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"Reality is not an assumption. If you lose, you lose." Qin Fine Jade said coldly.


Qin Shuang stopped the quarrel between the two people. She understood Qin Fine Jade's thoughts at this time. She has been fighting for the seat of King of Crescent Moon Kingdom all her life, and now she has taken that seat, and then let her give up, it will be more painful than giving up her life.

She would rather sit in that seat to die than give up that seat to live.

In a person's life, ideals are often more important than life.


She first asked the blood suit to assassinate Qin Shuang, then chase Qin Wu, and then chase Qin Jingyun. But at this time, her strength is so strong that her unattainable Qin Shuang appears. Even if Qin Shuang ignores the predecessors, can she live with Qin Shuang, Qin Jingyun and the others in peace of mind?

She, Qin Wu, and Qin Jingyun fought each other. The brothers and sisters who were once killed each other and died in each other's hands. How to calculate this bad debt?

It would be better for her fine jade to sit in the Kingdom of Crescent Moon and let Qin Jingyun leave with the Qin Family elite. If her fine jade can protect the Kingdom of Crescent Moon, she can be considered worthy of Qin Shuang and Qin Jingyun, as well as the dead brother sisters. If her fine jade dies, she will die a hundred. Anyway, with Qin Jingyun and a Qin Family surviving, she has nothing to worry about.

Moreover, in Qin Shuang's mind at this time, this is undoubtedly the best solution.

Huo Family may not dare to move the Crescent Moon Kingdom, as long as Qin Shuang gives Huo Family a sharp counterattack. In Qin Shuang's eyes, Qin Jingyun's aptitude and innate talent are undoubtedly stronger than Qin fine jade, otherwise Qin Xianyue would not send him to the Imperial Martial Arts Academy.

If a kingdom wants to gain a foothold in Martial Artist Continent, if it wants to face Great Family like Huo Family in the future, it will not fall down. The cultivation base of a leader is very important.

A kingdom or family does not have a deterrent like the Sea Calming Divine Needle, it is like an ant in the eyes of those Great Family.

In Qin Shuang's eyes, apart from herself, Qin Family only Qin Jingyun has this potential.

So, Qin Fine Jade takes the seat of the king and manages the kingdom, while Qin Jingyun lives in seclusion to practice Martial Dao. This is a relatively perfect plan.

"The eldest sister continues to serve as Queen of the Crescent Moon Kingdom, Jingyun takes the Crescent Mercenary group and some Qin Family elite disciple to Frost Empire. many brother sisters are still alive today?"

Qin Jingyun complexion sank, shook his hand and said: "I didn't have any brothers and sisters following me, I don't know."

Qin Jingyun complexion sank lowered his head and said: "Now except for the three of us. One, there are Fourth Sister Qin Jiao, fifth brother Qin Lei and eleventh brother Qin Xue."

"Fifth brother has been killed by him."

An angry voice came. . The three of them followed the prestige and saw a silhouette leaping forward, and a pair of murderous aura eyes looked at Qin Jingyun. Seeing Qin Shuang's gaze came over, he was stunned, and closed his mouth, but a pair of killing intent gazes still staring at Qin Jingyun.

"The second brother is dead?" Qin Shuang retracted his gaze and looked at Qin Fine Jade.

"I don't know about life or death."

"Where is the fourth sister?"

Qin Fine Jade's face showed said with a bitter smile: "Run away from home Now."

Speaking of this, he paused and said again: "When she left, she once told me that she would investigate the death of the mother and the queen, if it was really me who killed the mother. Wang, she will definitely not let me go."

"You didn't do anything to her?" Qin Shuang looked at Qin Fine Jade coldly.

"No!" Qin Fine Jade looked at Qin Shuang with clear eyes: "Because I did not kill the mother queen, at least at this point, I have a clear conscience."

Qin Shuang stopped speaking and fell into thinking. Opposite her, Qin Fine Jade, Qin Jingyun and Qin Xue all held their breath and waited for Qin Shuang. After a while, Qin Shuang had formed a plan in his mind. I looked up at Qin Jingyun and said:

"Jingyun, you can leave a few cronies, not too many. It's not easy to sneak into Frost Empire secretly without the Huo Family noticing it. Things."

"en!" Qin Jingyun was nodded a little listlessly.

Qin Shuang lowered his face and said: "Jingyun, you have a lot of courage, and you shoulder the responsibility of Qin Family bloodline. The eldest sister may soon die in the hands of Huo Family. However, sometimes Living people are more difficult than dead people."

Qin Jingyun's body shook, suddenly raised her head to look at Qin Shuang, and then firmly nodded and said:

"Seven Sisters , I understand."

"Just understand!" Qin Shuang's tone was slightly slow: "Qin Qian led the crescent moon mercenary group will follow you to Frost Empire."

Qin Fine Jade's eyes showed a trace of envy, but she saw the strength of the Mercenary Group. But she knew that the crescent moon mercenary group had no relationship with her.

Qin Shuang looked at Qin Fine Jade again and said: "Sister, Jingyun will hand over his team to you, and he will stay here in Great Snow Mountain, and you will immediately return to Imperial Capital with the army. , And then select the family elite disciple as quickly as possible, don’t have too many, and send it here secretly."

"I understand!" Qin fine jade nodded.

Qin Shuang hesitated for a while and said again: "The Crescent Moon Kingdom may not be destroyed. I once told the Huo Family patriarch that his Huo Family is only against me, so it’s fine. If he dares to kill the Crescent Moon in vain If the kingdom is one person, I will kill 100 of them in the Huo Family. Now their Huo Family actually killed tens of thousands of people in the Crescent Moon Kingdom. I will immediately get up and kill all the way to the Imperial Capital Qin City, wherever the Huo Family belongs. , I will kill them all. In this way, Huo Family may be jealous, as long as I am not dead, they will not dare to move the crescent moon alone."

Qin Fine Jade’s eyes lit up. Then there was worry again in his eyes: "Seventh Sister, you have to take care of yourself. You are alive, and you have a deterrent to the Huo Family. If you die... the crescent moon will die instantly."

"I understand. Qin Shuang turned to Qin Xue and said, "You go and call Qin submerged."

Qin Xue was nodded, and flew towards the bottom of the mountain. Qin Shuang thoughts move, a coffin appeared in front of everyone, and then said to Qin fine jade:

"Uncle grandfather passed away in Immemorial space."

"Huh?" Qin fine jade Both Qin Jingyun and Qin Jingyun screamed.

Qin Shuang said sadly: "Let’s worship it."

The three coffins facing Qin Wudi knelt down, and the cold wind caught snow falling on them. Until Qin Qian flew behind them, Qin Shuang said:


Qin Qian heard that Qin Shuang didn't call him a big waste, and he felt something. Unusual, his face changed, his voice trembling a little.

"What's the matter?"

"Uncle grandfather passed away in Immemorial space, you can meet him."

Qin Qian stood there blankly, Then slowly walked to the coffin, opened the lid of the coffin, and then there was a heart-piercing cry:



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