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On the tenth of the first lunar month, Lantern Festival!

This is a traditional festival of the Great Martial Dynasty.

However, this year’s Lantern Festival is different from usual.

Because the Young Master of Lu Yu’s family is getting married.

So happy and happy, the entire 100 surnames of Kyoto are immersed in a sea of ​​joy.

Early in the morning, the guests from all directions gathered the Lu Mansion so that it would be impenetrable.

Major Aristocratic Family Patriarch, state herdsmen representatives, rich people, etc.

Everyone in the same place is a big man who stomps his feet and shakes the whole city.

A variety of beautiful carriages will fill the street from the city gate to Lu.

“Ling State Qin Guangde, send 100 meters a pair of emerald red coral!”

“Money has money to give a pair of golden boys and jade maidens, congratulations on the wedding!”

“Burning Sky Sect Flame Emperor, send Mobei treasure to congratulate!”

Great characters come today.

And they are all present as gifts to guests.

Some people didn’t even have invitations, but the visitors were visitors, and Lu’s house was not easy to stop.

So after receiving the congratulatory gift, he invited him into the house respectfully.

Lu House is not small, pavilions, occupying enormous land.

However, all available places in the house today are vacated for banquets.

But even with 800 tables of banquets, it is still not enough.

There are really too many people coming today.

However, so many people naturally did not come to the name of Lu House.

Most people came to Lu Wenji.


It’s the name of the discipline hanging on Lu Wenji’s head.

9 His Highness’s disciples must be married. This is a good opportunity to make up His Highness.

Today, His Highness 9 is no longer the waste prince.

After a battle, plus the name of Hidden Dragon List moved the world.

9 His Highness has long become the idol of the entire Eastern Region.

Not to mention that now Dawu unified the Eastern Region.

Xiao Changfeng is 99% likely to become the next Martial Emperor.

So anything that touches Xiao Changfeng, everyone wants to get together and touch the light.

Not to mention that this time it’s its disciplinary marriage.

This opportunity is rare.

So no matter how far away, the big brothers who got the news set off one after another and quickly came to Kyoto.

“Big brother, look, what a style, the status of many people here is at least ten times that of us.”

With a rich figure, Yun Shouzheng with 2 moustache hanging on his mouth looked at the endless stream of guests with a smile.

The niece is married, he is coming naturally as Uncle.

And on his side, it is Yun Lan’s father, Yun Shoucheng!

Yun Shoucheng is honest and has no big ambitions.

But when I saw this scene today, I also felt very open-minded and extremely proud.

Although I am impatient, I gave birth to a good daughter!

“Shouzheng, although our Yun Family climbed the high branch, but the more so, the more careful we are, there are more than one or two enemies who want to see jokes!”

Although Yun Shoucheng was proud in his heart, he did not flutter.

At this time, as a big brother, warn yourself about this younger brother who likes to play.

“Big brother, don’t worry, I’ve changed my mind now.”

Yun Shou was waving his hand carelessly, apparently not remembering it.

Yun Shoucheng had no choice but to say no more.

The wedding soon began.

Lu Wenji is wearing a red dress, riding a tall horse, uncommon martial heroism.

Yun Lan was sitting on the 8-lift car and was carried by the matchmaker.

Drumming and drumming all the way, it’s hilarious.

Eventually, the team of relatives entered the House of Lu.

Witnessed by many guests, 3 kneels and 9 worship, step by step through the entire wedding process.

Xiao Changfeng originally planned to sit down to observe the ceremony.

But could not bear the kind invitation of Lu Old Master and Emperor Yun.

Finally, he took the first place and became the elder of Lu Wenji as a Master.

“May you grow old together and show love forever!”

Xiao Changfeng took out 2 medicine pills that had been prepared and gave them to the couple in the envious eyes of many guests.

These are the 2 Treasure Pills he specially refined in the past few days.

Although it is not growing cultivation base medicine pill.

But it can solidify the culture and enhance physique.

Lay a good foundation for Lu Wenji and Yun Lan’s early birth.

Yun Lan was sent to the cave early.

Lu Wenji, the groom official, cannot escape the fate of being drunk.

Lu Wenji rejoiced today, but also let go, happy laughter and cheerful voices countless.

Xiao Changfeng sat on the head.

Most of the guests in recent days are directed at him.

At this time, there were many courageous people who took the opportunity to take a toast to Xiao Changfeng.

Xiao Changfeng did not reject this.

Although it was just a tasting, the other party felt glorious and drank directly.

So more people gathered their courage and toasted the legendary 9 His Highness.

When the wine was about to be toasted, it was late at night.

Lu Old Master and Emperor Yun wisely blocked the remaining toasts.

Xiao Changfeng did not go to the Dongfangfang.

Instead, he carried a jug of wine and sat at the banquet, his eyes reflected in the candlelight, and a hint of thought appeared in his eyes.

“Ruoyu, I don’t know where you are now!”

The wedding of Lu Wenji and Yun Lan makes Xiao Changfeng miss Lin Ruoyu more than ever.

This is the person he loves in this life.

But for various reasons, I haven’t seen each other for more than 2 years.

“If rain, you wait for me, I will go to you soon, when the time comes you father It shouldn’t be any more opinions!”

Thinking of the agreement with Lin Qinggang that year, Xiao Changfeng pupil light flashed slightly.

He decided to go to Northern Plains to find the Third Sister, then went to Middle-earth, and then boarded the Holy Land.

This time.

must marry Ruoyu!

“Azure Dragon Mountain’s wind and rain pavilion is always open for you, and it is also eager for the arrival of the hostess, but I believe that this day will come soon!”

The smile on Xiao Changfeng’s face became gentle.

the past few days he also returned to Azure Dragon Mountain.

Everything is the same as before, and the picture of Ruoyu standing on the top of the mountain, like a still fixed in place.

Yin-Yang Academy, Wangjiang City, Azure Dragon Mountain.

These places have left Xiao Changfeng and Lin Ruoyu’s footprints, as well as good memories.

Originally Xiao Changfeng put these thoughts to the bottom of his heart.

But today.

Looking at Lu Wenji and Yun Lan love will find a way, this thought can no longer be suppressed, rise in the mind.

But Xiao Changfeng did not intend to suppress it.

At this time the candlelight was reflected, looking at the red ocean in front of me.

Thoughts are flooding and surging.

“Pharaoh, drink it fast, you can’t drink it!”

“Master Xu, you can’t be ridiculous. Today is a day of great joy. It’s not interesting to drink like this!”

“Come on, let’s go to the Dongfangfang, and add joy to the bridegroom and bride!”

Ears echoed the words of many guests.

Scent of wine, vegetables and other fragrances.

In the night, the red ocean here is as hot as fire and as bright as the day.

Xiao Changfeng held the glass in one hand and looked at the clear wine in the glass.

Seems to see Ruoyu’s familiar face.

哧 !!

Drink another glass of wine, and drink 2 more glasses of wedding wine.

Tonight, don’t get drunk!

Drinking and drinking, tears burst into Xiao Changfeng’s eyes.

If it rains, the next drink will be our wedding wine!

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