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Dragon Race has a long history.

They were one of the first batch of souls born between Heaven and Earth.

It can be traced back to the beginning of Heaven and Earth, the beginning of the universe.

The Xuanhuang Great World, from the beginning of Heaven and Earth to the present, has actually gone through 5 eras.

Its name is Primal Chaos Era.

At that time, there was only the Great World in Xuanhuang, and the first batch of creatures was born.

Dragon Race and Terran are one of them.

Later, Xuanhuang Great World gave birth to the first out-of-world world.

So the second era opened.

History is called Great Ancient Era.

At the time of Great Ancient Era, Xuanhuang Great World gave birth to the ten upper realms.

The first batch of spirits fought the world war in order to compete for the outside world.

This process lasted a very long time.

Later, the dust of the World War was settled, and the top ten upper realms also had their own.

At this point, it entered the third era, named Ancient Era.

Ancient Era is very prosperous, and the medium world is constantly being born.

And there are also many new creatures appearing, 10000 stands in great numbers.

After Ancient Era.

It is Ancient Era.

At that time, the inferior world has been constantly appearing, but Xuanhuang Great World is still the venerable and highly respected Myriad Realms.

The Shenjing powerhouse is also endless, with 100 flowers blooming.

But then a major event happened, which caused Heavenly Dao to sleep, and the whole Xuanhuang Great World fell into a dead period.

This is the pre-modern era.

Primal Chaos Era!

Great Ancient Era!

Ancient Era!

Ancient Era!

This ancient era!

This is the 5 eras before this, which can also be called 5 eras.

According to the description of Heavenly Venerate at the beginning of winter.

These 5 eras except Primal Chaos Era.

The other 4 eras just represent Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.

Chaos was born at the beginning, the ancient is spring, the ancient is summer, the ancient is autumn, and the ancient is winter.

And now.

The recovery of Spiritual Qi will be the sixth era.

In the 4th season of reincarnation, the now Great Xuanhuang Great World has entered spring again.

In All Heavens Myriad Realms, this new era is called the new emperor era.

Because they believe that the secret of breakthrough God Emperor Realm will be found in Xuanhuang Great World.

When the time comes the new Divine Emperor will be born!

And this is also the goal pursued by all creatures.

Whether it is the God Venerable Realm powerhouse of God Sect Master, or many peerless Heaven’s Chosen on the Myriad Realms list.

Or maybe they are buried in history, but the old monsters who have planned this life.

All they ask for is Divine Emperor!

The Miaofa Dragon Girl and the True Dragon Prince are also the same target.

So apart from taking the lead for Dragon Race.

There is also a terrifying task.

“In the depths of the East China Sea, there is an ancient cave that was once a golden dragon dragon’s nest. They came this time and wanted to find the cave and enter it to find opportunities!”

Xiao Changfeng learned this secret before the Silver of Yalong’s Sea of ​​Consciousness self-destructed.

The East China Sea has been around since Primal Chaos Era.

After five epochs, no one knows how many secrets are buried in it.

But some of them are recorded.

The news about this ancient cave is a big secret of Yalong Divine Kingdom.

It has been passed down until now, but it cannot be explored because it cannot enter the Xuanhuang Great World.

Now Xuanhuang Great World Spiritual Qi has recovered and entered the era of the new emperor.

So both the Magical Dragon Girl and the Heavenly Dragon Prince came for this.

Golden Dragon is the Imperial Family in Dragon Race.

The owner of this ancient cave was once a Golden Dragon in Divine Weapon.

Although not too strong.

But for Miao Fa dragon girl and Heavenly Dragon prince, it is just right.

If they are stronger, they cannot enter with their strength.

However, this hole exists in Ancient Era, from now on, across the vast years.

Moreover, the recovery of Spiritual Qi is not over, and many folding spaces have not been fully exposed.

Therefore, the magical dragon girl and the prince of Heavenly Dragon still haven’t found the location of the ancient cave.

So they assigned manpower and searched 4 times.

This is the case with Yinbai Yalong, collecting ancient treasures while searching for ancient caves.

This time, in addition to the magical dragon girl and the prince of Heavenly Dragon.

There are 100 people in Yalong Powerhouse, such as Yinbai Yalong.

Unfortunately, compared with this East China Sea, it is still an utterly inadequate measure.

So even after searching for more than a year, I still couldn’t find where the ancient cave was.

“Jin dragon’s lair, far away from the ancient cave!”

Xiao Changfeng eyes slightly narrowed.

The secrets buried in the East China Sea are definitely more than this, and the treasures in it are definitely more than this one.

However, those who are either hiding very deeply or simply cannot enter with Xiao Changfeng’s current strength.

This is far from ancient cave days, maybe you can try it.

But the main purpose of Xiao Changfeng’s visit this time was not to find opportunities.

Instead, he wanted to kill Ao Xuan and revenge.

“Now in the East China Sea, there are a lot of powerhouses outside the realm, and there are also magical dragon girls and True Dragon princes.”

“Ao Xuan is Loose Immortal, and his strength is not weak. I am not sure I can kill him quickly. If I attract the magical dragon girl or the True Dragon prince again, then I will not be able to take revenge and beat the grass to scare the snake!”

Xiao Changfeng thought about it.

Ao Xuan must die!

But Xiao Changfeng did not want to beat the grass to scare the snake, wanted one strike certain kill, and did not give Ao Xuan a chance to escape.

However, the existence of the magical dragon girl and the prince of Heavenly Dragon have caused many factors of instability.

“Let’s look at the situation first. If there is no opportunity, even if you don’t shoot, you can’t beat the grass to scare the snake, as far as the ancient cave days.”

“Since they did not find it for more than a year, it means that it is not easy to find. Instead of wasting time, it is better to look for other opportunities.”

For the ancient cave days, Xiao Changfeng is also interested.

But others did not find a clue for more than a year, and he did not think he could find it quickly.

When the time comes wasting too much time here, it’s more than worth it.

So in the end Xiao Changfeng decided to go to East Sea Dragon Palace to see the situation first.

If there is an opportunity, he shot Ao Xuan.

But if there is no chance, give up first and come again next time!

After making a decision, Xiao Changfeng stopped thinking about it.

At this time, the silver-white Yalong has been destroyed by the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and it has just fallen.

Xiao Changfeng destroys the corpse and evidence, leaving only the shovel, stone beads and storage ring!

“This god shovel can dig 10000 things, and stone beads can detect treasure, which are all good things.”

Shenchang and Shizhu Xiao Changfeng already knew its usefulness, and at this time did not let it go, and included it in its storage ring.

Then he opened the storage ring of the silver-white Yalong and began to count the spoils of war.

Divine Crystal, Ambergris, Spirit Stone, Dragon Breath Pearl and other treasure value out of the ordinary.

It’s a pity that many things like silver and white yalong didn’t have time to show, so they were seriously injured by Xiao Changfeng forcibly.

But other than that.

There are also 2 pieces of ancient treasures.

Although it is broken, it is also of great value.

It was discovered by Yinbai Yalong before, and at this time it has become Xiao Changfeng’s spoils of war.

At the end of the inventory, Xiao Changfeng decided to continue his journey to the East Sea Dragon Palace.


Just when Xiao Changfeng planned to continue his journey.

Suddenly, a golden light, hiding the sky and covering the earth, containing Long Wei, spread like half a tide, spreading in most of the East China Sea.

Feel the faint, but incomparably pure Long Wei.

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes lit up and his heart shook.

“Is it ancient cave days away?”

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