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Looking at Qin Qian and the others’ silhouette disappearing, Qin Shuang stepped into the void, and his figure rose lightly, penetrating the clouds, and then gently falling, standing on On a cloud, standing with his hand held down, he looked towards the direction of Imperial Capital Qincheng.

Great Snow Mountain.

The cold wind is biting.

A woman is standing with her hands in her thin single clothes, with a smile on her face. Looking at the strangulation below, happiness flashed in his eyes.

"Okay! Okay! Qin Xianyue, have you seen it? This is your son and daughter. Your daughter is about to kill your son, hahaha..."


Qin Jingyun is holding a big sword in his hand and is fighting fiercely. At this time, there are less than three thousand people left by his side. Everyone is wounded, and some people fall from time to time. So don’t stand anymore does not raise.


Qin Jingyun collided with the two Martial Artists on the opposite side. Went forward, the big sword in his hand was cut off towards Qin Jingyun with a bitter wind, and at the same time a person shouted sternly:

"Eighth brother, die."

"Fifth brother , The eleventh brother, you two beasts, and the lowly maid that killed the mother and usurped the throne. It’s not good to die."

"Boom boom boom..."

Three people turned over again. Fought on the ground together.

Daying under the mountain.

Qin Fine Jade stood with his hands in his hands, looking at Great Snow Mountain in the distance, lightly let out a sigh of relief.

"It's over! It's finally over! Eighth brother, you have a good walk!"

"Qin Jingyun, are you still alive?"

Shouting suddenly Loudly falls from the sky!

This sound!

The sound shook the fields, rumbling in the air like a thunder. Thick clouds scattered in the sky.

Up the mountain, down the mountain.

Both Legion and Martial Artist in the camp both raised their heads and looked into the sky.

I saw the sky above.

The cloud broke open.

A team of Pegasus appeared in the air, which shocked the Martial Artists from both sides of the Moon Country.

When did they see Pegasus flying?

Even one?

Now I have seen a whole team of horses, more than two thousand batches. Moreover, every Martial Artist on Pegasus wears Profound Level armor, holds Profound Level spiritual weapon in his hand, and murderous aura soars into the sky. A big flag is waving in the wind, and two characters are written:

Quan Moon!

"Who is this?"

Qin fine jade brows frowned, uneasy arose in his heart.

Qin Jingyun looked up, but couldn't see the person above the clouds, so he shouted.

"Qin Jingyun is here, above the clouds, who is the newcomer?"

"hahaha......" Above the clouds, there was a burst of heroic laughter: "I am your qinqian Big brother, big brother is here to save you."

"Qin Qian!" Qin Fine Jade's heart jumped.

"Qin Qian!" Qin Jingyun was overjoyed.

Above the clouds, Qin Qian lifted the long spear high, and then pointed towards the camp of Qin fine jade below.


Above the sky, more than two thousand people hung upside down like a galaxy, swooping down towards the camp of Qin Fine Jade.


Qin fine jade shouted, and pulled out the long sword backhand. The Martial Artists in the camp gathered towards Qin fine jade. They hadn't waited until they formed a large array. , Qin Qian led the Mercenary Group of Crescent Moon and slammed into the air.

In a flash, the stumps and pieces of meat fly all over, blood flowing into a river......

Qin Jingyun is ecstatic in his heart, he knows whether Qin Qian can beat Qin fine jade or not, but at this time Is the only time to break through. Throwing the big sword in the air with a violent shout:


Standing first and rushing towards the bottom of the mountain crazily, there are more than 3,000 people remaining behind him Like a mudslide, it impacted condescendingly.

Qin Shuang stands high in the clouds, looking ahead, ten miles behind her, Qin Qian leads the Mercenary Group of Crescent Moon to go back and forth in the camp.

Now there is no Martial King in the Crescent Moon Kingdom, and Martial Master has become the high-end power of the Crescent Moon Kingdom, while the Crescent Mercenary Group has more than two thousand Martial Masters, and it is still the late Martial Master. With more than two thousand Martial Masters in the later period, you can move across the board, even more how there are 28 Martial Kings.

This is not the final power of the quarter moon mercenary group.

They still have a strong heart, more than two thousand people are like the same person, their power has skyrocketed, and they are uniform. The most important thing is that they were led by an unparalleled War General. The situation of the entire battlefield was controlled by Qin Qian's heart. After a few rushes, Qin Fine Jade's camp was rushed to pieces.


Qin Shuang's heart beat violently, she felt the boundless killing intent approaching, her eyes narrowed slightly, secretly said in one's heart:


"So fast!"

Huo Family came nearly two hours faster than Qin Shuang expected.

"It seems that the Martial Artist cultivation base that Huo Family dispatched this time is very high."

The clouds in the sky broke open, and hundreds of flying pegasus appeared in Qin Shuang's field of vision. middle.

"One person and two horses, no wonder it's so fast!"

Qin Shuang took off the Profound Level long sword behind and held it in his left hand, the right hand holding the hilt , Put on a posture of drawing a sword.

The fire on the other side saw Qin Shuang, and his eyes were immediately red.

"Boom boom boom..."

There was a roar in the distance. Looking into the distance with fiery eyes, Great Snow Mountain roared up and down. Huo Zhi immediately understood that it was Qin Fine Jade and Qin Jingyun in a battle. And behind Qin Shuang, there is no quarter moon mercenary group, so it must be to reinforce Qin Jingyun. Regarding the civil war in the Kingdom of Crescent Moon, the fire is very clear. Immediately shouted:

"Go to twenty people and destroy everyone in Crescent Moon Kingdom! The rest will kill this lowly maid with me!"


Huo Zhi led eighty Martial Kings from flying pegasus in the later stage, and shrouded Qin Shuang like a cloud. In the later stage, the twenty Martial King Ninth Layers at the back swooped downward, like twenty goshawks, flying ten miles away.

Qin Shuang's right hand holding the hilt tightly.


The surrounding spiritual energy rushed to Qin Shuang frantically, and the space around Qin Shuang reflected the starlight light, which produced a slight distortion. The sword in his hand be eager to have a try, as if the sword is destroyed when it is out of its sheath.

“clang clang clang ……”

Above 81 spiritual weapons such as Huozhi, 81 gangmans burst out, as if the space between them and Qin Shuang was cut. Into strips.

The endless Gangmang traversed the sky in an instant and arrived in front of Qin Shuang. Although Gangmang was not on his body, it made Qin Shuang feel awe-inspiring.


Qin Shuang right hand forcefully, the sword reaches seven inches.


A mass of white light bursts like a universe was born, thousands of starlights swayed, countless nebulae hovered, and the first beauty of the universe swallowed people’s eyes , Makes people unconsciously intoxicated and lost...


After all, these people are different from the first batch of Huo Family Martial Artists. Every Martial Artist is a Martial King ninth layer, and There are at least six Golden Pills from cultivation. It was just a moment of intoxication and lost, and he was awakened by the warning signs in his heart.

I stared at it, and was shocked to find that the thousands of starlights had destroyed the gang mang they released, and quickly passed through the sky and came to them. In a hurry, from offensive to defensive, the weak spot is exhausted.


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