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On the 6th of the first month, there was light snow falling and slightly cold.

The 100 surnames in Kyoto were also immersed in the wedding ceremony last night.

Xiao Changfeng has already said goodbye to Imperial Father and embarked on a new journey.


Rising into the air, he flew towards the west.

A jade embroidered gold-rimmed robe with black long hair follows Feng Feiyang.

Xiao Changfeng stands with his hands down, just like the divine poise and sagelike features.

On his right hand wrist, with a snake-shaped bracelet.

It is exactly what Nine Headed Snake does.

Nine Headed Snake’s injuries have been completely restored during the Battle of the Eastern Regions.

In the past year, its strength has also been improved.

It is now the realm of Saint Boundary 3rd-layer.

This time, Xiao Changfeng went to Northern Plains, so I naturally had to take it with me.

“East Territory is not connected to Northern Plains. If you want to go to Northern Plains, you need to go to Middle-earth first!”

Facing the drifting snowflakes, Xiao Changfeng also thought about it.

Xuanhuang Great World has 5 regions and 4 seas with special distribution.

Among them, Middle-earth is the core.

Middle-earth is not only vast in landform, but also connects 4 domains.

The Eastern Territory and Northern Plains are not connected.

If you want to go to Northern Plains, you must pass through Middle-earth.

To the north of Middle-earth, there is a vast forest bordering the Northern Plains.

That is the famous ice forest.

This is one of the fiercest places in the inner ring of the sea, the broken dragon mountain range, and the Yanyu Desert.

But this kind of fierce place is dangerous and abnormal for Emperor Martial.

With Xiao Changfeng’s current strength, naturally there is no need to worry.

“The Winter tribe is also in Northern Plains. I don’t know if the heart of the winter snow is restored, but if the Winter tribe wants to deal with me, if there is a snake Heavenly Venerate, I’m not afraid!”

When thinking of Northern Plains, Xiao Changfeng thinks of the winter tribe and winter snow.

At the beginning of White Python Secret Realm, Dong Yingxue lost to Xiao Changfeng.

So Dao Xin collapsed and turned into a walking corpse.

This is her disaster and her character.

Whether she can spend it depends on her own.

Xiao Changfeng was not too worried about the threat of the Dong people.

With his current strength, plus Nine Headed Snake.

Saint Boundary’s desire to kill him is tantamount to a fool’s dream.

And if Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse dares to come.

Lotus Heavenly Venerate is a lesson.

But this time Xiao Changfeng is looking for someone.

Therefore, if the Dong people do not come to trouble themselves, Xiao Changfeng will not take the initiative to provoke wrongdoing.

“Apart from this, I have to explore the Earth Attribute’s treasure. In the Great Five Elements Immortal Art, only the Earth Attribute’s Qilin Profound Heaven Scroll has not been cultivated. Today, my other four volumes are already Great Accomplishment, but I can’t go any further. “

“I’m afraid I encountered bottleneck, and I want to break through, maybe on this Qilin Profound Heaven Scroll!”

Xiao Changfeng eyes slightly narrowed, looking into the distance.

5 volumes in the Great Five Elements Immortal Art today.

He has been cultivated in 4 volumes, and all have been Great Accomplishment.

However, it is very difficult to make progress.

Whenever Xiao Changfeng intends to continue cultivation, there is always an invisible obstacle.

It is precisely because of this.

He was the first to reach Azure Dragon Inextinguishable Scroll by Great Success Realm, and now it is almost at a standstill.

The Vermillion Bird Undying Scroll with Fire Lotus cannot continue to refining the cold flames.

Today his 4 Martial Spirits are all ten meters in size.

4 Big Divine Physique, also stuck in Great Success Realm.


After Black Tortoise Eternal Life Scroll and Great Accomplishment, Xiao Changfeng encountered bottleneck.

At this time, no matter how he cultivates, it is difficult to break through.

Only starting from Qilin Profound Heaven Scroll.

And if you want to cultivate Qilin Profound Heaven Scroll, the treasure of Earth Attribute is the key.

However, the usual treasure is easy to find.

But want to find the Earth Attribute treasure comparable to the cold flame fire and Profound Nether cold beads.

But it is extremely difficult.

In Middle-earth and Western Region, even White Python Secret Realm.

Xiao Changfeng was never found.

This time going to Northern Plains, Xiao Changfeng also brought the hope of 10000 Yi.

Xiao Changfeng is now very fast.

A few days later, it reached the inner sea.

At the beginning, he also needed to take a ferry to go to Middle-earth.

Now with its own strength, it can be easily crossed.

After entering Middle-earth, he did not go to Su Qingli and Wu Changsheng and the others.

Instead, go straight north.

After a long journey of half a month.

Xiao Changfeng has finally arrived in northern China.

The temperature here is significantly lower.

But it is not desolate, but rather vibrant.

Mountain ranges, forests, and glaciers abound.

But human traces are much rarer.

In addition to the native residents.

Only those martial artists who traveled 4 ways, or cultivation Ice Attribute cultivation technique, came.

But the closer to the ice forest.

But there were more people.

The ice forest is not a place.

It is the general term for the junction of the entire Middle-earth and Northern Plains.

It is extremely cold here, and there are countless forest mountain ranges and glaciers.

The terrain alone is extremely dangerous.

apart from this.

The temperature difference between day and night is also extremely scary.

The cold during the day is barely tolerable.

But at night, the temperature is low enough to freeze hard stones into ice slag.

Therefore, even a martial artist does not dare to set foot easily.

In addition to the terrible temperature difference between day and night.

There are many demonic beasts in the ice forest.

These Demonic beasts can live in the ice forest, and their strength is extremely terrifying.

If you are not careful, you will die from the belly.

But even in such a harsh environment.

But still can not resist the enthusiasm of martial artists.

Because there are many extremely precious spiritual medicine and minerals growing in the ice forest.

There is even a special Ice Spirit Stone!

Spirit Stone contains Spirit Qi and is made naturally.

But there are also some special Spirit Stones that come with attributes.

For example, if this Spirit Stone is absorbed by a martial artist of cultivation Ice Attribute cultivation technique.

The effect is definitely stronger than the absorption of an ordinary Spirit Stone.

And the Demonic beast in the ice forest is more precious, although it is powerful.

Once hunted to the end, it is enough to make a lot of money.

Therefore, countless martial artists enter the ice forest every year.

“Our team already has 49 people, and we still lack a martial artist who is proficient in Fire Element martial skill. If you have a suitable one, you can take a look.

“The elite hunter squad, only accept martial artists above the Sovereign Martial level, the speed you want to come!”

“I need to collect 100 icegrass, bounty 10000 Spirit Stone, who can take it?”

Xiao Changfeng randomly found a place and walked towards the ice forest.

However, outside the ice forest, he encountered a humble town.

The town is on the edge of the ice forest, where a large number of martial artists gather.

The ice forest is dangerous and abnormal, unless you have absolute strength.

Otherwise, the best choice is to enter the team.

Most of the people here just want to get rich in the ice forest.

As for going through the ice forest to the Northern Plains, it is not much.

“This brother, would you like to join our team?”

After Xiao Changfeng flew to the ground, someone quickly came to ask.

However, Xiao Changfeng was not interested in these things and refused directly.

He stepped forward, at this time intending to cross the town into the ice forest.

However, his footsteps had just been raised, but he paused.

Immediately looking at somewhere in the crowd!

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