever been able to get out of here.


There was another popping noise from behind. You don't have to look back to know that another cultivator couldn't bear the pressure and was crushed to death.

The dozens of cultivators behind have stopped, and they dare not move on. But when I went back, I couldn't get out, which made the faces of dozens of cultivators full of hesitation.


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