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Divine Consciousness spread out, covering ten thousand meters.

Everything within the scope of Divine Consciousness cannot escape Xiao Changfeng’s perception.

And with the improvement of Divine Consciousness.

This perception is also becoming more sensitive.

Even the small and subtle things are taken in the entire scene by Xiao Changfeng.

apart from this, the fluctuation of space and the flow of time.

Xiao Changfeng can also feel a little bit.

And within the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Thunderbolt has disappeared, replaced by a square thunder pool.

This thunder pool is pale-gold, and thunderbolt Divine Consciousness liquid flows in it.

This divine sense of the ghoul is extremely precious.

The thunderbolt Divine Consciousness of Xiao Changfeng has doubled. It is also a liquid of Divine Consciousness and condense a thunder pool.

Although this thunder pool is still very small.

But in the future it will keep getting bigger.

1000 meters is the lake and ten thousand meters is the sea.

Wait until Divine Consciousness turns the sea.

Xiao Changfeng’s divine sense will also be achieved.

It can be said that in this time 9 battle of Qucheng, Xiao Changfeng’s biggest gain is this divine sense.

Divine Consciousness retracted, and Xiao Changfeng slowly opened his eyes.

“Your Highness, are you okay!”

Zhou Zhenghao is paying attention to Xiao Changfeng at any time. When he saw this, he came over for the first time, worrying and asking.

“I’m okay, let them be off guard!”

Xiao Changfeng smiled slightly and stood up.

Then walked towards Lu Wenji and the others.

“Emperor Yun, wake up!”

Xiao Changfeng looked at Emperor Yunyun and judged his current difficulties.

Suddenly Divine Consciousness broke into its within the body and rescued Emperor Yun’s soul from the corner.

With a wave of his hand at the same time, Five Elements True Yuan broke into the body.

Healed and healed him.

Soon, the Emperor Yun woke up in a faint mood.

Although his soul was suppressed in the corner, he did not see everything he did about the ghouls.

At this point Lao Tears opened his mouth and opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

“Emperor Yun, you are weak, recover first, what’s the matter, wait until you recover.”

Xiao Changfeng waved his hand to stop Yun Huang’s opening.

The ghouls occupied Yunhuang’s body and caused great harm to him.

Even if Xiao Changfeng owns Five Elements True Yuan, he cannot be cured quickly.

Hearing Xiao Changfeng’s words, Emperor Yun’s nodded, tears in his eyes.

Being able to escape from death this time was also a great psychological setback for him.

At this time Xiao Changfeng walked to Lu Wenji 3 people.

Although Lu Wenji has the weakest strength, Divine Consciousness has already been born.

Nine Headed Snake and Zhao Sanqing are Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse.

However, even they were subjected to secret calculations and their souls fell asleep.

It can be seen how terrifying the power of the divine sense of the ghouls.

This is also to meet Xiao Changfeng, if you meet other people.

Even the powerhouse like the Heavenly Dragon prince and the magical dragon girl.

He was also able to secure the winning ticket and win easily.

After all, there are too few people who can condense Divine Consciousness under divine realm.

And Divine Consciousness can be compared with divine sense, but it is rare.

Therefore, the ghosts and gods didn’t expect to meet evil spirits like Xiao Changfeng.

“Fortunately, it’s just the soul-sleeping method, which didn’t hurt the fundamentals.”

Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness escaped, checking the situation of 3 people, relaxed in his heart.

Soul sleep method, which is extremely difficult for others to crack.

But for Xiao Changfeng, it is no effort at all that’s all.

Even more how he has increased Divine Consciousness now, it is also easier.

“wake up!”

Thunderbolt Divine Consciousness sank into 3 people within the body, and then Xiao Changfeng’s gaze soared.


Suddenly the body of 3 people was slightly trembled.

Immediately the eyelids shuddered, waking up one after another.


“the host!”

“Master Xiao!”

3 people apparently slept for a long time.

When I opened my eyes to see Xiao Changfeng, I was all surprised.

Then they glanced.

Seeing the traces of the battle between the Xianjia Army and all around, my heart was shaken even more.

“The ghouls and gods have been destroyed, and you are all right now.”

Xiao Changfeng took back Divine Consciousness and spoke.

He didn’t give a specific description, but Lu Wenji 3 people naturally agree.

“Tell me about the situation you encountered.”

Xiao Changfeng found a stone and sat down, looked at the three people, and asked.

3 people stared at each other.

Then Lu Wenji spoke.

“Master, we were too careless this time, and didn’t expect even suffered a conspiracy.”

“After we said goodbye to you that day, we went all the way south to the south of Qing State, planning to find Yun grandfather.”

“At first we discovered something was wrong, but Yun grandfather appeared, so that we dispelled our doubts, and then we entered Sioux City and went to Yun Mansion.”

“But didn’t expect, Yun Mansion has already changed drastically. We just stepped into it, we were conspired to fall asleep until now.”

Lu Wenji was ashamed and briefly described what happened.

The thing at this time is also to let them gain wisdom.

If Xiao Changfeng hadn’t appeared and rescued them, I’m afraid they would have become part of the sacrifice method at this time.

“Spiritual Qi has recovered, powerhouses outside the world have come, and some powerhouses have been overlooked by the powerhouses of the gods. They use various evil methods to arrive. Be careful in the future.”

Xiao Changfeng didn’t blame them, but he used the incident to remind them.

After all, he is impossible to shoot every time.

More often, they still have to rely on themselves.

Especially in this special period.

Wushuang looked from outside the world, all staring at Xuanhuang Great World.

Various unheard-of and unprecedented secret techniques will also appear.

Therefore, we must be vigilant to prevent problems before they happen.

This time Lu Wenji and the others luck is pretty good.

Because the ghouls were prepared to sacrifice, they did not kill them on the spot.

And this time Xiao Changfeng also happened to arrive, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

“Small 9, come back!”

After reminding Lu Wenji and Zhao Sanqing, Xiao Changfeng recalled Nine Headed Snake.

He still has Dragon Ball in his hand.

After leaving this place, he will help Nine Headed Snake to break through again.

After awakening the three Lu Wenji, Xiao Changfeng returned to the side of Emperor Yun.

At this time, Emperor Yun’s injury had recovered somewhat.

The spirit is no longer sluggish, but is always in tears, full of sadness.

Xiao Changfeng didn’t say a word, and operated Five Elements True Yuan to help him heal his injuries.

One day later.

Only then did Emperor Yun calm down a bit, and told Xiao Changfeng the reason for his grief.

It turned out that the ghouls took possession of his body,

Cruelly killed everyone in Yunfu.

among which is included his two sons, Yun Shoucheng and Yun Shouzheng.

He watched his loved ones die in front of his eyes, and even died in his own hands.

This kind of pain and sadness is incomprehensible to others.

Therefore, after he wakes up, he will always be crying, deeply guilty and unable to forgive himself.

“Yun grandfather, all these are the sins of the ghouls and gods, not your fault. Don’t blame yourself anymore.”

Lu Wenji is Yunhuang’s grandson-in-law. At this time, he is holding Yunhuang’s hand and can’t help comforting.

“Yun grandfather, you still have Yun Lan, and us. We are your family. Xiao An has always missed you. Will you go to Kyoto with us?”

Under the patient guidance of Lu Wenji.

Emperor Yun slowly eased his grief, and finally agreed to go to Kyoto with Lu Wenji.

A big fight.

There are constant twists and turns, countless casualties, and this situation is definitely not the only one.

Today’s Xuanhuang Great World has 1000 sores and 100 holes.

And all of this is a human tragedy brought about by powerhouse outside the world!

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