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Who is so bold and dare to provoke the Sword Crocodile God?

Hearing this thunderous provocation, everyone was heart startled and all looked up.

I saw 5 silhouettes over the new city.

“Linlang Heavenly Venerate!”

Among these 5 people, the other 4 are a little strange, but Heavenly Venerate is very familiar.

“Big Senior Sister!”

The disciples of the Jade Emperor Sect, seeing Heavenly Venerate, are also beautiful eyes that shine and show hope.

No one didn’t expect, Heavenly Venerate, who fled away, came back again.

And it seems that powerful reinforcements have been moved to directly provoke the Sword Crocodile God.


Old man Chu’s eyes widened, and he couldn’t believe the five silhouettes above.

Fu Xiaowan just told him that there is hope for perseverance.

didn’t expect this hope came so fast.

Is this kind of inhuman hardship really coming to an end?

“Big Brother!”

At this time Fu Xiaowan’s attention was also drawn to the past.

But everyone else was watching Heavenly Venerate, and she locked Xiao Changfeng at a glance.

Although not seen for many years, Xiao Changfeng’s appearance and temperament have changed somewhat.

But she recognized it at a glance.

After all, in her heart, the image of Big Brother has been deeply imprinted, and even 1000 100 life reincarnation will not be forgotten.

At this time Linlang Heavenly Venerate took people back and shocked everyone inside and outside the new city.


But at this time, the breath of Qingming God spread out, and divine might be vast, like mountains and sea, suddenly pressed.

Suddenly everyone was terrified and breathless.

“Shenjing, this person turned out to be a Shenjing powerhouse!”

Feeling the horrible divine might that the Qingming God is so powerful that he can’t resist, everyone is exposed astonished expression.

The power of the god realm, they have already seen it on the sword crocodile god.

But the divine realm is rare, so far, it is the sword crocodile god that’s all.

They didn’t expect to be able to see the second one at this time.

And it seems that it is not an out-of-world powerhouse, but a native creature.

“He is the Holy Son of the Qing Feng Sect!”

Someone saw Heavenly Venerate and Li Jinde, and guessed the origin of Qingming God.

Over the years, the Qingming God has been secluded cultivation, and there is much less discussion about him.

But what happened at the Taoist meeting of ancient martial arts was not forgotten.

At first, everyone thought that Holy Son would break through to Heavenly Venerable Realm.

I didn’t expect to leap forward in one step and became a god.

This… this is incredible!

But in this way, there is a powerhouse that can compete with the sword crocodile god.

Thinking of this, all local creatures are ecstatic in their hearts and feel that they can end this dark and suffering day.

“Huh? Some humble ants turned into gods!”

Lightly exclaimed, from the depths of the new city.

The sound skyrocketed like a thunder in 9 days, shaking 8 directions.

In the end, it turned into a divine might and turned towards Xiao Changfeng 5 people.

The air freezes and the space trembles. This divine might look like an invisible god, giving a great oppression.

But a piece of azure light radiated from Qingming God, but it easily blocked this divine might.


At the same time, a streak of divine light rises into the sky and confronts Qingming God.

Divine might, like a landslide, is getting stronger.

Make everyone in the city look pale, such as being hit hard.

I saw a silhouette in the divine rainbow, it is the sword crocodile god!

The body of the crocodile god is a crocodile, which is a different kind of crocodile Demonic beast.

The sword crocodile Deity stands up, with ten meters high.

The skin is like iron, thick and nail-like, and the whole body is dark yellow.

A sturdy and powerful tail, swaying behind him, can easily tear through the space, containing a terrifying divine force.

And the most conspicuous.

On the back of the sword crocodile god, there is a row of thorns like the tip of the sword.

The flesh is shaped like a sword tooth, although it is flesh and blood, but it gives people a sharp sharp air.

It seems that this is a sword with a handle.

The saber tooth went all the way down the spine, pointing straight to the end of the tail.

Stout limbs and sharp fangs.

All make the sword crocodile look very fierce, very not to be trifled with.

And on his body, at this time, the divine yellow dim light exuded, just like a quagmire, even making the space around all twist and muddy.

“Lin Lang, didn’t expect you dare to come back, but that’s fine, so save the gods and find you again.”

Sword Crocodile looked at Qing Ming, and then turned his eyes to fall on Heavenly Venerate.

With a grin, he showed a sharp sharp tooth, which was chilling.

For Linlang Heavenly Venerate, he naturally has no mentality to appreciate.

The only thing is anger and hatred.

When he was not yet a god, he attacked the Jade Emperor Sect, and most of them were blocked by Linlang Heavenly Venerate.

After all, Linlang Heavenly Venerate can be combined with the statue of the Heavenly Venerate, a very powerful woman.

He once wounded the sword crocodile once.

This is regarded as extraordinary shame and humiliation by him, and he is bent on revenge.

It is a pity that when he attacked the Jade Lady Sect, Wang Shuxian had already sent Linlang Heavenly Venerate away.

He was unable to avenge his revenge, for which he was furious, and he killed most of the disciples of the Jade Lady in one breath.

Now Wang Shuxian is in his dormitory, he is used as a plaything, ravaged day and night.

But the hatred for Linlang Heavenly Venerate has not decreased.

See you at this time, of course, do not intend to let go.

“Sword Crocodile God, you are guilty of crimes, and today next year will be your anniversary.”

Lin Lang Heavenly Venerate’s eyes are cold, full of monstrous hatred.

There was a cold voice at this time, to revenge the dead same sect.

“Avoid the sun? Hahaha!”

Hearing the words of Heavenly Venerate, the sword crocodile laughed heartily, and the laughter oscillated in 8 directions, forming layers of waves, like a surging wave.

“You think you can kill me if you find a false god? Overestimate one’s capabilities.”

The sword crocodile sneered, and did not put Qingming God in his eyes at all.

In his eyes, the indigenous people of this world are all ants.

Even if it becomes a god, it is still the weakest existence in the divine realm.

So his eyes were unscrupulous and his speech was arrogant.

Qing Qingshen didn’t put it in his eyes at all.

“Whether it is overestimate one’s capabilities.

Although the Qingming God became a god, the temperament is still some young blood.

At this time again and again, and then 3 were despised by the sword crocodile god.

Coupled with seeing this tragic situation in the city, it also aroused the anger in his heart.

One step at the moment, azure light skyrocketed, rendering half of the sky.

“Qingming, everything will come to you!”

Linlang Heavenly Venerate paid a big gift and solemnly please.

Then Xiao Changfeng 4 people quickly retreated and fell into the city.

The battle of Spiritual God is extremely powerful. The aftermath of fighting alone is not something they can bear.

At this time, only to fall into the city and hand over the main battlefield to Qingming God.

At this moment, Qingming God bears the hope of everyone!

However, the contempt in the sword crocodile Divine Eyes is unabashed.

“The ants have become gods, and they are still ants. Today, let me tell you what is powerful!”

The sword crocodile was sneered and immediately reached out and took the lead.

this moment.

Under the focal point of ten thousands, this magical war has finally begun!

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