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Terrain Yaksha, looks ugly, but powerful.

Before killing several prisoners in a row, it was still fire rune Demi-God’s shot to solve it.

At this time, the terrain Yaksha has a number of 100, which is comparable to the Venerable Realm 9th Layer, and even Demi-God powerhouse.

In addition to the terrain Yaksha, there are an equally large number of empty lines Yaksha.

There is a pair of meat wings behind the empty line Yaksha, a dark light radiates from the whole body.

This dark light is similar to the fierce dark light, but it is not as strong as the fierce dark light.

On the first 1000 heads, Yaksha rushed out of the depth of the mine, as if the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses struck.


The Yakshas roared in unison, and the waves rushed.

As a storm strikes, everyone feels ear pain, and the brain buzzes, as if to explode.

Hong long long !

At this time the group of Yaksha’s eyes were shining, with an infinite killing intent, and they were slain towards the crowd.

“Not good !”

Seeing this scene, everyone complexion greatly changed, but it was too late to escape.

Pu chi!

The army of Yaksha was killed, and the prisoners were at the top.

With 1000 heads of Yaksha, he instantly brutally killed a dozen prisoners.

Although these prisoners were wounded and collapsed, they were the powerhouse of Heavenly Venerable Realm after all.

The battle strength that broke out was also amazing.

But in the face of so many Yaksha, it was also difficult to resist and was torn into pieces.


Someone was split, and turned and fled.

Suddenly the crowd was scattered and chaotic.

“hmph! ”

Demi-God coldly snorted, black light from the fingertips burst out into the Yaksha group.

I saw that black light turned into a big mouth, condensed into a gluttonous illusory shadow, and swallowed Yaksha with an empty bite.

This empty line Yaksha’s size is not small, but he didn’t even utter a scream, it was completely swallowed, skeleton doesn’t exist.

A black light gluttonously killed 7 8 Yaksha directly.

This shows the power of Demi-God.


A strong wave suddenly hit.

I saw a blank line Yaksha flew out, headed straight for Demi-God.

This empty Yaksha was surrounded by a red flame, and a flame red lotus was stepping on his feet, majestic and powerful.

“Guren Yaksha!”

Seeing this Yaksha walking on the red lotus, countless people greatly changed the complexion.

This is a different species in Yaksha, which is more powerful than ordinary Yaksha and difficult to deal with.

Obviously this Guren Yaksha is the leader of this Yaksha army.

At this moment, Guren Yaksha held a broken war spear, shining the light of darkness and killing Demi-God.

“This red lotus Yaksha is given to me, and the rest to you.”

Glutton Demi-God’s eyes were crimson, with fierce eyes, and went straight to Guren Yaksha.


fire rune Demi-God takes out the three-color god fire fan, which is also a lot of Yaksha who is oncoming.

For a time.

Wars broke out in the mine, with numerous casualties.

While Xiao Changfeng and Tie Heavenly Venerate, no one cares anymore.

After all, only your life is the most important.


Xiao Changfeng took the Iron Heavenly Venerate and cast a mysterious body to break away from the battlefield.

Immediately found a fork in the road and broke in directly.

Until he could not hear the fighting, Xiao Changfeng stopped.

At this time Iron Heavenly Venerate’s injury has recovered 50-60%.

“Elder Xiao, why are you here?”

Iron Heavenly Venerate’s complexion turned rosy again.

He did not ask why Xiao Changfeng was still alive.

After all, there are too many miracles that Xiao Changfeng once created.

When Xiao Changfeng was buried in the seabed as early as the outside world, he did not believe it.

It’s just that he doesn’t know why Xiao Changfeng will appear here, and the strength advanced by leaps and bounds has become so powerful.

“It’s a long story. I’ve been to Hammer City. The situation is not good.”

Xiao Changfeng healed the Iron Heavenly Venerate while telling the status of the Iron Hammer City.

“Oh, do you know what happened to Holy City?”

It took time for Iron Heavenly Venerate to enter the Taichu Gold Mine.

Therefore, Xiao Changfeng also wanted to inquire about the news from Doctor Holy City.

However, Iron Heavenly Venerate is actually the hook the head.

“What happened to the Holy City happened before I entered the Taichu Gold Mine. At that time, I went to the Holy City to find the reason, but I didn’t find it.”

“Later I entered this gold mine at the beginning, but also inquired in many ways, but not at all news, obviously they are not here.”

The relationship between Iron Heavenly Venerate and Medical Heavenly Venerate is unreversable, and such a weird thing has happened.

Unfortunately, for so long, he did not hear useful news.

Instead, he was caught by Demi-God and the others and became a prisoner.

If Xiao Changfeng didn’t shoot, I’m afraid he would really die here today.

“Not in the early gold mine, is it in the ancient ruins?”

Xiao Changfeng brows slightly wrinkle, if Iron Heavenly Venerate, let him remove the Taichu gold mine.

As a result, the Mysterious Land in Middle-earth only left the ancient ruins.

If there is not even an ancient ruin, the clue is really broken.

“After leaving here, go to see the ancient ruins.”

Xiao Changfeng has no clue for the time being, so he has to.

Of course, he will not really give up the early gold mine.

After all, the area is vast and the territory is vast, and the places that Iron Heavenly Venerate is exposed to are limited after all.

“Elder Xiao, you just offended the out-of-boundary powerhouse, let’s leave here first!”

Iron Heavenly Venerate was a little worried and proposed to leave at this time.

The powerhouse outside the realm has left him a deep shadow.

The fire rune Demi-God and the gluttonous Demi-God are so suffocating.

Although he knows that Xiao Changfeng is getting stronger now.

But I don’t think I can fight against Demi-God.

Even more how there are out-of-boundary powerhouses such as fire rune Demi-God.

If the army of Yaksha had suddenly killed just now, I am afraid that a bloody battle would be inevitable.

“Why, they can’t kill me.”

Xiao Changfeng shook the head.

He came here to collect divine gold.

Now that the opportunity is in sight, how can we miss it.

Even more how Iron Heavenly Venerate is so miserable, and also given by Demi-God and the others.

Of course, Xiao Changfeng should also report this.

“Elder Xiao.”

Tie Heavenly Venerate wanted to continue to persuade, but Xiao Changfeng stopped him.

At this time under Five Elements True Yuan and Healing Medicine Pill, Iron Heavenly Venerate’s injuries were recovering at a rate visible to naked eyes.

“President Iron, I will take you away first, you are waiting for me outside.”

Xiao Changfeng eyebrow golden light flashed, thunderbolt Divine Consciousness flew out, leaving a Divine Consciousness Imprint on Iron Heavenly Venerate.

Soon he took the iron Heavenly Venerate and walked all the way out along the entrance mine.

The sound of fighting in the mine continued, but it was much weaker.

Soon, Xiao Changfeng took the iron Heavenly Venerate out of the mine and came to the ground.

“President Iron, you need to find a place to hide first. This Divine Item gives you self-protection.”

Xiao Changfeng reached out his hand and took out the imitation of the Hammer of Heavenly Shake and presented it to Iron Heavenly Venerate.

Iron Heavenly Venerate is a good hand with a hammer, this imitation of the god hammer is best for him.

“Elder Xiao, be careful!”

Iron Heavenly Venerate can’t change Xiao Changfeng’s will, he just has to remind.

Xiao Changfeng nodded, a silhouette immediately flew, and flew into the mine again.

This time.

He is determined to have divine gold!

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