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“This this……”

Awkwardly adventurous martial artists saw the head of the snow ape emperor cut off and immediately stood on the spot.

They didn’t expect, this famous snow ape emperor, actually died like this.

And he was beheaded with a sword, neatly.

This is simply unbelievable.

What a horror the Snow Ape Emperor played just now.

When one claw fell, 7 people were directly killed and dozens injured.

It is the heavy beard of Sovereign Martial Realm 2.

In front of him, he couldn’t resist, was severely injured and almost died.

However, it is such a powerful Snow Ape Emperor.

Actually, he was killed by the sword with a rotten yellow tooth.

The huge contrast made everyone shocked.

But shock is better than loss of life.

So after everyone came back to his senses, they looked at Huang Lao in awe.

“Cough cough, many thanks, adults, help each other!”

Bearded covering his wound, he stood up hard and thanked Huang Lao Gong.

“No need to thank me, thank my family’s lady. Old slaves are just ordered to act that’s all!”

Huang Lao carried the sword box back again, and then took the wine gourd from his waist, taking a sip.

“Many thanks Young Lady!”

Bearded also knows that Xue Spirit Physique’s status as a woman is distinguished, and at this time it is also to thank again.

“The strong man made a serious statement. You were also injured to protect me. I said thank you.”

Snow Spirit Physique Women are not alone.

There was even a trace of tension in the ethereal and sweet voice at this time.

It seems that he is not very good at dealing with strangers.

“I waited for the injury, and I asked the Young Lady to be accommodating and let us heal the wound first, otherwise it would be cold and cold, I’m afraid I can’t keep going out of the ice forest.”

Bearded is experienced, and because he was injured at this time, he proposed.

More than a dozen people who were injured by the Snow Ape Emperor before this time have become more and more serious.

If you continue to go on, I am afraid there will only be a dead end.

Snow Spirit Physique woman kindness, nodded agreed.

She even planned to take out some healing medicine, but Huang Lao stopped her.

The crowd stopped, some started camping, some took care of the injured.

Everyone is an experienced old man, although the injury caused by Snow Ape Emperor is very serious.

But they have their own means of survival, so no one has died.

But this time although the casualties were heavy.

But it is also very rewarding.

The huge body of the Snow Ape Emperor is a treasure of great value.

Whether it is fur, flesh or bones, it is a rare treasure.

But the Snow Ape Emperor was killed by Huang Lao.

So although everyone salivated, they dared not touch it easily.

“Can this snow ape king be sold to me?”

At this moment, a silhouette walked towards Huang Lao and Xue Spirit Physique woman and took the initiative to ask.

It is Xiao Changfeng!

“Do you want to buy this Snow Ape Emperor? This is Monster Sovereign, the price is not cheap!”

Huang Lao looked up and down Xiao Changfeng, and then said.

A Monster Sovereign’s body is worth up to 1000000 Spirit Stone.

He didn’t think the young man in front of him could get it.

Otherwise, would you come to be an adventurer.

“1,000,000 Spirit Stone, is that enough?”

Xiao Changfeng did not talk nonsense, reached out a wave, and immediately took Spirit Stone out of the storage ring.

Seeing Xiao Changfeng really took out 1000000 Spirit Stone, Huang Lao eyes slightly narrowed.

“The Snow Ape Emperor is yours!”

Huang Lao looked at Xiao Changfeng for a long time, and finally nodded to agree.

Xiao Changfeng didn’t say much, turned to the body of Emperor Snow Ape.

With Xiao Changfeng’s net worth, naturally impossible salivates trifling a Monster Sovereign corpse.

But when the Snow Ape Emperor appeared.

Xiao Changfeng discovered the difference.

The Snow Ape Emperor’s within the body also has that faint baleful qi.

And this baleful qi does not stay on the surface.

It is rooted in the soul.

Fuse together with soul.

This situation was the first time Xiao Changfeng encountered it.

So he wanted to get a closer look at the body.

Perhaps you can find clues about the ice forest.

As for the attention of 1000000 Spirit Stone and others.

Xiao Changfeng didn’t care.

Under the watchful eye of everyone, Xiao Changfeng approached the body of Emperor Snow Ape.

That fierce and fierce head fell into the snow.

The scarlet blood stained the snow making it dazzling.

The pungent bloody smell did not change Xiao Changfeng’s face.

He reached out and grabbed Spirit Qi out, condensing into a sword glow.

Then cut on the body of the Snow Ape Emperor.

While acting, his Divine Consciousness completely wrapped the body of the Snow Ape Emperor and carefully investigated it.

“Fleshy body is tougher than the ordinary Demonic beast, and because of the absorption of Spirit Qi, it is also extremely cold among flesh and blood.”

“However, whether it is flesh or meridian, there is no baleful qi. It seems that after being absorbed by the soul, the baleful qi will not exist on the fleshy body.”

Xiao Changfeng’s inspection is very meticulous. Hair, skin, meridian, flesh and skeleton are all carefully checked.

But did not find the slightest baleful qi.

Then he Divine Consciousness was submerged in the Sea of ​​Consciousness that the Snow Ape Emperor had not yet collapsed.

“This kind of baleful qi melts into the ice and snow, but also into the soul.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the soul of the Snow Ape Emperor has not dispersed, and Xiao Changfeng clearly discovered the existence of baleful qi.

This baleful qi is different from others, and it is suspected of special soul.

The so-called soul evil, as the name suggests, is the baleful qi acting on the soul.

This baleful qi is extremely rare, but the formidable power is also terrifying matchless.

“This Blood Ape Emperor Bloodline is average, but both Fleshy body and Battle strength are stronger and more brutal than other real beasts of Same Realm, perhaps because of this soul!”

Xiao Changfeng thought about it.

Waiting for the complete dissipation of the Snow Ape Emperor’s soul, Xiao Changfeng withdrew Divine Consciousness.

“Is this Snow Ape Emperor special, or is it the Demonic beast in the ice forest? If so, maybe there is a big secret hidden in the cold forest!”

Xiao Changfeng put his palm up, the pupil light flickered, and there was a guess in his mind.

This soul is only in the ice forest, and it must be related to this place.

Only with this current clue, Xiao Changfeng can’t make a conclusion.

So he decided to check a few more demonic beasts next.

As for this Snow Ape Emperor, although it is not very useful, Xiao Changfeng will not be wasted.

Suddenly take the Nilong Danding from the storage ring.

Then began to refine Blood Essence Pill!


Seeing Xiao Changfeng take out Dan Ding pill concocting, the beard and the others were all surprised.

Huang Lao and Xue Spirit Physique women are also surprised.

As medicine pill spread in Middle-earth, Alchemist was gradually accepted.

But Alchemist is only available in the Medicine Refining Master Association and the 4 Party Chamber of Commerce, which is extremely rare.

Therefore, everyone was shocked to see Xiao Changfeng pill concocting.

“Old Huang, he is actually an Alchemist, so young, it’s incredible!”

Under the gauze cap, the ethereal and pleasant surprise also sounded.

“Young Lady, this person is not an adventurer, and he does not know what the purpose is. Follow carefully!”

Huang Laomu was alert and reminded Young Lady in a low voice.

However, this Snow Spirit Physique woman is full of worship.

See idols!

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