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That powerhouse named Liao Zhen actually died like that?

Everyone’s eyes are full of disbelief.

You know, Liao Zhen is the powerhouse of the Venerable Realm 9th Layer.

And holding Divine Item in hand, it displays the advanced martial skill of the celestial order.

Its strength is so strong that it can easily defeat most native creatures.

But at this moment, in front of everyone, he was directly killed.

It didn’t take more than ten seconds from beginning to end.

This… this is incredible!

Who is he?

At this moment, such a doubt appeared in everyone’s mind.

This young man is obviously a native creature.

But its strength is so powerful.

The Venerable Realm 9th Layer can be easily killed, at least Demi-God powerhouse.

But Demi-God powerhouse can be counted on one’s fingers of Xuanhuang Great World, I have never heard of such a number one character.

So who is he?

I don’t know the local creatures, the powerhouses outside the group are also each and everyone dumbfounded, can’t believe it.

No one didn’t expect, a humble aborigine, dare to dare in front of himself and the others.

Kill Liao Zhen!

“Ant, you are courting death!”

fire rune Demi-God frowned, staring at Xiao Changfeng with enthusiasm and killing intent intertwined in his eyes, which was heart-wrenching.

The Demi-God also took back his gaze and turned his head to Xiao Changfeng.

“The humble indigenous people dared to kill Liao Zhen, so arrogant, he must be beheaded, killing the chicken to warn the monkey!”

“The ants also want to resist, which is really act recklessly.”

“Kill him and never let him leave here alive.”

Out-of-boundary powerhouses each and everyone hair stands up in anger, staring at Xiao Changfeng untiringly.

Each and everyone took out the Divine Item, his breath exploded and pressed forward.

This scene made other local creatures each and everyone show their fear and quickly retreated.

The prisoners escaped early.

It makes Xiao Changfeng all around form a blank place.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng turned a deaf ear to the anger of fire rune Demi-God and other powerhouses outside the realm.

The beheading of Liao Zhen is not worth mentioning to him.

At this time, he turned and squatted down, took out a Healing Medicine Pill and fed it to Iron Heavenly Venerate.

Enter Five Elements True Yuan at the same time, as for him as the injury.

“Medicine pill? He is Xiao Changfeng!”

Seeing Xiao Changfeng taking medicine pill to Iron Heavenly Venerate, some people in the local community finally recognized Xiao Changfeng.

Suddenly the crowd was in an uproar and everyone was shocked.

After all, Xiao Changfeng was ambushed by the Qiu people in the inner sea.

It has long been said to be buried in a seabed and died for many years.

I didn’t expect to see it again, and it became stronger.

How can this not be shocking?

“Xiao Changfeng!”

Everyone’s exclamation also let fire rune Demi-God and the others hear.

Suddenly all out-of-boundary powerhouses startled in their hearts and looked carefully at Xiao Changfeng.

“Demon King Xiao Changfeng, it’s him, the one called Child of Destiny, didn’t expect him to be alive.”

“This time he entered the mission, there was someone who hunted him, and the rewards were very rich.”

“It’s really there’s a road to Heaven yet you don’t walk it, hell is doorless yet you charged to it.”

The eyes of many powerhouses outside the world are shining and sneer.

With Demi-God and fire rune Demi-God, they do not believe that Xiao Changfeng can escape alive.

Surrounded at this time, surrounded Xiao Changfeng, and prevented him from running away.

Although Xiao Changfeng was recognized, he was not anxious.

Still calm and composed, the expression is calm.

At this time, Iron Heavenly Venerate’s injury has recovered and he can stand up again.

But the battle strength has not yet recovered, only 20-30% that’s all.

Any outside powerhouse can easily kill him.

“Dare to ignore me, act recklessly!”

fire rune Demi-God looked somber, coldly snorted, and immediately shot.

I saw him reaching for a beat.

Suddenly a giant palm with a size of 100 meters condensed out.

The fire was blazing, and the heat was terribly hot, and the terrible heat distorted the space.

This is not an ordinary flame, but a kind of magic fire, which contains violent power.

Wherever he went, he was burnt down and there was nothing to resist.

A prisoner was out of luck and was hit by the flame giant palm.

Suddenly the flames spread on him instantly, no matter how he struggled, he could not be extinguished.

Eventually it turned into a burnt black body in the miserable howl.

“No extinguishing soul fire!”

Someone recognized it and exclaimed.

This kind of magic fire is not only violent, but also has the characteristics of immortality.

Anything contaminated will not be extinguished without being burned, and it is also known as the most difficult to extinguish.

At this time, the flame giant palm that is not extinguishing soul fire condensed, photographed towards Xiao Changfeng with monstrous coercion.

fire rune Demi-God is powerful, although not as good as Demi-God, but it is comparable to Jiang Gu Demi-God.

With this palm, the ordinary Demi-God met and had to resist it with all his might.

“Cold Flame Fire!”

Xiao Changfeng turned his back to the flame giant palm and was still healing the Iron Heavenly Venerate.

But blue’s cold flame fire was condensed out of the sky from behind him, also transformed into a flame palm.

“Lengyan Shenhuo, he even mastered a kind of Shenhuo!”

Everyone exclaimed when they saw the cold flames.

At this time, two flame giant palms collided together.


Thunderous sky, sparks 4 splashing, violent destruction aura, like a gust of wind, filling the entire mine.

The two god fire ranks are the same, only depending on the strength of the exhibitor.

Eventually not extinguishing soul Most of the fire was destroyed by freezing.

The cold flame fire is still part.

High judgment!

“What? Fire rune Demi-God is a bit inferior?”

Seeing the result of the collision of two flame giant palms, everyone was shocked and shocked.

It is Demi-God, which is also slightly narrowed eyes, a little surprised.

After all, fire rune Demi-God is Myriad Realms’ top 100 peerless Heaven’s Chosen.

Although it is not a full battle, it also proves that the strength of Xiao Changfeng in front of him is not inferior to fire rune Demi-God.

This is the first time he has seen such a strong native.

It seems that the title of Child of Destiny is not untargeted.

But how?

The greedy eyes in Demi-God’s eyes suddenly became intense.

He intends to shoot in person and capture Xiao Changfeng.

Such a hard bone is suitable for yourself!

So he raised his right hand, a finger pointed.

Suddenly a black light flashed at his fingertips.

This black light is extremely pure, slowly rotating, and turned into a big mouth.

This big mouth is open, like a black hole, capable of Devouring All Living Things without end.

The gluttonous Divine Beast, rumored to be the most greedy, likes Devouring All Living Things and can even eat his own body.

At the moment, black light appeared, and everyone’s heart throbbed, like seeing a real gluttonous Divine Beast.

Everyone was trembling and fear was abnormal.

Hong long long !

It was when Demi-God was going to shoot.

A huge rumble sounded from the depth of the mine, like ten thousand horses galloping.

This rumble became louder and louder, and finally a black silhouette poured out from the depth of the mine.

“Yaksha Army!”

One man’s eyes widened and he shouted in horror.

I saw these shadows, all Yaksha.

In addition to the previously appeared terrain Yaksha, there are also Yaksha with two wings.

Densely packed, there are more than 1000.

The mine crisis is suddenly coming!

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