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In the mine, the light was dim and the bloody smell was pungent.

Xiao Changfeng soon returned to where he was before.

I saw corpses running across the field, blood flowing into a river.

There are native creatures, and there are powerhouses outside the boundary, but most of them are from the Yaksha army.

The battle is over, only one body remains.

As for Demi-God and the others, it has gone deep into the mine and disappeared.

“3 out of powerhouse!”

When Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness was swept away, three of the corpses were found outside the powerhouse.

As a result, Demi-God and the others left only 23 people.

And those three ancient Demonic beasts, none of them died.

After all, they are powerful, and they are all Demi-God strengths.

But Guren Yaksha was not here either, and apparently had already fled.

Xiao Changfeng brows slightly wrinkle, Divine Consciousness spread out and moved forward.

There are deep and shallow inside the mine, and there are many branches.

Soon Xiao Changfeng encountered a branch.

In front of it, there are 3 channels, all with blood-reeking qi smell residue.

Obviously, all three channels have been broken into.

However, Xiao Changfeng finally chose the middle one.

Because he sensed that the fat Taoist is here.

Wherever fat Taoists go, there must be treasure.

Following this rule, Xiao Changfeng entered without hesitation.

The deeper and deeper, the cold and evil breath becomes stronger.

And the light is getting darker and darker, naked eyes can’t see.

You can only explore with Divine Consciousness or other secrets.


Xiao Changfeng brows slightly wrinkle.

He found many dead bodies in the mine.

Some are natives, some are Yaksha.

Finally, Xiao Changfeng saw the body of an out-of-bounds powerhouse.

Obviously the fighting is getting fiercer.

Xiao Changfeng did not stay, and moved on, the Divine Consciousness Imprint left on the fat Taoist became clearer.

At this time, the mine hole is getting narrower and narrower, as if it is a narrow passage.

In the end, it was so small that it only had the thickness of a water tank, making people unable to walk upright.

Xiao Changfeng body moved into it.

But the mine hole is still narrower and narrower, and finally it is only the size of the bowl.

Xiao Changfeng brows tightly knit, a special osteotomy, barely able to pass.

Finally, the eyes lit up, suddenly bright.

Xiao Changfeng finally walked out of the mine.

I saw here is a primitive underground stone hall.

It is made of some special stones, which is not exquisite, but it is strong, and can hold the collapse of the mine, so as not to be buried.

At this time Xiao Changfeng saw the fat Taoist.

I saw that the fat Taoists were scouring, even the land was not let go.

“I’m such a genius, I found it so easy to save money.”

The fat Taoist now turned into a butcher, with an excited face and bright eyes.

He held a palm-size shovel in his hand.

The shovel looks unremarkable, but very sharp.

Both hard ground and special stones can be cut open to dig out the remaining divine gold.

Ancient Era, with Great Influence send powerhouse, came here to mine divine gold.

So there was a mine.

But they simply dug out a piece and sent it directly.

Therefore, this kind of gold deposit hall was specially constructed.

The purpose is to store divine gold and then ship it in bulk.

In general, this kind of gold deposit temple has a divine gold chance, which is much greater than other places.

However, in countless years, this Jinshi Temple has been visited by many people.

Therefore, very little divine gold can be left.

But what remains is that he cannot escape the eyes of the fat Taoist.

Whether it is the size of rice grains or the size of fingernails, he was dug out, and Mei Zizi was in the waistband.

On treasure hunting and digging treasures, this fat Taoist really has something to do with it.

I am afraid that a lot of divine gold has been saved in that belt.

Xiao Changfeng really wanted to rob now.

But he still refrained.

This mine is born, there must be Supreme Treasure in it.

It’s better to wait for the shot before leaving, so that the harvest will be greater.

Soon, the fat Taoist was hollowing out the remaining divine gold in this gold deposit hall.

“Unfortunately, it is just a small gold mine. If it is a large gold mine, I am afraid that you can get the legendary divine gold.”

The fat Taoist regretted the head.

But he also knows that if it is a large-scale gold mine, it is impossible to enter with his strength.

The murderous creatures born inside are definitely above the realm of strength.

It was already very lucky to be able to meet a small gold mine this time.

“Let them fight and kill, I just want divine gold.”

Fat Taoist laughed and immediately reached out.

Suddenly the old compass appeared in his hand again.

This compass has a dull luster, with the mottled breath of years, and several cracks.

But it is obviously very precious, and fat Taoists are also used cautiously.

In addition to the compass, he also took out the pointer.

The pointer is as slender as the hair, but there is a mysterious texture flowing on it, which is very strange.

And this pointer, not gold, silver, copper, and iron, does not know what material it is made of.

“I have to go to the other Jinjin Temple to see if I can find the divine gold treasure trove. If I find one, it will really happen.”

The fat Taoist excitedly urged the compass and the pointer.

Suddenly, a mysterious and mysterious air machine lingered around him.

After a long time, his eyes lit up and found a direction.

Putting away the compass and the pointer, the fat Taoist walked along the measured direction.

Xiao Changfeng restraining aura, concealing his body shape, exerting mysterious body method, and following his shadow.

This fat Taoist is also a wonderful flower.

He is powerful, but he doesn’t like to kill.

Instead, he only wanted to find treasure.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng was placed behind him, and he continued to follow.


A roar came from the front.

Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness radiates.

I saw a red lotus in front of Yaksha who was hit hard and was fleeing while fighting, and it was Demi-God who killed him.

The fat Taoist turned and entered a side road next to him, avoiding the past.

Then Xiao Changfeng followed the fat Taoist and met other people’s fighting.

Even the three ancient Demonic beasts also fought in the war.

Guren Yaksha has more than one head, and 3 4 heads emerged from the depth of the mine.

So the battle became more intense.

But the fat Taoist is like a slippery loach, avoiding the War Zone, finding a safe route, and heading straight for the goal.

Occasionally he would stop, take out the compass and pointer, and measure it again.

It’s a pity that he didn’t find Xiao Changfeng who was always behind him.

“Save the Golden Temple.”

Soon, the fat Taoist found the second Jinjin Temple, and he got excited.

But soon it was foul-mouthed out.

“Damn, this place has been hollowed out long ago, and it hurts me to go on an errand for nothing.”

Although he lost, the fat Taoist did not give up.

He took out the compass and pointer again and continued to search.

Next, he found 2 gold deposit halls and dug a lot of divine gold.

But he is not satisfied, very excited, enjoying the fun of this treasure hunt.

Xiao Changfeng trailed all the way, looking at it all.

Finally, fat Taoist luck burst out.

He found the divine gold treasure trove!

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