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Among the crowd, there is a wave of people who are clearly different from all around martial artist.

The number is only 20, but each has a strong breath.

They wore Battle Armor and long spear in their hands, which was extremely fierce and daunting.

And their strength is extremely strong.

They are all realm in the Heaven Martial realm, and the first person is the strength of the Sovereign Martial realm.

These 20 people at a glance are the elites of the elite.

But they are not the main characters.

At this time, 20 of them gathered around all, protecting 2 people in the center.

these two people one old and one young.

The old man was carrying a heavy sword box, with some hunches and yellow teeth in one mouth.

He wore a gourd around his waist, full of alcohol.

But this unremarkable old man is an Emperor Martial real estate powerhouse of genuine value.

And the person beside the old man.

It is a woman about 2 8 Fanghua.

The woman wore a veil cap and blocked her appearance.

This gauze hat is not a vulgar thing, but a low grade Emperor Treasure, able to resist the prying eyes of others.

So outsiders can’t see the woman’s appearance.

But the figure that looks like a willow, and the white snow-like haw wrist, are enough to prove that this is a beauty.

Women’s strength is not high, just Earth Martial’s that’s all.

But there is an empty and refined Spirit Qi of extraordinary and refined.

This gauze hat can stop others, but it cannot stop Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness.

So Xiao Changfeng immediately saw the woman’s appearance.

Although not as beautiful as Guangling Saintess and Linlang Saintess.

But it is also a capital of upper middle class.

Especially the eyes like the elves in the snow are the most fascinating.

“Snow Spirit Physique? It’s a good innate talent!”

At a glance, Xiao Changfeng saw the woman’s special features.

Although she is of average strength, she is not bad at innate talent.

Owns Snow Spirit Physique and is naturally close to Spirit Attribute’s Spirit Qi.

However, it is not this Xue Spirit Physique that stops Xiao Changfeng.

But the old man just said:

“Young Lady, here is a long way to Ice Fire Sect. It is better to recruit some martial artists here and let them protect us through the ice forest!”

Ice Fire Sect!

This Snow Spirit Physique woman is actually going to Ice Fire Sect.

It is precisely because of this sentence that Xiao Changfeng stopped.

Although he has been to 4 domains and 3 seas.

But Northern Plains is the first time to go.

For the situation in Northern Plains, he basically smeared two eyes.

As for where Ice Fire Sect is, he doesn’t even know.

Originally he planned to go through the ice forest, and then went to a Northern Plains person to ask.

But since this Snow Spirit Physique woman is also going to Ice Fire Sect.

It saves Xiao Changfeng some trouble.

“Lao Huang, these things will trouble you!”

The woman’s ethereal and sweet voice came under the gauze hat.

“The old slave promised Lord to protect Young Lady safely to Ice Fire Sect, these things are the duty of the old slave!”

The old man, known as Huang Lao, grinned and showed a yellow tooth.

Then he started recruiting.

According to what he said, this trip requires the recruitment of 100 people with a strength not less than Heaven Martial.

As for the treatment, it is naturally favorable.

The adventurer in the town has long noticed this group of strangers.

It was only because of the strong strength of the other party that they dared not get close.

At this time Huang Lao heard recruitment.

Suddenly, bold people took the lead in applying.

Since Xiao Changfeng decided to follow, he was naturally also an application. As for his strength, he just released a little breath and was qualified.

Soon, 100 people will be recruited.

Plus 20 armored warriors and one old and one young.

A total of 122 people.

The staff is complete, and the team is Grandiose’s step into the ice forest.

Xiao Changfeng is unremarkable when it is mixed in the crowd.

After all, he is not very young, and his breath is not strong, except for some mavericks, he does not attract attention.

Anyway, there are countless martial artists coming to the ice forest adventure every year.

Therefore, other people did not pay much attention to him.

And Xiao Changfeng is naturally happy.

“In the ice forest, in addition to the Demonic beast and the temperature difference between day and night, there is a big danger, that is the glacial crack!”

A bearded martial artist walked in front of the team, and was talking to Huang Lao.

He is the strength of Sovereign Martial Realm 2 and he has been adventurous and experienced for many years.

So this recruited 100-person squad was temporarily led by him.

And he is also responsible for the safety of the entire team and the explanation of various precautions.

“In the ice forest, there is a lot of snow and ice, and snow and ice will cover some bad terrain. Sometimes you look okay, but if you step on it, you are likely to fall into the crack, so don’t go around! “

The beard’s voice was loud, and he spoke to remind everyone.

At this point the team has officially entered the ice forest.

Bearded, while leading the team, opened his mouth to explain the precautions.

The Xiao Changfeng is Divine Consciousness, which explores all around.

“This is no ordinary ice and snow!”

Divine Consciousness’s sharpness, coupled with Immortal Emperor’s rich memory.

Let Xiao Changfeng eyes slightly narrowed.

Although the snow and ice here looks the same as other ice and snow.

But Xiao Changfeng still felt a very weak baleful qi.

That’s right, it’s baleful qi!

These baleful qi exist in every snowflake and every ice crystal.

It’s just too weak, so it’s hard to detect that’s all.

How big is the ice forest?

Although Xiao Changfeng has not measured it, it can be used as the boundary between Northern Plains and China, which is bound to be extremely vast.

If the snow and ice in the entire ice forest melted with baleful qi.

Then this must be a very scary thing.

“Wood, water and fire, it seems that Wu Changsheng’s conjecture is not necessarily groundless!”

Feeling the weak baleful qi in the snow, Xiao Changfeng couldn’t help but think of Wu Changsheng’s original guess.

When he took Wu Changsheng from the Eastern Region to Middle-earth.

Wu Changsheng once made this guess.

The inner ring of sea is water, the broken dragon mountain range is earth, the Yan Yu desert is fire, and the ice forest is wood.

Wood, water, fire and earth, only one land of gold, can make up Five Elements.

If the land of gold appears, then I am afraid that the entire Xuanhuang Great World will usher in a drastic change, and even the end of the Xuanhuang era.

Ancient Era as before!

This guess is very bold, but it is not impossible.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng set foot in the ice forest, and went through all four major dangers.

Wu Changsheng’s guess is also a bit more to believe.

But this matter is still relatively far away.

So Xiao Changfeng just thought about it for a while, and put it back in his heart.

With the beard, an experienced martial artist, the team is on the way.

There are even several spiritual medicines picked.

As for the temperature difference between the day and night in the ice forest, Beard and the others are already prepared.

When it encountered a suitable place, it stopped directly.

In this way, everyone also entered the depths of the ice forest in a panic.


On this day, a beast roared and stunned the forest.

“Demonic beast is everywhere, ready to fight!”

Bearded complexion changed and spoke quickly.

Finally met Demonic beast!

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