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"Junior Sister Yue, isn't it?"

Qin Shuang's face is slightly cold, if it is a cultivator who wants to make friends with himself, he will not Being so rude, he directly blocked the jade slip with his hand, and Qin Shuang didn’t have time to follow him at this time, so he flicks with the finger, flicks with the finger, and flicks on the wrist of the cultivator blocking the jade slip, and the man’s arm is It was shaking, half of his body was numb, and he looked at Qin Shuang in shock. Qin Shuang reached out and grabbed the jade slip, and after scoring the points, he started to read.

The cultivator's face is gloomy and uncertain. In his heart, he does not believe that his own Core Formation Stage Fifth Layer will not be able to defeat Qin Shuang. He attributed the reason to his failure to guard. But this is the Book Collection Pavilion, and it is impossible to do it yourself. After about six breaths, the numbness on his body disappeared. He stared at Qin Shuang firmly and said:

"Junior Sister Yue, I hope you can stay in this Book Collection Pavilion for a lifetime, otherwise, Senior Brother will teach you how to be a person."

Qin Shuang seemed to simply not hear, and continued to read jade slip. The cultivator was coldly snorted and left with a flick of his sleeves.

"Wu Junior Brother, how is it?"

As soon as he came out, a group of cultivators gathered around and asked. At this time, the cultivator had recovered his calm, so naturally he would not Saying that she suffered a loss in Qin Shuang's hands, she lightly said with a smile:

"She read jade slip on the second floor, and she has a lot of points."

"You didn't ask when she would come out?"

"No!" The cultivator shook his head and said, "But she spent half a month and saw the second floor from the first floor. Lou. I won’t be able to get out for a while."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. After a while, a cultivator said: "If this is the case, let’s get out. Choose the mountain and go away."

"Go away, go away!"

Everyone stepped in the void, or flicked their robe sleeves, or shook their clothes. Up, Yufeng left.

After more than half a month, Qin Shuang came out of the Chuan Gongtang. At this point, she has read all the inheritances in the Core Formation Stage Book Collection Pavilion. The next step is to understand these inheritances to find out the context of the law and the way here, and the difference between the law and the way in the Blood Qin inheritance. Integrate improvement and find a way of its own.

This is a long process, so Qin Shuang is not in a hurry. He rises up and flies up to the clouds to find a mountain that suits him.

Actually, Qin Shuang has no requirements for choosing a mountain, because she is impossible to stay here for a long time. Now that the things here have been done, he will soon return to Martial Artist Continent.


There was a hum in her Sea of ​​Consciousness, Qin Shuang felt a joy in her heart, and when her consciousness entered the Sea of ​​Consciousness, she saw it. Monster Suppressing Tower has become a 5-Layer. Qin Shuang's figure looked towards an unmanned mountain below and swooped down, landing on a big tree. Thoughts moved, he entered the Monster Suppressing Tower. Turned Monster Suppressing Tower into a dust.

Entering the Monster Suppressing Tower, Qin Shuang's first feeling is that his aura is no longer irritable, presenting an environment that can be fully cultivation. The second feeling is that the concentration of aura has increased, and it has been five times that of the outside, but after careful sensing, there is no increasing trend. It seems that five times the concentration of aura outside is the limit of Monster Suppressing Tower.

His eyes were swept around, thoughts move, and he stood in the southern corner of the Monster Suppressing Tower. At this time, a huge crimson pillar appeared there, exuding a strong fire attribute atmosphere. The top is also covered with cracks, cracking the mysterious talisman.

"It's still the same as the other three pillars!"

Qin Shuang reluctantly shook the head, and the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness spread out, although she has not completely controlled this Monster now Suppressing Tower, but it is still possible to cover the entire space in an instant. In fact, Qin Shuang at this time has been equivalent to half of the controller of the Monster Suppressing Tower.

Just a moment, Qin Shuang's face was filled with joy. The space of Monster Suppressing Tower has a radius of thousands of miles, not a radius of 10,000 meters. Monster Suppressing Tower has become a space that can be managed by Qin Shuang.

Take a closer look, now that sixty-four days have passed inside, only one day has passed outside. Qin Shuang couldn't help but be overjoyed, this is where Qin Shuang is really happy.

Thoughts move, came to the golden pillar. At first, she was in a square in the seabed Water Crystal Palace, but she took the White Dragon and countless shrimp soldiers and crab generals into the Monster Suppressing Tower, And those countless shrimp soldiers and crab generals held this weapon in their hands. The White Dragon and shrimp soldiers and crab generals were absorbed by the Monster Suppressing Tower, but those weapons were absorbed by the golden pillars and piled up. Around the golden pillar is like a mountain.

Qin Shuang stood in front of the mountain of weapons, her eyes moved. She saw rust spots on some weapons. She remembered that when she saw those weapons in the Water Crystal Palace, there seemed to be no rust spots?

Not sure about this, Qin Shuang temporarily put aside, thoughts move, and came to the cyan pillar.

At this time, there is a small island with a radius of one thousand meters. On the island is the huge cyan pillar. And this small island with a radius of one thousand meters is surrounded by a lake. This lake was when she escaped in the Water Crystal Palace. In order to charge ahead from the big mouth fish and the coated fruit, she took out the Monster Suppressing Tower. Absorb the incoming sea water.

I looked down and saw a group of bigmouth fish swimming in the lake.

"Where is the coated fruit?"

Qin Shuang's gaze swept away all around, and then thoughts move, he came to the Medicine Garden, and saw that there was more in the Medicine Garden A small tree with three coated fruits hanging on the tree. Feeling the breath of Qin Shuang, the three coated fruits shook, as if trembling.

"I can't come out and bite me!"

Qin Shuang thought for a while, Qin Shuang suddenly lost the interest of looking for a mountain here, what else to choose? I have this Where is Monster Suppressing Tower different?

From the Monster Suppressing Tower, I felt it and felt that the mountain scenery was pretty good. Putting away the Monster Suppressing Tower, he swept his body and came to the bottom of the mountain, standing in front of a big rock, pointing like a sword, flying up and down, sword qi entered the gang, and carved three big characters on the rock:

Endless peaks.

With a step on the void, the figure looked towards and flew outside Luofu Island.

About a quarter of an hour after Qin Shuang left, countless silhouettes flew in the sky. It was the cultivator who received the news that Qin Shuang had left the Chuan Gongtang. They knew that Qin Shuang should be selecting a mountain, so they hurriedly searched for Qin Shuang.


Suddenly someone shouted, dozens of silhouettes in the sky swooped down and landed on a huge rock, looking towards the rock.

"Endless peaks! Why are there endless peaks in the True Disciple area?"


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