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For many people, they haven’t seen God War in their entire lives.

After all, a Spiritual God is extremely rare, not to mention the battle between two Spiritual Gods.

Even if it was everyone in the new city, it was the first time I saw it.

Qingming God and Sword Crocodile God.

One is native creatures and the other is out-of-world powerhouse.

Both sides represent different camps, and there are supporters at this time.

Everyone in the new city is looking up at this moment, looking up together, waiting for the outbreak of this war.

And the outcome of this war will affect everyone’s fate.

“Big Brother!”

Fu Xiaowan immediately ran beside Xiao Changfeng.

Although the brown bear powerhouse had intentions to stop it, at this time the battle was about to break out, and he was too lazy to take care of it anymore.

Anyway, as long as the sword crocodile god wins, no one can escape.

That being the case, why care about this moment and a half?


Goodbye Fu Xiaowan, Xiao Changfeng also smiled.

Feeling the remaining injuries of Fu Xiaowan within the body, he stretched out his hand and waved, the vitality was submerged in the body.

In just an instant, Fu Xiaowan felt comfortable all over, and all the internal injuries had recovered.

“Big Brother, thank you.”

Fu Xiaowan hugged Xiao Changfeng’s arm, sweetly smiled.

Since grandfather died, how long has she not shown this smile?

Goodbye Xiao Changfeng at this time, Fu Xiaowan is joy from the heart.

At this time, the other disciplines of the Jade Girl Sect also walked to Linlang Heavenly Venerate.

Wang Shuxian was imprisoned, and Linlang Heavenly Venerate was their Big Senior Sister. At this time, Linlang Heavenly Venerate was naturally led.

As for the old man and the others surnamed Chu, they stood still and did not dare to come over at will.

“The battle of gods has begun!”

Xiao Changfeng took out a cloak and put it on Fu Xiaowan, then thoughts moved, looking towards the sky.

At this time, the battle of focal point of ten thousands finally broke out.

“Low grade divine technique: Crack the sky!”

The sword crocodile stretched out his right paw and waved suddenly.

Tear off!

I saw a dark yellow claw light in the high sky, directly tore through the space and went straight to Qing Mingshen.

The claws were dark yellow, not only sharp, but also with a breath of water, like a surging river, traversing the sky, and shatter void.

The aftermath of Claw Mang swept across, and a mountain outside Divine City was cut in half.

The top of the hill slipped and rumbling, which was shocking.

This is just the aftermath, how terrifying is that real claw mang?

At this moment, Claw Mang Rujiang, quickly came to the front of Qing Mingshen.

Not only that, but a special energy emerged.

This makes the time and space of Qingming’s all around become very heavy, as if being in a swamp.

This is the Law Power that the sword crocodile god realized after becoming a god.

The law of the swamp can make people sink deep into the mud, trapped in it, and difficult to move.

If it is under the divine realm, facing this swamp law, it is like a fly in amber, without the power to struggle.

Some are similar to Ganges Star Sand, but the formidable power is slightly weaker that’s all.

At this moment, the law of the swamp surrounded Qing Mingshen, making him trapped in the mud, struggling with difficulty.

The claw mang was shocked and came straight, like a huge god crocodile with its head propped on the sky and the earth, stretched out the sharp claw, to tear the Qing Ming god to pieces.

In the face of the shocking blow of the sword crocodile god, Qing Mingshen did not back down.

“Middle grade Magical Powers: Trample!”

Qing Mingshen’s body is azure light like the sun, dazzling, this azure light blessed on the body, plus a pair of azure horns on the head.

It makes him look like a humanoid bull demon.

At this moment, using the divine force to activate Magical Powers, both feet are like hooves, and they step on suddenly.


I saw that the time and space of ten thousand meters centered on Qing Mingshen suddenly shook, like a bull demon stepping on the ground, the space cracked and shattered into pieces.

This Magical Powers is somewhat similar to the Xiao Changfeng earthquake, but the formidable power is much weaker.

But the effect was excellent. At this moment, it broke through the mire control of Sword Crocodile God.

“Low grade divine technique: Demon Ox Boxing!”

After breaking the mire law, Qing Mingshen made a fist with his right hand and punched it directly.

I saw him at this moment, like a bull demon possessing his body, and the power of a punch contains terrifying power.

This is not just divine force, but pure force.

The law he mastered is called the law of power.

As the name suggests, it is based on strength!

And this is also obtained from the inheritance of the Minotaur.

There is the law of power, and any attack he makes will carry extremely powerful power, almost twice that of those in the same state.

Punched out at this moment, the space in front of him collapsed directly and turned into a huge black hole.

Pure power broke through the air, and instantly hit the claw mang.

I saw that the claws, which were like a surging river, were crushing inch by inch at a speed visible to naked eye, and finally blasted by this fist.


Between Heaven and Earth, there is a deafening rumbling sound.

The aftermath of the blow swept away like a gust of wind, causing all directions to vanish, and the entire Divine City was shaking violently.

The continuous mountain range outside Divine City is like a typhoon crossing, and countless ancient wood boulders have been destroyed to become powder.

A Prestige of Strike, horrible!

Very terrifying power, is this the realm of God? “

Old man Chu surnamed looked up and saw that the space as dense as the spider web cracked, and the waves of destruction everywhere between Heaven and Earth.

The fear in my heart overflowed, full of shock and horror.

This power is too powerful and desperate!

But now the good news is that Qingming God is strong enough to stop the sword crocodile god.

“Interesting, no wonder you can become a god. It turned out that you got the inheritance left by a Spiritual God.”

The sword crocodile comes from a great influence outside the realm. Although the innate talent is average, the knowledge is not shallow.

Through this blow at this time, it is already seen the strength of Qingming God.

“But you’re just a little lucky that’s all, compared to me, it’s not enough.”

The sword crocodile was not discouraged when he lost the blow. At this time, he grinned and was scared.


The sword crocodile reached out his hand and grabbed it, and suddenly a jagged sword was held in his hand.

This is his Divine Item, named Crocodile Divine Sword, which is caused by the shedding of the sharp teeth of the powerhouse in his family.

Not only does it have terrifying lethality, but also has the same origin as his Bloodline, it can play more divine might.

At this time, the Sword Crocodile God is no longer an ordinary out-of-world powerhouse.

It’s the Divine Realm. This crocodile-toothed sword is in his hands, and it can also exert all the formable power.


baleful qi burst out, wrapped around the blade, and looked from a distance, there was a fierce crocodile, who was opening a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, to be chosen by others.

“Humble ants, see how I cut your head!”

Sword crocodile god coldly snorted, holding a crocodile tooth sword, dive force infused, the law is circling.

In the next moment, he stepped out and killed Qingqing God.


The tremendous loud noises roared, the ears were deafening, the organs vibrated, and the bloodshed.

I saw the sword crocodile with a brutal face, eye shows the ominous light, and went straight to Qingming God!

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