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The Baili River stretches endlessly and was the first river in the Great Martial Dynasty.

It is also the place where the White Emperor and Demon Court rule. Demonic beast is countless.

Although at this time Nine Headed Snake only occupies a section of river water.

But Dragon Ball’s attraction to Demonic beast is fatal.

Just a breath, it is enough to attract countless crazy Demonic beast.

Even more how Spiritual Qi After the recovery, many Demonic beasts were given the chance to become stronger.

So more and more Demonic beast gathered from 8 parties.

Soon, there was a Demonic beast closer.

However, Xiao Changfeng implemented space barriers to block the space where the river is cut.

It makes them unable to enter although each and everyone has red eyes.

“Dragon Ball, I must get it!”

“I want Dragon Transformation, I will become a god, I will become a god of 10000 demon.”

“Who dares to compete with me for Dragon Ball, I will eat it.”

The attraction of Dragon Ball is too great, these Demonic beast each and everyone eyes are crimson, falling into madness.

If it is unusual, they see Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse like Xiao Changfeng and Nine Headed Snake.

Must evade early, shrinking his head and daring not appear.

But at this time it was a crazy attack on space barriers.

Hong long long !

Demonic beasts used different methods to attack the space barriers and wanted to break open.

However, Xiao Changfeng remains unmoved.

At this time he kept shooting, pushing out the remaining Dragon Qi in Dragon Ball.

But he was not forced out all at once.

After all, Nine Headed Snake’s ability to withstand is limited, depending on the situation.

Dragon Qi, which is shaped like a young dragon and has golden light, is submerged in the river.

Suddenly dyed the clear river water to golden.

The rich energy is surging, like a spiritual liquid, touching the soul.

Nine Headed Snake’s entire body is covered by river water.

Jiang Shui continued to rise, and finally wrapped his 6 heads in it.

black light lights up from him within the body, as dark as ink.

Contrast with the golden all around.

But his breath is growing.

Standing at high altitude, Xiao Changfeng observed the situation of Nine Headed Snake, and from time to time Dragon Qi was forced out for Nine Headed Snake to absorb.

“right here!”

Suddenly screamed loudly.

I saw a huge silhouette from the middle of the Baili River.

The huge body occupies almost half of the river, let other Demonic beast run wild.

I saw this is a huge catfish.

The whole body is dark, the beard is slender, it is 500 meters in size, and exudes monster qi.

Heavenly Venerable Realm Demonic beast!

This catfish turned out to be a Heavenly Venerate.

This is also the first Demonic beast Heavenly Venerate to appear.

At this time, the catfish Heavenly Venerate eye shows the ominous light, staring at Dragon Ball.

As for Nine Headed Snake and Xiao Changfeng, although he was terrified.

But with Dragon Ball ahead, he will never give up.

“If I swallow this dragon ball, maybe I can fish leaping over the dragon gate and become a fish dragon!”

The catfish Heavenly Venerate’s eyes are blooming, and he immediately expands into the field and strikes towards the space barrier.


As if the comet hit Earth, the huge rumbling sound made countless Demonic beast dizzy.

The wave of terrifying makes the river of Baili River beat the shore and makes waves.

Some Demonic beasts could not bear it and were directly killed on the spot, blood stained the river.

This made many Demonic beasts palpitate and quickly retreated.

However, Xiao Changfeng’s space barriers are hard as steel, completely motionless.

The catfish Heavenly Venerate was violent and did not stop, but continued to strike.

It is the use of various means to break the barriers of space.

Suddenly this world roared, the river reversed, and big waves hit the sky.


A shrill eagle sounded.

I saw a dark shadow flying from a distance, covering the sky and covering the sun, just like a cloud of the sky.

This is a huge black eagle.

The wings spread 300 feet wide, and the gray-black feathers glowed with metallic luster, and their roots were deadly.

The sharp eagle’s beak is even more palpitating, as if the next moment will be pecked to death.

That pair of sharp eagle eyes is even a death-like gaze, which makes people shudder.

This is also a Demonic beast of Heavenly Venerable Realm.

Coming from far away, vowed to fight for Dragon Ball.


The Blackhawk Heavenly Venerate waved its wings, and immediately condense 2 dazzling wind blades.

The wind blade is 1000 meters, just like a storm, falling from the sky and chopped on the space barrier.

This wind blade is enough to easily cut off the mountain and destroy the city.

However, when he hit the space barrier, he didn’t even leave a trace.

“Where is Dragon Ball?”

The ground shook, and a cold, ferocious voice roared.

I saw a huge dark shadow, coming across the mountains.

Passing along the way, everything couldn’t resist and was crushed into powder by him.

This is a Flood Dragon with a size of 1000 meters. It has a horn in its head and a claw in its belly.

And he is also a Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse, and even a Venerable Realm 9th Layer’s powerful existence.

Obviously, before Spirit Qi recovered, he was Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse.

In this way, 1 Flood Dragon does not know where it is hidden.

At this time, it was attracted by the breath of Dragon Ball from afar.

For Flood Dragon Heavenly Venerate, the attraction of Dragon Ball is fatal.

At this time he looked up and stared at Dragon Ball, his eyes were crimson for a moment, and baleful qi was monstrous.


Flood Dragon Heavenly Venerate roared loudly, with a huge body with a destructive power, suddenly killed.

Hong long long !

Catfish Heavenly Venerate, Black Hawk Heavenly Venerate and Flood Dragon Heavenly Venerate.

3 Great Heavenly Venerate shot all together and attacked the space barrier insanely, trying to break it and snatch the Dragon Ball.

However, the space barriers laid by Xiao Changfeng cannot be shaken by non-Demi-God.

Even if they tried their best, they could not be shaken.

At this time, Nine Headed Snake is constantly absorbing Dragon Qi, and the black scales on his body are all wearing a touch of golden.

Nine Headed Snake’s breath is constantly rising, like a breakthrough sky, straight into the sky.

The absorption of Dragon Qi is not going to happen overnight.

3 Demonic beast Heavenly Venerate attacked for 7 days, but still did not break the space barrier.

In these 7 days, Nine Headed Snake is also a cultivation without sleep.

With Xiao Changfeng in, he is very at ease and does not need to worry about being disturbed.

“Shanglonghuaqi, break!”

Finally, Xiao Changfeng’s eyes narrowed, his hands were raised, and he suddenly patted on the Dragon Ball.

Ka-cha !

The cracking sounds.

I saw this dragon ball, which was quickly fragmented, and finally turned into sky stone chips, and it fell.

Ten Dragon Qi was also completely forced out.

This is the last Dragon Qi in Dragon Ball.

“No, my Dragon Ball!”

Seeing the dragon ball crack, the three Demonic beast Heavenly Venerate are all eye socket cracked, full of hate.

At this time, Ten Dragon Qi dived down, just like Divine Dragon into the sea.

Submerged into the Baili River, making the river more gorgeous.

The river of golden and the baleful qi of black are intertwined, and gradually become the color of black and gold.

Nine Headed Snake’s huge body submerged in the river water, absorbing Dragon Qi.

Golden light is getting darker, and black gold light is getting stronger.

To the end.

The river turned into clear again, while Nine Headed Snake was a masterpiece of rays of light, breathing in a breath.


Finally, Nine Headed Snake opened his eyes and raised a roar that shook the 4 fields.


I saw the sky above, suddenly thunderbolt densely intertwined into clouds.

The 7th Thunder Tribulation appears!

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