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Blue Heart Coral contains pure and majestic marine energy.

Its value is comparable to the top grade Divine Crystal.

Xiao Changfeng naturally doesn’t want to miss it.

So he waited for the silver-white Yalong to solve many sea monsters before shooting.

With this Blue Heart Coral, the next cultivation of Black Tortoise Eternal Life Scroll does not need to search for Supreme Treasure anymore.

For Xiao Changfeng, this is indeed an unexpected joy.

But there is an unexpected joy waiting for Xiao Changfeng.

That is the silver-white Yalong!

“Aboriginal? Human?”

Yin Bai Yalong froze, didn’t expect someone still hiding aside.

At this moment he looked at Xiao Changfeng, didn’t expect turned out not to be a sea monster, but a human being.

“You dare to snatch the treasure’s treasure, courting death!”

Yinbai Yalong was furious, and his eyes were irritated.

He opened his mouth.

Suddenly a silver mine spewed out with Destruction Strength.

Want to kill Xiao Changfeng one strike certain kill.

However, Xiao Changfeng stood still, but he did not flicker or hide.

Just stretched out a finger, flicks with the finger.


Suddenly, the silver mines exploded, and the seawater was turbulent.

However, Xiao Changfeng was unharmed and stood on the spot.


Yin Bai Ya Long frowned deeply, staring at Xiao Changfeng with vigilance.

Although he did not use his full strength.

But this silver mine is his Life Source ability, which can easily destroy an island.

It was actually blocked by this person with one finger.

This… this is incredible!

“Aboriginal, you are bringing about one’s own destruction.”

But he was not afraid, his anger and killing intent were intertwined.

Suddenly violent Yalong’s pressure emanated, making the sea water all around seemed to weigh more than 1000 Jun.

“Blue Heavenly Dragon Claw!”

Xiao Changfeng is too lazy to talk nonsense, and suddenly the dragon deterred his suit, and right hand turned claws immediately.

“Pure Dragonway, you are not human, you are True Dragon!”

Feeling the pure dragon power exuded from Xiao Changfeng, the silver and white Yalong complex greatly changed.

He manipulated the god shovel and resisted Green Heavenly Dragon Claw’s hand.

However, under the suppression of Longwei, his speed was much slower.

Tear off!

The dragon claw fell, and crushed a large piece of flesh and blood, wounding Yinbai Yalong.

“Strongest fist!”

By bullying, Xiao Changfeng did not give Yin Bai Yalong a chance to react.

Suddenly, the right hand clenched a fist, and the violent and invincible power surged.

With one punch, the seawater burst, shaking 8 places.


The silver-white Yalong also has the defense in the future, but was hit by this fist.

Suddenly blood spout from mouth, the whole person flew out, smashing a seabed boulder.

Peng peng peng!

Xiao Changfeng moved with his footsteps, keeping up with the silver-white Yalong, and then punched one punch after another.

All hit the silver-white Yalong.

Poor silver-white Yalong possesses many means and countless secret treasures.

At this time, it is impossible to show.

He was suppressed by Long Wei, and his battle strength was greatly reduced.

Moreover, Xiao Changfeng’s storm-like attack also made him have no resistance at all.

Even if he cast Magical Powers, he was still suppressed.

In the end, Yin Baiya’s dragon body was seriously injured.

I saw that the silver-white Yalong was riddled with scars, the skeleton was broken, the flesh was fuzzy, the red blood was scattered, and it was stained with red 4 squares.

His huge body fell to the ground at this time.

As for Xiao Changfeng, he stood on his head and stepped on Yalong.

“You…who are you?”

Yinbai Yalong was seriously injured and was powerless. His huge eyes looked at Xiao Changfeng, and his heart was full of doubts.

In his cognition, the natives of this world are humble and weak.

Even Ao Xuan, he looked down on him.

But he is still needed, so keep his life that’s all.

But the people in front of me.

Breath is indigenous, looks human, but has pure dragon power.

This made him unable to guess the true identity of Xiao Changfeng.

At this time, he was stepped on his feet, unable to turn over.

“The art of Taoism!”

“8 The Art of Suffering!”


Xiao Changfeng knows that the Sea of ​​Consciousness of these out-of-boundary powerhouses has divine sense protective covers, and also has the ability to self-destruct.

So he did not directly perform Soul Searching Technique.

Instead, he used torture to pry open the mouth of Yinbai Yalong.

Although Yinbai Yalong is powerful, his mind is not too firm.

After three days of hard support, he finally succumbed.

“who are you?”

Xiao Changfeng stood on the Yin Baiya dragon body and asked the first question.

“My name is Bai Xuan, from Yalong Divine Kingdom!”

Yinbai Yalong has succumbed, obediently and honestly answering Xiao Changfeng’s question.

“What are you doing in Donghai?”

Xiao Changfeng continued to ask for more information.

“I followed the prince of Heavenly Dragon in search of ancient treasures.”

Yinbai Yalong continued to answer.

But obviously this agreement does not satisfy Xiao Changfeng.

Suddenly tortured again.

In the end, Yinbai Yalong had to tell the truth.

“The East China Sea is the Place of Origin of my Dragon Race. At the time, there was only Xuanhuang Great World, and there were not many races in it. My Dragon Race was one of the original creatures.”

“Later, Dragon Race left Xuanhuang Great World and occupied several worlds out of bounds, but I have never given up on the East China Sea.”

“Ancient Era, Heavenly Dao is asleep, and the whole mysterious Great World has fallen into a dead period, so many of my Dragon Race powerhouses also left.”

“But in the East China Sea, there are still remnants and treasures left by my Dragon Race dynasties, and the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, some of the land turned into the ocean and became part of my East China Sea, so we came here to occupy Tokai, lead the return of Dragon Race!”

Yinbai Yalong knows a lot, but the real secret is not accessible.

But knowing their intention is enough.

“What’s the origin of the Magical Dragon Girl and the Heavenly Dragon Prince?”

Xiao Changfeng asked the second question.

“Mysterious dragon girl and Heavenly Dragon prince are both the peerless Heaven’s Chosen of my Dragon Race. Although they are not as good as Crown Prince Long, they are also in the top 500 in the Myriad Realms list.”

“The magical dragon girl is Sugaro dragon. Although it is True Dragon, she also has Supreme affinity with Rulai Buddhist Sect. Therefore, she has a dual Cultivation and is ranked 300 in Myriad Realms.”

“And the prince of Heavenly Dragon is the heir of Heavenly Dragon, and the prince of Divine Kingdom of Yalong, extraordinary natural talent, powerful, ranked 407 in the Myriad Realms list!”

The silver-white Yalong is also the peerless Heaven’s Chosen on the Myriad Realms list, so she is more familiar with the magical dragon girl and the Heavenly Dragon prince.

Opening at this time, said the power of these two people.

“Are you here, besides leading the Dragon Race, what other missions do you take?”

After knowing the magical dragon girl and the prince of Heavenly Dragon, Xiao Changfeng wanted to know their mission.

However, for this problem, Yin Bai Yalong shut up and refused to say.

Even if Xiao Changfeng tortured him severely, he still kept his mouth tight.

As if the news was more terrifying than death.

“You can only use Soul Searching Technique!”

In the end, Xiao Changfeng was helpless and thunderbolt Divine Consciousness broke through the divine sense protective cover, but before his Sea of ​​Consciousness self-destructed, he quickly looked for memory.

at last.

He understood the real mission of these Dragon Race messengers here!

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