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The woman's gaze narrowed: "You are stronger than me, but how much power is left now? Qin Shuang, I didn't expect you to improve so fast , But you gave me the opportunity to kill you today. Qin Family has died today!"


The woman stamped her right foot in the void, and a circle was born under her feet With ripples, the figure rushed, and the long sword in his hand pierced the sky, wherever it passed, tiny black cracks appeared in the space.

"Martial Emperor!"

Qin Shuang's heart jumped and he opened the Fire Phoenix body suddenly, sending the long sword forward in his hand, a dragon roaring. Sensen Lengmang leaped up from the long sword and turned into a long and dignified dragon, rushing towards the opponent's sword.

Heaven Grade sword skill: Dragon swallows beads.


The woman's sword power instantly disintegrated and shattered, the long sword flew out of her hand, and the long winding dragon crashed into the woman's chest, and the woman was like a one Meteors generally lasing in the direction of Great Snow Mountain.


There was a loud noise in the distance, and Qin Shuang stepped on the void, looking towards Great Snow Mountain and shooting.

On the Great Snow Mountain, Qin Jingyun's figure is vertical, flying upwards.

In the camp, Qin Fine Jade's figure flew up and flew towards the Great Snow Mountain.


Qin Shuang fell on the Great Snow Mountain, and a deep hole appeared in the snow and ice in front of her, and the entrance of the hole was cracked all around .

Qin Shuang stretched out a hand and grabbed it into the cave. A silhouette was caught by Qin Shuang volley from the cave.

"cough cough..."

The woman kept coughing, and every time she coughed, she spits out blood. There were pieces of internal organs in the blood.

"sou sou..."

The figures of Qin fine jade and Qin Jingyun fell behind Qin Shuang, and their eyes fell on the woman. The woman raised her eyes laboriously and looked at Qin Shuang, two lines of blood and tears dripping from her eyes.

"I hate...pu..."

A large number of internal organs were shot on Qin Shuang's body with mouth spurt blood. Qin Shuang did not dodge and was sprayed all over With blood and complex colors in her eyes, the woman's head tilted and she died in anger.


For a long time, Qin Shuang sighed, and gently sent the corpse in his hand, and the woman's corpse was sent into the deep cave. Qin Shuang flipped his palm and slapped it down, and the mountain collapsed and slid down, burying the entrance of the cave.

Qin Shuang hands behind ones back, standing silently.

The cold wind blows continuously, blowing the clothes on Qin Shuang, Qin fine jade and Qin Jingyun. Qin fine jade looked at Qin Shuang's back, eyes full of loss,


There is only loss, no fear!

Because she knows that even when Qin Shuang was fighting with the woman just now, she started to flee and would be overtaken by Qin Shuang in a flash. The appearance of Qin Shuang was doomed to her failure, and this failure was the loss of her life. So, she came, followed Qin Shuang, she wanted to know why the woman pretended to be her to kill the mother queen, and set off a crescent moon fire.

She has no luck, nor does she expect Qin Shuang to spare her. She knew that since the moment she asked the blood to assassinate Qin Shuang, the two had no sisterhood before and became insoluble enemies.

"Since I die, let me die perfectly clear."

Qin Jingyun looked at Qin Shuang's back, but his eyes were full of heat. He is different from Qin fine jade, his vision is much higher than Qin fine jade, and his heart is much bigger than Qin fine jade. Because he has been to Imperial Capital, has been cultivation in the Imperial Martial Arts Academy, and has seen the vast Heaven and Earth, unlike Qin Fine Jade, whose heart is only as big as the Kingdom of Crescent Moon.

If it were not for the Kingdom of the Crescent Moon, Qin Jingyun would never come back. He suppressed the pursuit of the Heart of Martial Dao before returning to the Kingdom of the Crescent Moon.

For protection!

In order to protect the Kingdom of Crescent Moon!

However, seeing the power of Qin Shuang at this moment, his oppressive heart is throbbing.

"Seventh Sister!" Qin Fine Jade calmed down slowly, and said softly, "Who is she?"


Qin Shuang paused, fell into the memory, and slowly explained the matter. Then turned around, looked at Qin Jingyun and Qin fine jade in front of him, and said in a condensed voice:

"Does Huo Family know?"

"Huo Family?" Qin fine jade Looking at Qin Shuang blankly.

"Huo Family?" Qin Jingyun's expression changed: "Imperial Capital Qincheng's Huo Family?"

"Yes!" Qin Shuang nodded said: "I and Huo Family now Irconcilable, the twenty people who killed my Crescent Moon Soldiers just now were all from the Huo Family. In other words, although the crisis from the younger sister of the mother queen has been lifted, a greater crisis from the Huo Family has arrived."

"Sister did you offend Huo Family?" Qin Jingyun asked anxiously, then rubbed his hands and said: "Sister Seven, you run away quickly. Escape...Yes, escape to Frost Empire Go, as long as you escape to the Frost Empire, the Huo Family will not be able to chase you down."

"You don’t have to worry about my business. I just want to tell you that the Crescent Moon Kingdom is just a small It can’t be smaller. As long as Huo Family sends more than a dozen Martial Kings, they can sweep the Crescent Moon Kingdom and wipe out the Qin Family. Now, there are two roads in front of us, one is our Qin Family. Abandon the Crescent Moon Kingdom and live in seclusion before the Huo Family has time to target the Qin Family. Or, as Jingyun said, break into pieces, sneak into the Frost Empire, and then gather again to hide. The other way is Continue to rule the Kingdom of the Crescent Moon and fight with the Huo Family.

But the result..."

Qin Shuang shook the head, Qin Fine Jade and Qin Jingyun also have very solemn faces, although Qin Shuang did not say the result, but the two people knew that if the Crescent Moon Kingdom and Huo Family were to fight together, that was throwing an egg at a rock.

Qin Jingyun knows Huo Family better than Qin fine jade, only after a moment of indulging, he made a decisive decision.

"Sister Seven, let's retreat from Qin Family." At this point, his eyes burst out fighting intents: "Huo Family is very powerful, but our Qin Family will not always be weak. Go down. I swear by Qin Jingyun that I will lead Qin Family Return of the King in the coming day."

Qin Shuang and Qin Jingyun looked at Qin fine jade, Qin fine jade showed bitterness on their faces. .

"Seventh Sister, you should know that the blood suit was sent by me?"

"Yes!" Qin Shuang gently nodded.

Qin fine jade looked at Qin Jingyun and said: "You will guard the Qin Family, and I will guard the Kingdom of Crescent Moon."

"What do you mean?"

琴fine jade took a deep breath: "Pick a batch of elite disciple from Qin Family, and you will lead it to Frost Empire. And I will take the rest of Qin Family children to guard the Kingdom of Crescent Moon. Crescent Moon is Qin Family. In the crescent moon, we can be killed and extinct, but we cannot give up actively."

"That should also be guarded by me." Qin Jingyun opened his eyes.

"defeated, the crescent moon is naturally guarded by me."

"hmph! If it weren’t for your time in the crescent moon longer than me, you have more troops than me, you Do you really think you can win me?"


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