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Su Cheng has now been devastated and turned into a human purgatory.

There is a broken corpse everywhere, broken limb remains, horrible to see.

There is no longer a living person in Sucheng.

All were killed by ghouls.

The pungent bloody smell is disgusting, and the thick blood color makes the eyes red.

Everyone felt a nameless anger in their hearts and wanted to vent.

these all are Dawu’s 100 surnames.

But it was slaughtered like a pig and a dog, what a god.

Clearly a demon!

“His Royal Highness, part of it is the body that disappeared.”

After a round of inspection, Zhou Zhenghao returned to report to Xiao Changfeng.

Zhou Zhenghao told Xiao Changfeng about this strange incident.

At night, the corpses were all disappeared.

Now it seems that it was all received by the ghouls and gods.

“His Royal Highness, Marshal, a foreign object was found in the city!”

Zhao Tian came quickly, looking pale, as if his mind was very shocked.

foreign body?

Xiao Changfeng was slightly surprised, so he walked with Zhou Zhenghao.

Before he arrived, he heard the sorrowful cry of Emperor Yun from a distance.

The cry was so sad and desolate.

Lu Wenji and Zhao Sanqing are also here, and their faces are also ugly to the extreme.


Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness spread out, browse tightly knit.

I saw a large blood pool in Yunfu.

In the blood pool, 7 and 8 are densely packed corpses.

These corpses are not complete, they are all broken limbs.

In it, Xiao Changfeng saw the heads of Yun Shoucheng and Yun Shouzheng.

Here, is the second blood sacrifice divine pond prepared by the ghoul.

The method of sacrifice is very harsh, even ghouls and gods dare not say that it is absolutely successful.

Therefore, the second blood sacrifice divine pond was prepared, in order to guard against the unexpected.

And the corpses and flesh and blood are countless 100 surnames.

“Bury them!”

Seeing Yunhuang crying into tears, Xiao Changfeng’s heart is full of killing intent.

Recorded the ghouls on the Must Kill List.

“Yes, Your Highness!”

Even though Zhou Zhenghao was hard-hearted, he was terrified.

At this time, he took the order and took the Xianjia army to take out the corpses. Then, outside of Su City, a large tomb was built and everyone was buried in it.

Emperor Yun stood in front of the tomb, speechless for a long time.

Lu Wenji and Zhao Sanqing comforted him.

Zhou Zhenghao led the Xianjia Army to clean up the towns, hoping to restore the prosperity of Qing State.

On the other hand, Xiao Changfeng walked out of Suzhou City and reached the lower reaches of the Baili River.

The river is surging and endless.

Ups and downs on the earth, like a big water dragon, surging forward with great momentum.

“Little 9!”

Stretch out the right hand and call for Nine Headed Snake.

Soon Nine Headed Snake turned into a black light, revealing its true body.

The huge body of 900 meters, standing between Heaven and Earth, is as black as ink, like a Demon God, full of strength and coercion.

The demon power of Heavenly Venerable Realm makes some Demonic beast shiver coldly in Bailijiang not dare to show up.

“the host!”

Nine Headed Snake lowered his head, expressing acknowledge allegiance and awe.

The six heads swayed, all ferocious, enough to scare ordinary people.

But Xiao Changfeng feels very kind.

Starting from the Yin Snake Sect, Nine Headed Snake has followed him and became his demon pet.

Over the years, I was born to die, surrounded by perils several times.

The two have fought side by side many times and have a deep friendship.

In Xiao Changfeng’s eyes, Nine Headed Snake is neither a pet nor a slave.

It exists as a friend brother.

So for Nine Headed Snake, Xiao Changfeng also spares no effort and is not stingy.

“Little 9, this time I want to help you make the seventh change of True Dragon.”

Xiao Changfeng said that he had come, and then Divine Consciousness sank into the Time and Space Sand leak and took out the dragon ball inside.


The golden light is like the sun, illuminating 8 squares, and there is a golden dragon phantom appearing, soaring through the Nine Heavens, mega 10000 demon.

The emergence of terrifying dragon power makes the Baili River surging and surging endlessly.

There are also many demonic beasts who are weak and fainted directly, floating on the surface of the river.

True Dragon is one of the 10000 Paragon, the highest Divine Beast.

The Dragon Ball is the crystallization of the power of True Dragon.

Although this dragon ball remains Dragon Qi, it is only one of eleven.

But it is a True Dragon ball, and even a dragon ball from the Golden Dragon powerhouse of Divine Weapon.

Its value is inestimable!

“Master, this is… Dragon Ball?”

Nine Headed Snake was also stunned at this time, unable to believe it.

His whole body was surging with baleful qi, resisting Longwei, but even so, he still felt pain all over his body.

It is like a dragon-like 9 god facing an aloof and remote.

Although he is not Dragon Race, he has certain Bloodline connections.

At this moment, facing this dragon ball, I only feel dry and dry, and I can’t wait to swallow it.

“To be precise, this is Golden Dragon’s Dragon Ball. Although there are not many remaining Dragon Qi, it should be enough to support your seventh True Dragon change.”

Xiao Changfeng speaks the law with his words, displays space barriers, and wraps the breath of Dragon Ball without leaking.

So as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

“Master, this is too expensive, I…”

Although Nine Headed Snake was eager in her heart, she dared not take it.

Although he did not know how Xiao Changfeng got it, he must have experienced suffering untold hardships.

But how can I deserve it if I have no merit or effort.

“Little 9, you and I share the joys and sorrows, this dragon ball is nothing to me. What I need is you to become stronger and be able to fight side by side with me.”

Xiao Changfeng shook the head and stopped Nine Headed Snake’s refusal.

After listening to Xiao Changfeng’s words, Nine Headed Snake finally agreed.

“Run True Dragon 9 to change, I will help you refining Dragon Ball and absorb Dragon Qi!”

Xiao Changfeng spoke, Nine Headed Snake’s face was solemn and solemn.

Under the divine realm, all are Spiritual Qi.

The powerhouse of the gods steals Heavenly Dao Strength, absorbs the aura of black yellow, and turns it into divine force.

However, the divine force of different races is also different.

The God Realm of Dragon Race combines the energy of Xuan Huang with its own power to transform it into a special Dragon Qi.

This Dragon Qi is not only powerful formidable power, but also has many benefits for Demonic beast.

Demonic beast in the world, if you get a wisp of Dragon Qi, you can greatly increase your strength. There is a dragon sign.

Although Nine Headed Snake is not Dragon Race, it is also an ancient god of fierceness and one of Divine Beast.

The benefits of absorbing Dragon Qi are also numerous.


I saw Nine Headed Snake falling into the Baili River, washing his body with water.

The Dragon Ball is above his head, as for Xiao Changfeng, it is above the Dragon Ball.

“With water as the medium, Dragon Transformation is invisible!”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes light flashed, and then he squeezed his hands, Five Elements True Yuan hit the dragon ball.


I saw a dragon Qi the size of a chopstick, the whole body was golden light, and the Dragon Qi shaped like a baby dragon flew out of the dragon ball.

The Dragon Qi energy is too powerful, and Nine Headed Snake cannot directly absorb the refining.

Therefore, it is necessary to rely on Bailijiang.

I saw Dragon Qi immersed in the Baili River, Nine Headed Snake was full of black light, True Dragon 9 turned and started to absorb Dragon Qi.

gu lu lu!

Just when Nine Headed Snake absorbed Dragon Qi.

Many Demonic beasts in the Baili River are attracted by Dragon Balls and come from all directions.

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