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The blue light is gorgeous and holy, and it is not doped with any impurities.

Like the purest blue.

All of this Sea Territory shines brightly.

The sea water is surging and ripples appear, making this seabed canyon, magnificent, like a blue wonderland.

There is a sacred breath overflowing.

This aura is very old and very noble.

Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness rushed towards the black stone without being discovered by Yinbai Yalong.

As early as the treasure gambling conference, Xiao Changfeng discovered that this black stone was not made naturally.

It’s artificially made.

Among the deep seawater scales, there is the avenue formation mark, which can only be seen by the Array Master.

At the beginning, Xiao Changfeng relied on this method of prying to make huge profits.

But this method of prying can only see the silhouette shadow in the black stone.

What is the specific thing, still can not see through at a glance.

This is also the case.

Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness swept away and used the method of snooping.

Found in this black stone, there is a silhouette shadow, neither a weapon nor a soul.

It seems to be a medicine ingredient.

Is it divine medicine?

Xiao Changfeng guessed.

However, he did not attempt to snatch, but continued to watch.

“Sure enough, there is treasure, let me see what it is!”

Yinbai Yalong also didn’t know what the treasure inside Blackstone was.

The stone bead seems to be only able to find black stone and treasure, but it cannot be identified.

At this time he continued to manipulate the god shovel, becoming more and more cautiously, fearing that the ancient relics in Black Stone would be destroyed.

The blue light is getting more and more gorgeous, making this dull Sea Territory translucent.

In the distance, many shadows came slowly.

Apparently the nearby sea monster was attracted by blue light, and wanted to find out.

However, at this time, the silver-white Yalong cut the stone, so there was no time to drive it.

Stone chips are constantly being shaved off.

In the end, an extremely bright blue light was suspended in the sea water.

This blue light is pure, holy, and noble.

Containing the breath of the sea, it seems to be the Supreme Treasure of the ocean.

It is like the same big blue day, all around shines brightly.

Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness swept through and observed carefully.

I saw that this blue light turned out to be a palm-size coral.

That’s right, it’s coral!

This coral has only palm-size, but it is crystal clear and near-transparent, like crystal casting.

The bright blue light burst out from it.

A faint wave, spreading silently, made the seawater all around slightly tumbling.

The rich breath of energy surged like a tide.

In an instant, the sea monsters all around had red eyes, greed and longing.

“Blue Heart Coral, turned out to be this treasure!”

Seeing this coral, the silver-white Yalong was also ecstatic.

Obviously beyond his expectations.

Blue Heart Coral is not a divine medicine, nor a weapon, but it is a very special treasure.

This blue heart coral has been extinct since Ancient Era.

As for All Heavens Myriad Realms, it is not alive.

But rumors about it are endless.

It is said that it is the condensed essence of the ocean, comparable to Divine Crystal.

It’s just the mysterious yellow gas contained in the crystal interior of the god, and it has the essence of the ocean.

It is the highest Water Attribute Supreme Treasure in the world.

The low grade Divine Crystal is only the size of a fingernail, and it does not contain much yellowish gas.

The blue-heart coral has palm-size in front of it.

It is purely sacred, comparable to a top grade Divine Crystal.

The most important thing is that this thing has no market, and it has already been extinct in Ancient Era.

And it is only available in the Xuanhuang Great World, and none outside.

Therefore, the value of this blue heart coral is almost inestimable.

It is the Shenjing powerhouse, and it will be crazy for it.

Yinbai Yalong didn’t expect how to get this treasure.

This makes him to be wild with joy.

“With this blue heart coral, my grasp of the breakthrough god realm is even greater!”

The silver-white Yalong’s eyes are fiery, like seeing treasures.


at the same time.

A huge dark shadow flew from a distance, went straight to the blue heart coral, and wanted to snatch it.

This is a huge tiger shark, extremely vicious, cruel and bloodthirsty.

Even more because of the recovery of Spiritual Qi, the strength breakthrough reached Saint Boundary, which is extremely powerful.

Although he knew that Yinbai Yalong was Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse.

But Blue Heart Coral has a fatal attraction for him, so even if he is desperate, he has to take the risk.

After all, the blue heart coral is the essence of the ocean. Any Demonic beast in the sea will be greatly improved.

“act recklessly !”

Feeling the surprise attack of the tiger shark, the silver-white Yalong smiled, his eyes cold.

I saw him spit out.


A silver mine was whizzing out.

The silver mine quickly surpassed the lightning, flashing in the sea water.

And without being weakened by seawater, the formidable power is a bit stronger.

Pu chi!

The silver mine was like a divine spear, directly penetrated the tiger shark and killed him on the spot.

Suddenly, the tiger shark was completely alive, and the body floated towards the sea.

Yin Hong’s blood dyed the sea water red.


However, the death of the tiger shark did not deter other sea monsters.

The attraction of the blue heart coral is too great, so many sea monsters have lost their minds, just want to devour the blue heart coral.

Suddenly, countless sea monsters swarmed in.

A huge king squid, a very fast swordfish, a huge number of sardines…

Countless sea monsters rushed to kill, monster qi sky, crazy and unstoppable.

Even if the silver-white Yalong is Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse, they can’t deter them.

“A group of ants, also deliberately greedy God treasure!”

Yinbai Yalong became angry, and the cold killing intent skyrocketed.


I saw his huge body slightly swaying, layers of silver light rippling, turning into a field.


Silvery white dragons loudly shouts, Heavenly Venerate’s pressure exudes, and at the same time, with him as the center, silver light has all been transformed into silver mines.

In an instant, this Sea Territory became a minefield.

Peng peng peng!

Sea monsters are constantly being killed, and some directly explode and die into fragments.

Some are penetrated by the whole child, body dies and Dao disappears.

This is a massacre.

Yinbai Yalong’s strength is too strong.

The realm of the Venerable Realm 9th Layer allows him to crush all sea monsters.

Death, killing, blood, crazy…

This Sea Territory became the Asura field, and countless sea monsters died, but no one retreated. Even if they died, they still stared at the blue heart coral.

It can be seen how terrifying this blue heart coral is to them.

After a full hour.

The massacre was over.

At least 10000 sea monsters died.

The corpses and blood interweave this sea territory, disgusting.

But everything is over.

For the time being, there is no sea monster nearby, and the silver-white Yalong has also put away the field.

“Blue Heart Coral, with this treasure, this trip will be a great harvest!”

The silver-white Yalong looked at the blue-hearted coral fieryly, even if he wanted to put it away.

However, it is at this time.

The palms that have always been fair and white are born out of thin air.

Then grabbed the blue heart coral.

“This thing belongs to me!”

Xiao Changfeng spoke lightly and included the blue heart coral in the storage ring.

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