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"puff puff puff..."

Countless people's bodies were shot into sieves, blood spurted out, and their bodies fell towards the ground.


Qin Shuang's sword enters sheathe, and the sky full of starlight disappears. There were only 16 people left opposite Qin Shuang, but these 16 people were also bleeding continuously from their bodies, one by one looked at Qin Shuang in terror.

“clang! ”

With a word cry, Qin Shuang’s figure exploded. Nine Qin Shuang’s silhouettes appeared in the sky, and nine swords pierced the sky, like Nine cracks were opened in the space slash, and everything was shattered wherever it went.

"Boom boom boom..."

The bodies of the nine Huo Family Martial Artists were twisted to pieces, and then they came together suddenly, twisting the tenth Martial Artist into了齑粉. The nine sword gangs converge and condense into a small sun-like light group. The light group burst again, and the ten heavy swords radiate everywhere, like ten thousand suns shining on the earth.

"puff puff puff..."

The bodies of the remaining six Huo Family Martial Artists are like sieves, with blood gushing and falling toward the ground like broken sacks.

"Boom boom boom..."

There was a huge continuous rumbling sound in the distance, and the earth was shaking, accompanied by the sound of mournful scream.


Qin Shuang's figure disappeared above the clouds, and the next moment appeared on Qin Fine Jade's camp. Looking down, I saw twenty Huo Family Martial Artists crisscrossing the camp. Wherever they passed, slices of Martial Artist fell down, cut down with one sword, sword gang spread several li, Jian Gang passed by. At this point, the quarter moon Martial Artist is all shattered.


There was a loud noise, and the violent wind was like a mushroom cloud, and the huge might could make Heaven and Earth pale. The quarter moon mercenary group and five Huo Family Martial Kings fought recklessly. The silhouettes of more than twenty mercenaries shattered, and the silhouettes of five Huo Family Martial Kings also staggered back. Qin Qiang's eyes were about to split, and the long spear pointed at the Huo Family Martial King and yelled:



Martial Artist of the Mercenary group of crescent moon body inner Qi blood boiling killing intent horizontally and horizontally. Two blood-red fingers condensed above their heads, and Qin Shuang's eyes jumped in the air.

"The hand of killing has condensed two fingers!"


With the full blow of the mercenary group of the crescent moon, the sky is Two blood-red fingers, full of killing aura, nodded towards the two Huo Family Martial Kings.

The eyes of the two Huo Family Martial Kings showed horror. The two wanted to dodge, but they found themselves as if they were completely covered by the blood-red fingers. There was no angle to dodge, and they could only shake their way.

"Break me!"

The two Huo Family Martial Kings exploded all their potential, and the long sword in their hands burst out sword glow as bright as the sun.


The two blood-red fingers shattered the sword glow and hit the chests of the two Huo Family Martial Kings.


The bodies of the two Huo Family Martial Kings burst into pieces from their chests, and the two fingers slammed into the ground with a loud explosion. , Blasting the earth out of two deep pits, two groundwater jets out from the ground, under the sunlight, reflecting bright rays of light.

"Not good!"

Qin Shuang's expression changed. After the mercenary group broke out the killing hand, the entire imposing manner obviously fell back, and everyone's breath changed. weak. But at this moment, the three Huo Family Martial Kings saw their two companions being blasted into powder, their eyes were red and they pounced towards Qin Qian and the others.

A bow appeared in Qin Shuang's left hand for an instant, and the right hand had already taken an arrow to draw the bow, and an arrow shot out. Then came another opinion, another arrow.

"whiz whiz whiz..."

The three sharp arrows seem to have left the bowstring, and they have reached the front of the three Huo Family Martial Kings. Simply cannot see the arrow's trajectory.

"peng~ peng~ peng~......"

The heads of the three Martial Kings shattered, and the headless bodies fell on the ground.

"whiz whiz whiz..."

Qin Shuang kept shooting arrows, each arrow was like rainbow piercing the sun, equivalent to Martial Emperor’s later spiritual power poured in Among the arrows, before the sound of the bowstring came, the arrows had shot through the head of the Huo Family Martial King.

"peng~ peng~ peng~ ……"

One by one the headless corpses of Huo Family Martial King fell to the ground, and the camp was silent, everyone looked forward to it To Qin Shuang who was standing in the air, there was infinite fear in his eyes.

Qin Shuang's gaze swept across Daying, and a trace of hostility suddenly rose in his eyes. Twenty Huo Family Martial Kings raged for a short time, not only killing the twenty-six Martial Artists of the Mercenary Group, but also killing tens of thousands of soldiers in the Kingdom of the Moon. Those soldiers were against the twenty Huo Family Martial King Ninth Layer In the later stage, it is too weak.

Qin Shuang's heart beats suddenly, and she feels that she is locked by a line of sight from Great Snow Mountain. Suddenly looking back, Soul Power shot out, his eyes suddenly widened, and he blurted out.

"It's you!"


The clouds in the sky were blown away by a gust of wind, and a silhouette waved from the Great Snow Mountain The sleeve came, standing vacantly 100 meters away from Qin Shuang. It is the younger sister of Qin Xianyue's compatriot.

"Mother Queen?" Qin Fine Jade cried out in horror.

"Mother Queen?" Qin Jingyun screamed.

The Great Snow Mountain was silent up and down, and an unbelievable atmosphere filled. Qin Shuang took a deep breath. At this time, she already understood that her transfiguration was taught by the woman opposite. You don’t need to ask to know that she must have turned into the appearance of a fine jade and entered the Imperial Palace. Xianyue killed.

"You...killed my mother king?"

Everyone was shocked. Isn't this person Queen of Crescent Moon? Did she kill Queen?

"Not bad!"

The woman slowly nodded in the shocked eyes of everyone, and said lightly: "Qin Shuang, Qin Xianyue once abandoned you and put you to death, could it? Do you still want to avenge her?"

"I see!" Qin Shuang said in a condensed voice: "You just want Qin Family to kill each other up and down, the Kingdom of Crescent Moon will be full of smoke, and finally let Qin Family Up and down to death. I’m not wrong, right?"


"Your Excellency! The reason why you were abandoned by Qin Family, you don’t know why, This has nothing to do with my mother king. If you want revenge, you can find those who made the decision to abandon you in the first place. Why target your compatriot elder sister and her descendants?"

Qin fine jade in the camp and Qin Jingyun on the Great Snow Mountain were both shocked.

"This woman is... the younger sister of the mother king?"

"hahaha..." The woman suddenly laughed wildly: "Qin Shuang, I don't care who Abandoned me, from the moment Qin Family wants to kill me, the entire Qin Family is my enemy, everyone in the Qin Family will die, otherwise how can my hatred be eliminated?"

Qin Shuang slowly pulled out the long sword behind his backhand, slanted the pituitary side, and lowered his eyes: "Qin Family has someone I protect, come on."

"You Her face is pale, her breath is weak, can you stop me?" The woman also slowly drew out the long sword.

Qin Shuang raised his eyes, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Are you timid?"

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