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The Jade Girl Sect is located in a continuous mountain range.

Since the recovery of Spiritual Qi, this mountain range has also changed dramatically. Not only is it vibrant, but ancient wood is towering.

Many Demonic beasts that originally lived here have also greatly increased their strength and started to occupy the mountain as king.

However, these Demonic beast mountain kings haven’t been doing it for a long time.

With their strength, how can they withstand the attack of powerhouse outside the realm.

In the end, I had to shiver coldly and not dare to impudent.

The Jade Girl Sect in the mountain range has also become a scorched earth.

Once in the deepest part of the mountain range, there was a very striking huge statue, that is the Founding Sect Ancestral Master of the Jade Lady Sect.

But now, this huge statue has collapsed and turned into a gravel.

At the moment, the mountain gate of the original Jade Emperor Zong was slowly emerging.

The new town occupies an extremely large area and sits on the mountains. There is a majestic imposing manner that dominates the 8 squares.

Although there is only a city wall at present, it is like a Great Desolate Giant Beast in the sun, which is intimidating.

At this time in the new city, the silhouette is sufficient.

ding ding dong dong’s voices are not endless.

I saw a native creature, working.

They were all wearing special heavy chains and could not escape.

Even more how there is an outside powerhouse supervising workers everywhere.

With their strength, even without heavy chains, they can’t beat these out-of-boundary powerhouses. Even more how is now.

“Hurry up, dilly-dallying didn’t eat!”

A brown bear powerhouse snarled.


The whip in his hand was drawn directly, across the sky, and hit the back of an old man.

Suddenly torn skin and gaping flesh, bloody flesh.

The old man has the strength of Heavenly Venerable Realm, but after many days of work, it has been quite weak.

Under this whip, he staggered his footsteps and fell directly to the ground.

“Don’t even dare to be lazy, see me not killing you!”

The brown bear powerhouse opened his eyes in anger, held a long whip, and flew quickly, pulling his head unreasonably.

Although this long whip is not a Divine Item, it is also a Heavenly Venerate device.

Plus the power of the Brown Bear powerhouse days Venerable Realm 9th Layer.

Each time is enough to break the mountain.

Hitting the old man is even more difficult to resist.

“Ahhh !”

The sound of mournful scream came from the old man’s mouth, making the scalp tingling and very permeating.

In the eyes of the Brown Bear powerhouse, there was a burst of pleasure.

Other people saw this scene. Although they couldn’t bear it, they dared not step forward to rescue.

After all, everyone worked long hours and was weak.

If you come forward to rescue, I am afraid that it will cause greater anger. When the time comes, I am afraid that both people will be punished together.

This is the rule of this new city!

“Your group of humble ants are really not disobedient. If you don’t build a city well, I will unscrew your head.”

After a long fight, the brown bear powerhouse stopped.

He didn’t plan to kill the old man. After all, Jiancheng now lacks manpower. If he is killed, he still has to find a way to catch another one.

But at this moment the old man has blood-stained clothes, and the whole person’s flesh and blood are vague and angry.

“Get up without dying and continue to work!”

The brown bear powerhouse growled again.

Although the old man who was seriously injured was weak, he had to stand up and continue to work.

If you stop, it will really die!

In the new city, Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse like old man, there are more than 100 people, all from all around.

It is also because of their existence that this new city can cast its walls so quickly.

But every brick and tile contains blood and tears.

Here, for everyone, it is equivalent to a large prison.

But no one can resist, can only bear in silence.

Those who have the courage to flee have long been turned into cold bodies and hung in the city head.

Therefore, those who do not want to die can only continue to work until they are exhausted!

“Chu grandfather, I have some medicine, please take it soon.”

A young girl came to the seriously injured old man and secretly took out a treasure medicine and handed it to the old man named Chu.

The girl was wearing a white robe, but it was badly damaged.

There is a faint trace of fair skin.

The original long hair was cut into shoulder-length short hair by her, which seemed quite capable.

And the eyes that are clear and water-like have become rock-solid after many changes.

This girl is awesome Fu Xiaowan.

But compared with the original innocence, now Fu Xiaowan has become much stronger.

The death of her parents at that time shocked her.

Fortunately, there was Grandfather beside him, and later he met the kind Big Brother.

Although the Jade Emperor Sect is a little strange to her, as a Sect Master, her grandmother cannot always accompany herself.

But gradually, she also regarded this as a home.

Originally according to the situation, she worked hard to cultivation and became stronger, and has become a new generation of Saintess.

In the future, there is a chance to succeed as the new Sect Master.

However, the emergence of Spiritual Qi’s recovery disrupted everything.

The advent of the powerhouse outside the world made the Jade Girl Sect feel the cruelty of war.

Later, the sword crocodile became a god, the Jade Emperor’s Sect was broken, and the deaths and injuries were heavy.

This series of changes has made Fu Xiaowan a childlike heart, as strong as iron.

Today, like other disciples of the Jade Emperor, she is wearing a chain and building a city here.

But even after experiencing so much pain, there is still a trace of kindness in her heart.

Chu grandfather is somewhat similar to her late grandfather, which makes her feel good.

At this time, he did not hesitate to take out the last treasure medicine he had hidden.

“Good child, keep it for yourself, grandfather can hold it!”

Old man Chu squeezed out a smile, but refused politely.

He could see Fu Xiaowan’s kindness, and it was precisely because of this that he would not even accept it.

This treasure is small, but at some point, it can be a life-saving thing.

He can still support himself, hoping that Fu Xiaowan will continue to stay.

“Chur grandfather, your injury is too heavy, as if you are not taking medicine, I am afraid that there will be danger. I am young and healthy, it’s okay.”

Fu Xiaowan’s face was firm and he kept talking.

In the end, the old man named Chu was helpless and had to ask for a half-cut treasure medicine.

“I don’t know when such a day will be a head!”

After taking the second half of the treasure medicine, the old man named Chu, although the injury did not recover, at least stopped the blood.

He was sighed with sadness in his eyes.

“Chur grandfather, as long as we persevere, we will certainly be able to see hope, evil will be rewarded, and they will definitely get the rewards they deserve.”

Fu Xiaowan cherished the remaining half of the treasure medicine close to her body, and then began to speak.

Despite her fate, she never lost her confidence.

She believes everything will be fine.

“I hope so!”

Old man shook the head with the surname Chu is obviously not sure about it.


At this moment, the long rainbow thread quickly approached and came over the new city.

A thunderous roar, but also a sudden explosion:

“Sword Crocodile God, come out and die!”

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