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The ground shook, all around the snow in the trees rustled.

The whole team was ready for battle.

The frost forest environment is harsh, so the demonic beast that can survive here is also powerful.

No one can be underestimated.

One tree after another was ruthlessly pushed to the ground.

Earthquakes are getting worse.

Finally a huge black figure jumped up and then fell in front of everyone.

With a thud, several big trees were stolen directly.

The snow-covered ground was even stamped with 2 huge footprints.

A cold biting bone, brutal fierce demon power, assaults the senses like a gust of wind.

Make everyone have to have Spirit Qi out to use to resist.

At this time, everyone also saw the true face of this Demonic beast.

This is a snow ape.

It is 50 meters high and has thick white hair all over.

The arms are slender, with sharp claw flashing cold glow.

The legs are thick and powerful, like giant columns.

At this time the snow ape glared a pair of big eyes, and the cave-like nostrils sprayed a cold breath, which was daunting.

“Snow Ape King!”

Seeing this huge snow ape, his face became very ugly.

A deep look of dreading is revealed in his eyes.

Because this snow ape is the demon emperor, possesses the strength of 6th-layer in Sovereign Martial.

And Demonic beast because the fleshy body is strong, the same realm is inherently stronger than humans.

even more how bearded is just Sovereign Martial realm 2 heavy that’s all.

“It is this Snow Ape Emperor again, I heard that there are already 5 adventure teams dead in his hands, damn, didn’t expect was actually encountered by us.”

“This Snow Ape Emperor is the Monster Sovereign in this neighborhood. It is extremely brutal and likes to swallow it alive.

“We are out of luck, but since we can’t run away, we can only work hard with it!”

In the temporary recruitment team, many people suddenly showed fear in their eyes.

They have heard a lot about the fierce name of the Snow Ape Emperor.

I have been glad many times that I did not encounter it.

But didn’t expect this time is so bad luck.

In the face of this emperor Snow Ape, they dare not run away.

And most of them are adventurous people, knowing that at this time, only a battle of solidarity can have a chance to live.

Otherwise, in this vast ice forest, even if you escape, I am afraid it will be difficult to leave alive.


The Snow Ape Emperor saw the team at this time and suddenly thumped his chest with both hands, giving a wild roar.

Then the right hand lifted up and grabbed the crowd.

“Get away!”

Bearded hurriedly shouted.

But it was a step late.

The snow ape emperor’s sharp and hard sharp claw is comparable to middle grade Emperor Treasure.

Plus its terrifying power.

Directly tear Spirit Qi out and low-level defense armor.


The screaming sounded, 7 people were directly beheaded by sharp claw, the body fell to the ground, and the red blood was extremely dazzling.

Although more than a dozen people did not die, they were also injured.

The sharp claw of the Snow King is not only sharp, but also cold and abnormal.

For those injured, the wound was frozen directly, and the cold entered the body, I am afraid that it will be difficult to escape.

“Xuanjie Intermediate Martial Skill: Slash Mountain!”

Bearded shot at this time.

He held a heavy big knife in his hand.

This big knife is a low grade Emperor Treasure, and it is also the most precious treasure on the beard.

Many enemies died under this knife.

At this time, facing the Snow Ape Emperor, he also left no hands.

The surging Spirit Qi poured into the blade body, so that a flame appeared above the blade body.

Among adventure martial artists, the treasure of Fire Attribute is the most sought-after.

Because fire can overcome ice, it has the greatest effect.

Therefore, in most adventure teams, there is a martial artist of cultivation Fire Attribute cultivation technique.

This is the case with the big beard.

Although his cultivation’s “Nongyan Jue” is only a high-level cultivation technique.

But with this fire-igniting emperor knife in his hand, it is extremely powerful.


Flame blade glow was cut on the right arm of Snow Ape Emperor.

Suddenly the white hair was scorched, and a one meter long wound was cut.


The injured Snow Ape Emperor instantly became furious.

The other palm snapped towards the beard.

The beard is small in size and responds quickly.

Soon, the attack of the Snow Ape Emperor was avoided.

However, the Snow Ape Emperor not only attacked this Fleshy body.

I saw it wide open and sucked suddenly, his chest bulging.

Immediately, a white frost spewed out.

This frost is as long as 100 meters, like the white rainbow of an unrolled bolt of white silk.

Bai Hong passed through the air, even the air seemed to be frozen by it.

The cold air that had penetrated into the bone seemed to be several times colder than the ice all around.

“Red Flame Emperor Armor!”

The beard’s pupils shrank suddenly, and while igniting the Fire Emperor’s Knife, he used Spirit Qi to infuse his armor.

I saw flames burning above the armor, like fire armor.

Facing the frost coldness of the Snow Ape Emperor

Bearded can’t avoid it, nor does it teleport, so it can only be hard-wired.


Frost and cold instantly hit the beard.

The flame that burned the Emperor’s Sword was extinguished almost instantly.

Then Frost covered the Fire Emperor’s Knife and sealed it with ice.

Bearded was so shocked in his heart that he had to abandon the Fire Emperor’s Knife, otherwise Frost would enter the body and he would be blocked by ice.

And there is no fire burning Emperor knife.

This frost and cold air was quickly hit on the bearded Red Flame Emperor Armor.

Ka-cha !

It’s just that the Red Flame Emperor Armor of the top grade Sovereign Item can’t resist this frost cold.

Suddenly the flame went out, it was even a crack, and the frost spread.


The bearded man had a bow and spouted a blood of ice mixed with ice.

Then the whole person flew out, unable to stop the attack of Snow Ape Emperor.

“Old Huang, save him quickly!”

Ethereal and sweet exclamation came from under the gauze hat.

At this time, the direction of the bearded flight was Huang Lao and the others.

The 20 armored warriors will always be guarded by Huang Lao and the woman, faithfully.

“Young Lady, rest assured, trifling Monster Sovereign that’s all!”

Huang Lao expression is calm, and at this time there is a leisurely grin.

I saw him stretch out a hand, and the surging Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi converged.

Turned into a Spirit Qi giant palm of 100 meters in size.

The giant palm grabbed the bearded man flying upside down and blocked the frost.

At this time the bearded look pale, riddled with scars, but in the end it saved his life.

“Roar roar!”

At this time the Emperor Snow Ape also set his sights on Huang Lao.

He seemed to feel the danger and groaned.

“You scared my family’s lady, use your life to compensate!”

Huang Lao exposed his rotten yellow teeth and opened the sword box on his back.

He reached out and grabbed a thin slender silky sword from the sword box.

“It’s your pleasure to die under the silk sword!”

Huang Lao took the thin sword, stepped out, and cut towards the Snow Ape Emperor.

Ka-cha !

Between Heaven and Earth Only a thin glow of sword glow emerged.

Immediately, everyone saw a blood line revealed on the huge head of Snow Ape Emperor.

Then the huge and huge head suddenly slid off the neck, and the dead body was in a different place!

Sword the Ape Emperor!

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